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Seddon six-wheelers for the Show

18th August 1972, Page 31
18th August 1972
Page 31
Page 31, 18th August 1972 — Seddon six-wheelers for the Show
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II A revised range of six-wheeled chassis, three with new engine options, will be shown for the first time by Seddon Motors Ltd on its stand at Earls Court in September.

Heaviest in the range will be a 14ft-whcelbase chassis powered by the Perkins V8.510 164 bhp engine. Plated for 24-ton operation this chassis has an Eaton double-drive bogie with 10-top spiral-bevel axles.

Two other new specifications are powered by the 149 •bhp turbocharged Perkins T6.354 engine which provides a cost and weight saving option to the V8 engine in the 22-ton gvw six wheeler. Its availability has also created a lightweight six-wheeled chassis designed expressly for tanker operation at 23 tons gvw.

All the six-wheelers have four-spring rear bogies with balance-beam loadcompensation linking each tandem pair of overslung springs.

Considerable attention has also been paid to noise reduction in the Seddon cabs, which will all now have the treatment first applied to the 34:Four units earlier this year. Two 34:Four tractive units will be among the Seddons at Earls Court.