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State The Haulage Industry's Case
As members for a considerable number of years of the Road Haulage Association we feel that the Public Relations department of the Association has once again failed miserably to......
Municipal Failings
I was very interested in the article entitled "GV9 for council after driver's complaint" (CM July 28). The Scottish Licensing Authority, Mr A. B. Birnie, appears to be rather......
'off Duty' Explained
Ralph Cropper's concern about the meaning of breaks on and off duty in the goods vehicle driver's record book (CM, Cropper's column, July 14) is unnecessary. The term "break" is......
Tail-lift For Lang/ow
It was with some disappointment we read the caption beside a photograph of our new Commer Van (CM July 21). In that caption the inference was made that this was the first......
Reg Cole • Among the new appointments by British Road Services Ltd in its reorganized structure (CM June 23) is that of Reg Cole, who steps up from executive director,......