First 64-seaters on 27-ft. Chassis
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WHAT were described as the first VV 64-seat buses to be built on 27-ft.long chassis in this country went into service with Morecambe and Heysham Transport Department on Monday. The, three vehicles, with Leyland chassis and bodywork by Messrs. Massey Bros., Wigan, are also the first the undertaking have bought out of revenue, without recourse to borrowing.
The buses represent the start of a new fleet-replacement programme under which it is proposed to purchase three new vehicles each year for 16 years. The transport committee may consider reducing the fleet from 53 buses of 56 seats each to 48 64-seaters.
The buses have front entrances, translucent roof panels in the upper deck, large individual windows at the rear on both decks and heating in both compartments.
WHEN Argyll Coaches, Wallace Street, Stirling, applied to the Scottish Traffic Commissioners last week for sanction to operate a workers' express service between Stirling and Grangemouth, it was stated that they had been fined £10 at Stirling on January 28 for running it without a licence.
Mr. R. Farrell, for W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., Falkirk, who objected, said that the applicants had continued to operate the service. They have even run it this morning," he alleged.
The application was withdrawn after Mr. W. F. Quin, chairman, remarked that the proprietor of Argyll Coaches was apparently prepared to defy the law.
A NEW showroom with a clear floor rA area of 8,000 sq. ft., and stated to be one of the largest under one roof in Europe, has been built, together with a service station, by the Marston Motor Co., Ltd., at Seven Sisters Road, London, N.15.
It will be opened on Tuesday by Mr. Jahn Hay, Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport.
A LOSS of £50,000 instead of one twice PA as great is now expected by Bradford Transport Department, following a decision given by the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners at Leeds last week. They gave permission for 4d. fares to be raised by id. on certain routes.
About half of the undertaking's fares of this denomination will go up.
BLACKBURN and Preston Sub-areas of the Road Haulage Association will amalgamate on April 1. Together they will be known as the North and East Lanes Sub-area of the North Western (Eastern) Area, Mr. W. Dixon will be secretary of the new sub-area, with an office at 42 Cannon Street, Preston.