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Ford finding by computer

18th August 1972, Page 19
18th August 1972
Page 19
Page 19, 18th August 1972 — Ford finding by computer
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

1 A telephone call to the Ford Locator iquiry Office at Aveley, Essex, is now II that is needed to discover which of the aller's nearest 10 dealers hold vehicles f the required specifications. This ystem, the first of its kind in Europe, leans that if one Ford dealer cannot satisy a purchaser's requirements from stock Le now has the quickest means available if locating a suitable vehicle from anythere in the national dealer network.

The information is stored by a compuer and is updated from sales returns subnitted daily by dealerships. Answers to inpiffles are produced in seconds and, since he Ford product range includes millions if alternative specifications, the system ;reatly improves the customer's chances if getting the right vehicle in the shortest )ossible time.