Q I recall that recently in CM you mentioned that windscreen washers are going to become compulsory soon, but I
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cannot find the issue in which this was published. Could you please repeat the main facts.
AVehicles first registered before October I 1969 must be fitted with windscreen wipers and washers from October 1 this year. Vehicles first registered after October 1 1969 were required to be fitted at the time of registration.
The regulations (The Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1969) require vehicles which have a fixed windscreen to be fitted with one or more windscreen wipers which will give the driver a wide view of the road in front. In practice this means that most vehicles will have to be fitted with two windscreen wipers. Wipers must also be maintained in good and efficient working order and be properly adjusted.
A windscreen washer which, in conjunction with the wipers, is capable of clearing the windscreen of mud or similar deposits will also have to be fitted to most vehicles. Land tractors, vehicles which because of their construction are incapable of exceeding 20 mph on the level, under their own power, and certain public service vehicles are exempt from this requirement.