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Good Service For The Passenger By Road.
A SHORT time before the commencement of this year's coaching season we wrote a leading article referring to the fact that good service for the road passenger is essential to the......
The Need For Consisteney In Pricing Spare Parts.
O NE of the most important functions of the chassis maker is the provision of an adequate supply of spare parts for every model which is not entirely out oPdate. We are glad to......
Should Municipalities Become Coachbuilders ?
T IIERE is a tendency for certain important 1 municipalities to enter the field of the commercial coachbuilder. For 'instance, power to undertake this work. constitutes one of......
T "public Is Being Educated To Expect A High Degree Of
comfort in the modern coach, and it considers it has cause for complaint if the correct standard be not achieved in any particular passenger vehicle. During the hearing of a......