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Evidence Of Customer Not Enough
THE evidence of one customer who I would supply outward loads was not enough to justify more vehicles on an A licence. This was subrnitted to Mr. W. P. James, West Midland......
More Vehicles To Beat Congestion
INCREASING congestion in Manchester is making the collection of goods more difficult and additional vehicles are essential to ensure that export goods arrive on Merseyside......
No Change Of Normal User Without Need
THERE could be no renewal of an A licence for a vehicle which had changed its normal user, without evidence of need, an applicant was told by Mr. F. Williamson, the North......
42 Objectors Attend— But No Applicants A Lthough 42...
at Manchester on Monday, to oppose a B-licence application by A. Foster Transport Co., Ltd., Ancoats, for 20 vehicles totalling 160 tons unladen weight, the applicants did not......