a What was the operating cost per mile for a 5-toriner
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fitted with diesel engine when averaging either 400 or 600 miles a week in 1961?
AA The total operating cost per mile at 400 miles a week was 16.73d for this size vehicle in 1961. At 600 miles a week the corresponding figure was 1 3.68d.
The five items of standing costs per week which went to make up these amounts were: licences 17s 8d, wages 194s 10d, rent and rates 11 is 10d. insurance 41s 1d, interest 26s 4d: total 291s 9d.
Similarly at 400 Miles a week the running costs per mile were: fuel 2.6d. lubricants 0.24d, tyres 1.26d, maintenance 2.24d, depreciation 1.64d; total 7.98d. At 600 miles a week the reduction of maintenance costs to 2.1d results in the total running costs per mile being correspondingly reduced to 7.84d.
Incidentally, this marginal reduction in maintenance costs is due to the fact that the majority of operators wash their vehicles and do minor services on a weekly basis rather than strictly to a mileage formula so that as the weekly mileage increases the cost of this proportion of maintenance costs (admittedly a small proportion) decreases, although the major proportion of maintenance costs remains the same.