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A Brief Survey..ol the Principal Exhibits to be seen on the Stand of Accessory and Component Manufacturers.
Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd.
Vulcanizers. Stand No. 161.
The leading exhibit on the company's stand is the latest workshop vulcanizer known as the H.F. Vulprezz. It is offered in its initial stage as a tube vulcanizer only, but it can be built up, unit by unit, to form a complete tube and cover repairing equipment. There are larger and smaller H.F. vulcanizers than the Vulprezz, but this model is most suitable for the requirements of the average garage and repairshop.
Drummond Bros., Ltd.
Machine Tools. Stand No. 233.
The new 1921 design 3 in. Drummond lathe is bound to attract attention, because it is suitable for garages where the turning-up of small parts has to tae done. A 7 in. centre screw-cutting gap bed lathe is also shown, together with a full selection of special attachments for this particular tool.
Various types of sensitive drilling machines, a 2 ft. radial arm drill, and a 7 in. bench -shaping machine are also well to the fore on the stand.
East London Rubber Co.
Accessories. Stand No, 163.
A very comprehensive range of accessories is staged on the stand. of these prominent accessory factors, where all types of commercial motor accessories and fittings are to be seen, these including lighting batteries, exhaust valves, magneto sets for tractors, tool kits, brazing lamps, hand, breast and power drills, engine stands, lathes, stocks .and dies, wrenches and all types of tools required in connection with the repair and upkeep of commercial vehicles. Many of the accessories which are sold are specially marketed for the benefit of Ford van and 1 ton truck users.
Zenith Carburetter Co., Ltd.
Carburetters. Stand No. 140.
The carburetter which is likely to attract most attention. on this stand is the new triple diffuser type, which is being shown to the public or the first time. This rcarburetber is the result of 12 years' scientific and practical study of carburation and its principles. It embodies an atomizing and vaporizing device. • A full range of the standard types of Zenith carburetters is also on view, whilst another interesting exhibit is the various inlet pipes and attachments for certain well-known types of commercial vehicles. "
Users of the Ford van and one-tonner will be particularly interested in the special carburetter made for the ubiquitous American vehicle.
Leo Swain and Co., Ltd.
Accessories. Stand No. 171.
Various accessories sold under the trade name of Iseosco are to be found here, these including inner tubes of standard and double -weight, as well as a range of rubber requirements for motor lorries, including asorn bulbs, gas tubing, tyre plasters gatage lose, rubber matting, buffers, repair ,outfits and patches, etc. The Petreesaver for Ford vans, said to give 50 per
cent, more mileage to the gallon, is to he seen, as well as foot scrapers for vans and motor coaches, a full range of Swain solid rubber band tyres, pneumatic tyres of giant section, 0.5. speedometers, Duff jackets, Parsons chains, a full range of lamps of Lucas P. and H., E.C.L.„ and Miller manufacture, erasing chains, sparking plugs, and, in fact, everything which is considered desirable, or as a refinement, on lorries and vans.
• H. Miller and Co., Ltd.
Lamps. Stand No. 177.
Electric, acetylene, and oil lamps form the feature of this company's exhibit. Lighting and (starting sets, switchboards, accumlnators and dynamos are also well to the fore.
Hays, Standen and Co., Ltd.
Castings, etc. Stand No. 147.
The prosluctions of this company are well known to commercial vehicle users, and their exhibits comprise aluminium castings, hot brass pressings, heavy stampings, punching and shearing machines, bonnets, petrol tanks, undershields, and a number of small tools.
Cresswell's. Ltd.
Friction Linings. Stand No. 230.
Chekko pure asbestos brake and clutch linings are exhibited by this Bradford concern. The fibre from which Chekko is manufactured is shown in a crude state. The specimens illustrating the application of this friction lining to various brakes and clutches are most interesting.
• •
• G.D.S., Ltd.
Producer Gas 'Plant. Stand No. 223 The name of Lt.-Col. D. J. Smith in connection with producer gas plant de' sign is well to. the fore, and all those interested in this means of propulsion should make a point of calling at this stand, where the Sphere producer plant, which is Col. Smith's patent, is staged. This is the first plant of its kind to be. shown publicly.
Fellows Magneto Co., Ltd.
Magnetos. Stand No. 155.
The following magnetos are shown in operation on this stand :—Type EM6 for six-cylinder engines, type EM4 for fourcylinder engines, type ES6 for 30 cwt. vehicles with six-cylinder engines, and type lES4 for 50 cwt. vehicles with fourcylinder engines. Conversion sets for Fords and other ignition sundries are also exhibited. .
J. W. Pickavant and Co., Ltd.
Accessories. Stand No. 192.
The accessories shown on this company's stand include-.Hassler shock absorbers, Quikkoeside lamp sets, Q-brand cork insert transmission lining, K.H.E. synchronized ignition, Holing easy starter and petrol economizers, the Quiako oil Eller, which is a permanent attachment for Ford vans and prevents spilling of oil, petrol funnels, and other useful accessories.
A. J. Dew and Co.
Accessories. Stand No. 153.
Every commercial vehicle user will find something of intereSt an the stand of this company, for the range of their accessory. display is most comprehensive.
All types of lamps. are on view, including aluminium lamps With selfcontained generators and with separate generators, cast-aluminium electric lamps, brass, nickel, and ebonize(' finish, head, side, and tail lampssf or acetylene, oil and eleatricity. •
The A.J.D; toW ropeshould interest all heavy vehicle -users • as 'it is constructed of galvanized steel cable tested to 5 tons, with shock-absorbing .spring. Tool kits and tools for every conceivable purpose are well represented, as well as speedometers, odometers, horns, jacks, hood fittings, extinguishers, etc.
. Automotive Products Co.
Axles, etc. . . Stand No. 239.
This company are the 'sole representatives of the Timken Axle Co. in the United Kingdom, and a full range of the products of the American concern are displayed, the types on view being suitable for 10 cwt., 15-20 cwt. 2-3 ton, 4 ton and 5 ton machines. The 15-20 cwt. model is specially designed for use on express delivery vans Tanning onpnetiniatie tyres. 'Other aceessories, most of which are of American construction, are shown in the form of Mather springs, Autoduct link V belting, Detlaff clutches, Warren gearboxes, differentials and spiral gears, Detroit universal joints, whilst pre.ssingssand stampinge emanating from the works of Ruston and Hornsby are also to be found here.
Elm Street Engineering Works.
Transmission. Stand No. 158.
Supaphord auxiliary gearboxes for -Ford • ton trucks and Ford chars-abanes and other applications to the ton truck chassis are shown here. These gearboxes duplicate the ordinary Ford speeds, giving, it is claimed, a 50 per cent. increase on the standard Ford ratios. It is fitted at the forward end of the drive shaft tube and behind the existing Ford gearcase, and is connected to the universal joint.
R. Stephens and Sons.
Brake Shoes. Stand No. 176.
Stephens' adjustable brake shoes for Fords are made of rolled steel for vans and strong section cast-iron for trucks, being lined with T37 in. wire and asbestos lining. A special feature of these shoes is the means provided for adjustment -a wedge-shaped block, upon which the brake shoes pivot. An adjustable and portable engine stand is shown.
Howes and Burley, Ltd.
Lamps. Stand No. _164.
Electric bead, side and tail lamps in aluminium castings, as well as similar lamps in brass and nickel finish, ate shown, together with self-contained acetylene aluminium lamps. Oil lamps, generators made from sheet steel which is galvanized, horns and brazing lamps for garage and repair work are also to be seen.
• D21
Hans Renoid, Ltd. •
Chains. Stand No. 165.
Here are to be found various types of u011er chains, including those suitable for final drives and auxiliary drives, such as camshaft, dynamo, magneto, oil pump and fan drives.
Renol,d invertezi tooth chains (eegmental bush lassulig) irt a varied range of widths between .375 in. and .5 in. pitch are also to be seen on the stand, as well as spare parte and repairing tools.
Carbic, Ltd.
Lighting. Stand No. 193. ,
Visitors to this stand will have an opportunity of examining the Cathie system of acetylene fighting, welding and cutting. lere they will find various types of portable generators in batteries of two or more. The Garble systemleing built on the unit principle, it is possible to connect. the portable generators in batteries of two or more, so that the user of a number of generators has at his disposal the units for the building up of a. large capacity plant.
Ferodo, -Ltd. Friction Linings. Stand No. 149.
For 25 years this company have specialized in the manufacture of friction linings, and a comprehensive range of their standard productions for brakes and clutches is shown. The company's friction linings include Ferodo fibre for cone clutch linings, radially-woven to meet, general requirements ; Ferodo bonded asbestos linings for brakes, and special clutch linings made in various lengths and thicknesses, Fero& bonded asbestos die-pressed linings for flat plate clutches, cone clutch segments and interleaving nterleaving for springs, friction linings for pedal covers, Ferodo Bonrest for preventing vibration and noise from rattling or loose beimets, vice grips for facing vice cheeks, friction linings for Fords and Ferodo material for covering vehicle floors.
Steel Barrel Co., Ltd. Fuel Storage. . Stand No. 157.
The Steel Barrel system of fuel storage is highly satisfactory, and a storage and measuring installation consisting of an underground storage tank, from which motor spirit is pumped into an overhead tank, is the company's chief exhibit. Other interesting lines include a welded steel barrel, which is made in many sizes from 20 to 200 gallons capacity, welded steel water-jacketed exhaust pipes, light welded drums, and a section of a road wagon fuel tank for the conveyance of motor spirit, paraffin oil, etc.
All the company's drums, barrels, tanks, and reservoirs for motor spirit are galvanized in order to avoid a sediment an the bottom of the tank, which would result from the spirit attacking the steel.
British Timken, Ltd.
Bearings. Stand No. 122.
The chief exhibit on the British Timken stand is a comprehensive range of tapered roller bearings, which are specially designed for use on all classes of commercial vehicle, both light and heavy types.
licveral motor vehicle hubs are also shown sectioned, to show the application of ,Timken bearings, whilst a complete commercial vehicle gearbox demonstrates the application of tapered roller bearings to this important unit:
iri22 Another very interesting exhibit is the differential. and worm unit on a heavy commercial vehicle rear aide fitted with Timken bearings.
John T. Hart and Sons.
Hides. Stand No. 231.
Those interested in passenger vehicle fittings, and particularly in upholstery, will find this company's exhibit of hides to be very interesting. The exhibit shows the various colours mid grain textures in which upholstery leathers can be supplied.
Sterns, Ltd.
L ubricants. Stand No. 146.
A special feature of this exhibit is two gearboxes running under actual -working conditions to demonstrate the use of the company's Ambroleum, the well-known gearbox lubricant that "clings to the teeth." A range of Sternol oils is also to be seen.
National Benzoie Co., Ltd.
Benzole. Stand No. 152.
• This is a most interesting exhibit, in which National benzole is shown in its varioes stages of production. National Benzole lubricating oil, which have been specially prepared for use with National benzole or any other motor spirit, also constitute a feature of the stand.
Spiral Tube and Components.
Radiators. Stand No. 241.
This company's exhibits can be divided under four headings these being examples of polished aluminium radiators made for a number of well-known British makers; radiators suitable for certain American chassis ; tube blocks and centres for various types of radiators, cud samples of spiral tubes and also doubleCinned gilled radiator tubes.
E. Kalker and Co. •
Cables. Stand No. 173.
Various types of electrical accessories, including .E.K. sparking plugs, hightension magneto cable, rubber-covered highand low-tension cables, braided highand low-tension cables, brass and aluminium armoured and, single and twin electric lighting cables, brass and aluminium armoured and braided cables for electric starters, and lighting cables, are shown.
Anti-Attrition Metal Co., Ltd.
Anti-Attrition Metals. Stand No. 221.
Patent anti-attrition bronze and white bronze specialities consisting of big-end connecting rod bearings, crankshaft bearings, gudgeon-pin bushes, worm wheels, floating wheel bushes, and all kinds of bushes and bearings and other wearing parts on steam and petrol chassis are shown.
Cooper, Webb-Jones and Co.
Body Fittings. Stand No, 145,
The exhibits of this Walsall concern are, in the main, connected with-buses and motor coaches, and of particular interest is the Newking one-man char-I-basics hood fitting. The fittings are accommodated behind each row of seats, and to put the hood up it is merely necessary to draw the canvas across the body from the rear of the coach, where it is held in position, the hoop sticks being pushed up the sockets, which automatically lock the fittiug in position. Frederick Mountford.
Accessories. Stand No, 232.
The productions of this company are sold under the registered trade mark of " Fremo," and samples of tapered pins; cotters, keys, bright bolts and nuts, sold under this mark, are shown, as well as machine-turned work. Demonstras tions are being given on the stand of a lamp which shows a red hand for night driving.
Anglo-American Oil Co., Ltd.
Motor Spirit. Stand No. MI.
It will beaseen from a visit to this stand that the exhibition of bulk storage for motor spirit ia the feature of the dies play, which includes 1 gallon and 5 gallon. pumps for inside and outside use, portable motor spirit outfits, lubricating outfits, etc. Ass opportunity is given ,to test and judge the time and moneysaving qualities of the Anglo-Aanericati sy.stern of bulk storage.
Sparking Plugs. Stand No. 237,
Ripaults show a full range of their new and improved detachable Oleo mica plugs . intended for commercial work, as well as a good and useful series of lorry-type ieverless compression taps of varying lengths and threads to suit all purposes. Also, the famous Ripault 0.5. speedometers and mileage recorders are shownin the latest models, as well as other electrical and ignition accessories, armoured cable, etc.
W. H. Willcox and Co., Ltd.
Supplies. Stand No. 125,
The usual engineers' supplies and sundries, for which this company have built up a worthy reputation, are to be seen. The exhibits are of interest to both petrol and steam users, although perhaps the latter class will find most to interest them. High-grade oils for all types of engines, compressed asbestos jousting, tractor and commercial vehicle leave, gariage pumps for fixing in barrels, semi-rotary wing -pumps, form a part of the exhibits.
H. M. Hobson, Ltd.
Carbil retters. Stand No. 167.
As might be expected, a remarka,ble range of carburetters produced by the Hobson company, which are fitted as standard in such leading makes of lorries as Leyland, Dennis, Commer Car, A.E.C., Caledon, Watson, etc., are shown on this stand.
• A device which will appeal to all thosewho operate passenger vehicles is the Perfect Window Regulator, which is a mechanical device for raising and lowering windows.
Gallwey. Paul and Barker.—
Petrol Governor. Stand No. 4a.
The M.T. petrol governor is made by this concern. This' instrumentconsists of a specially shaped, exhaust-heated expansion chamber placed between the carburetter and induction pipe flanges, the jacket being eonnected to the exhaust manifold by a flexible tube. The respective areas of the expansion chamber and inlet and outlet apertures are so designed that the lighter portion of the mixture in passing through the device, is deflected, slightly heated, and, given is whirling motion. The heavier portion Is thrown by eentrifogal force on to the highly-heated portion of the chamber.
Drakeson Recorders, Ltd.
tecorders. Stand No. ISO.
All those who like to keep -a check on mining time will be interested in the /rakesion recorder, shown on this stand. t consists of an English lever eight-day lock, suitably fitted into a circular alu
iinium case. A chart-carrying drum, :hich revolves once in 24 hours, is taunted on the clock, the chart, which spiral hi form, being one of the leanes of the instrument. The movements I the vehicle are recorded on this chart y means of a weighted pencil head.
Brampton Bros., Ltd.
ha!ns. Stand No. 170.
rhe name of Brampton in connection ith chains is known to all commercial ehicle users, and the company exhibit types of roller chains, compound roller hains, and inverted-tooth chains, suit. ble for various uses in connection with ,eam, petrol and electric vehicles.
A representative range of chain wheels various sizes and designs is displayed, 3 " well as milling cutters for the tech chain wheels.
W. and R. Blackwell, Ltd.
Bs. Stand No. 240.
Various grades of motor oils and rea,ses sold under the trade name of Imisec are shown on this wmpany's And. Nulsec motor oils are highly rened lubricants, and they are damned be the only brand of oil that will not istorlize. Oil suitable for internalambustion-enginel tractors are .exibited, as well as oil for steam wagons. iulsec motor greases are made in heavy nd light grades, and examples of them re shown as well as Nulsecoleurn.
Hoyt Metal Co.
Letals. Stand No. 141.
The exhibitors on this stand recomtend their No. 11 alloy and I.C.E. ratios of Babbitt (amti-friction metal) ir commercial and other vehicles. Nol alloy is composed of materials which
said to cost more than those of any her anti-friction metal. A selection of ned bearings and accurate die-cast sarings is also shown, the latter in the :nyt metals being true to .001 in. pecimen bearings and connecting rods re shown.
A.1Tandervell and Co., Ltd.
iectrical Accessories. Stand No. 165.
C.A.V.• electrical specialities are exibited with many improvements. The a,ndaril omnibus lighting sets are iown, comprising the new circular type stiamo and C.A.V.-Willard battery. nprovements have been effected in the instruction of the smaller dynamos andel N.G.S.G.), and notice should be ;ken of the new waterproof terminal innection. The new C.A.V.-Willard kage of batteries with the threaded sass: insulation is on view. A system has so been evolved for insulating the bat. .ry from road shocks. A .C.A.y. .nge of sparking plugs, including the iecial Pond model, is also to be seen.
Brown Bros., Ltd.
11 Accessories. s Stand No. 172.
It is impossible to do justice to the .hibits of this company in a few lines, id the only way in which a visitor in secure an adequate idea of the comsny's activities is by a personal in
speetion of the comprehensive range of accessories shown. Amongst others, the following are to be seen :—Duco pumps, Duco aluminium acetylene headlamps, Autoclipsc, electric side lamps and tail lamps. Duco spring lubricators, Disco leaf spring gaiters, Eto magneto sets, vulcanizing equipment and supplies, oxy-acetylene cutting and welding plant, and a host of other useful tools, etc.
Englebert and Co.
Lubricants. Stand No. 148.
The company's welnknown brands of Lubol motor oils and greases are ranged alongside cylinder and engine oil for all makes of steam wagons, and imbricating oils for all types of machinery.
Car and General Insurance.
Insurance. Stand No, 219,
All information on insurance can be obtained from the Car and General Insurance Corporation stand where the usual insurance prospectuses and policies are obtainable.
Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd.
Ball Bearings. Stand No. 104.
To those with analytical minds, the S.K.F. ball-bearing steel to be seen under microscopes, and, microscopic photographs of same will particularly appeal on this company's stand. Other visitors will he interested in the complete road units for trailers,, these consisting of 3 ton and 6 ton trailer wheels complete with Kirkstall axles and pressed-steel wheels fitted with S.K.F. ball bearings, whilst. a commercial vehicle clutch showing very clearly the adantation of S.K.F. double-row, self. aligning bearings and roller bearings is also on view.
Simms Motor Units, Ltd.
Magnetos. Stand No. 218.
Simms magnetos are fitted to many types of commercial vehicles, and various models are shown on the company's stand. Other accessories to be seen include patent Vernier dynamo and snag, neto couplings, magnetic petrol gauges, impulse starters, non-soot sparking plugs, vulcanizers mechanical and electrical horns. folding Syre pump's, and magneto conversion sets. The Simms two-unit starter and lighting system is also shown.
Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.
Components. Stand No. 159.
Three engines are shown on the A.F.C. stand in the gallery, the Y type, with a bore of 120 mm. and stroke of 150 mm., which develops 45 b.h,p. at 1,000 r.p.m., the S type, with a bore and stroke of 108 mm. and 140 mm. respectively, which develops 35 b.h.p. at 1,000 r.p.m., and the K type, with a bore and stroke of 100 mm. and 140 mm., which develops 30 b.h.p. at 1,050 r.p.m. These are, of course, all fonr-c-ylindered units.
There is also shown a new design of spur-typo gearbox for use with engines of 45 h.p., giving the following gear ratios : First, 5.12, second, 2.875; third, 1.685; the fourth speed being direct and the re;verse 5.12. A three-speed chaintype gearbox is also shown.
A new series of worm-driven rear axles, for use with the worm overhead Cr underneath as required, are also displayed, the axles being designed to carry loads upto 5 tons spring weight.
A.C. Sparking Plug Co.
Sparking Plugs. Stand No. 156.
A complete range of A.C. sparking plugsn.whieh have scored many successes in competitions, are exhibited by the company. Owners of oily engines should be particularly interested in the carbonproof models.
There is an A.C. plug specially designed. fur various types of engines, and isformation can be obtained on 11i.e stand as to the type of plug which is best suited to a particular engine.
Fernand Espir.
Pressings. Stand No. 129.
This company exhibit the products of Societe Anonyme de Travaux Dyle et Balealan who have their head offices in Paris. Their exhibits comprise steel pressings of all descriptions including' riveted-up frames and flanged tubes for all types of vehicles; brake drums, clutch cones, and similar components.
S. Smith and Sons, Ltd.
Asressnries. Stand No. 162.
A very comprehensive array of accessories is staged here, including combined speedometers and mileage recorders, which are supplied for all types of drives, and.are suitable for any make of vehicle sunning on pneumatic or solid tyres; electric lighting systems for passenger and goods vehicles, five-jet and single-jet carburetters as standardized on the Straker-Squire and other commercial vehicles; new models of driving mirrors; M.L. magnetos and impulse starters, K.L.G. sparking plugs, lifting jacks of all sizes, oil and acetylene lamps, petrol depth gauges, and, in fact, all accessories necessary for the complete equipment of all twos of vehicles.
Adanac, Ltd.
Tyre Pilling. Stand .No. 184.
A pneumatic tyre filling which serves as a substitute for air, .is exhibited by ' this concern. This filling, which is suit' able far all straight-side tyres, is particularly resilient, and is guaranteed not to crack in use. It lengthens the life of the ordinary pneumatic, and enables a tyre which is badly worn to be used for
hundreds of additional :miles. The four tyres of a Ford vehicle can be filled with this material for a matter of £24, tho front tyres, of 30 ins. by 3ni ins., costing £4 10s. apiece, and the rear tyres, of 32 ins. by 41 ins., costing £7 10s. apiece. Many big users have expressed considerable satisfaction with the properties of this filling in use on their vans.
Allen-Liversidge, Ltd.
Lighting Equipment. Stand No. 160.
A.L. cast aluminium lamps are well to the front on this stand, and. these are intended for head, side, and, tail use. In all these lamps the hinge is placed at the top instead of at the side, as is usual. The A.L. self-contained lamp with dissolved acetylene has been designed to meet the requirements of those who pre: for to have both a lamp and gas supply combined-in one -unit. The acetylene cylincl& has a capacity -of 6 cubic ft. The A.L. self-contained lamp . is very similar to the above lanip, except that it has a cone-feed generator in place of
the dissobird'acetylerse cylinder. • Other exhibits include garage lighting equipment, garage welding equipment, generators, steel headlamps, and the Rolph patent traffic warner and tail lamp combined.
Prices' Co., Ltd.
Oils. Stand No. 169.
• Lubricants for all types of watercooled engines, and lubricants for gearboxes and back axles, worm and gear. driven, and for other purposes in connection with commercial vehicles are to be seen on the stand of this established concern. These include Motorine B, which is a heavy compound lubricant for engines of the Tylor and Dorman type; Oleogene •D, which is a pure mineral lubricant; heavy gas-engine oil, which is suitable for medium-speed engines; medium gas-engine oil, specially recommended for Ford engines; Amber gear oil in two grades, Battersea gear oil for use in gearboxes, differentials, etc., as well as Belmoline solidified oil in three grades, Belgra.phines in three grades, and Olympia motor oil in four qualities.
Kirkstall Forge, Ltd.
Axles. Stand No. 124.
This company are manufacturers of axles for petrol, steam, and electric vehicles, and they have on exhibition a number of their Butter-Davis patent rear axles. These axles are drop forged, and this method eliminates the faults inherent in the best of castings—viz., latent unsoundness. The two weightcarrying arms of the axle are all in one piece with the lower portion of the differential case.
The company also have on view bright steel rounds, hexagons, squares, and flats suitable for various uses in connection with motor vehicle work, and examples of heavy and medium drop forgings.
Robinhood Engineering Works.
Sparking Plugs. Stand No. 179.
This company's exhibits consist mainly of K.L.G. plugs, and prominence is given to the G type, which, in the first instance, was ciesrg,ned to meet the special requirements of commercial vehicle users.
The type G plug has an insulation composed of carefully selected sheets of best ruby mica, wrapped on a central electrode, the external insulation being protected by washers of ruby mica.
R. W. Coan.
Castings. Stand No. 236..
" Castings by Coen" is a household term in the motoring industry, and, as is usual, Messrs. Goan's foundry have on view specimens of their general work in aluminium castings, both sand and die, ranging from the smallest size for special uses to the largest size motor component casting. Number plates in various shapes are on view, as well as hackney-carriage plates, whilst specimens of the company's newly-introduced combined asteprnat and -scraper, which has fibre and rubber mats, are also shown. Aluminium weather-tight licence holders and examples of the classes of work whicn are turned out by the company's repair section complete a most interesting display.
G. Davenport and Co., Ltd.
Accessories. Stand No. -191.
Accessories sold by this company are marketed under the. trade name of Imspecs, and the greater portion of the company's display is made up of mileage recorders and speedometers, although driving mirrors, cast-aluminium lamps, horns; jacks, tool kits, oil-lamps and other accessories are staged.
D24 The mileage recorders and speedometers are specially designed for various makes of vehicles. Imspecs driving mirrors comprise seven different models in three finishes. The new model, No. 6, is a mirror 7 ins. by 5 ins., oblong in shape, which has a special patented fitting which renders the mirror vibration proof, and is suitable for char-,-banes and lorry work. The company are sole selling agents for W. Sanders and Co., of Birmingham, and the types of electric and acetylene lamps made by this company are well to the front.
Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd.
Insurance. Stand No. 180.
All information relative to commercial motor insurance can be obtained at the stand of the Yorkshire Insurance Co., Ltd. This company's motor department has expanded very considerably of late, and they are paying increasing attention to the protection of heavy vehicle users and their machines.
Electric Steel Castings, Ltd.
Castings. Stand No. 234.
Specialists in the design and manufacture of electric steel road wheels, axle casings, gearboxes, and other intricate steel castings, as well as casting in manganese steel, magnetic steel and malleable iron, this company have on view a number of front and rear wheels suitable for various types of lorries, several of which are fitted with pneumatic ,tyres and demountable rims. The tyres fitted are of the largesection type.
British Petroleum Co., Ltd.
Motor Spirit. Stand No. 134.
A special feature of the British Petroleum Co.'s stand is the presence in the flesh of the garage man whose figure has been so familiar to the public in the British Petroleum advertisements.
Other features of the company's exhibit are the model rail tank, tank steamer and oil derrick, which are arranged alongside a number of B.P. products in tins and bottles.
Pettett's Safety Filler Co.
Petrol Fillers. Stand No. 174.
The Pettett patent safety petrol filler has been before the motoring public for some years, and its use is said to make it impossible to overfill the tank, as the fuel is automatically cut off when it reaches the desired level. It is fitted with a filter, which prevents water or foreign matter reaching the carburetter, and it dispenses with the need for a funnel. It is made in two sizes, the larger being specially adapted for tanks with orifices a 2 ins. or more.
Clews, Petersen and Co.
Piston Rings. Stand No. 185.
No engine can give of its best and with the least strain on its various working parts unless it is fitted with perfectly gastight, piston rings, and it,, isfor this reason that the Clupet double coil nogap piston ring, which is shown on this company's stand, is particularly interesting. It is claimed that this piston ring gives full compression, as it is gastight, having no gap by which the gas and oil can escape. It is made in one piece and is of :specially prepared flexible cast iron. By using Clupet rings only one ring is required for each piston, and, therefore, friction is reduced to an absolute minimum.
• Joseph Lucas, Ltd.
Lamps. Stand No. 166
Lamps of various types constitute th major portion of the exhibits of tin company, although such accessories a horns, observation amirrors, jacks wrenches; forced-feed oilers, petrc squirts, batteries, switchboxes, dimme switches,_ etc., are arranged alongsid their lighting equipment. • The commercial vehicle side lamp No. 742D5, has a new vessel locking de vice. It has double sockets to sui standard fork brackets, in. centres am 4 in. pegs. Small side lamps witl sockets to fit the standard flat tongia brackets, suitable for use on taxicabs am public-service vehicles, 'light deliver] vans, and the like, as well as tail lamp: in two sizes, one of which is built oi strong lines for the heaviest classes o vehicles, are shown. The Lorilite. CM52, is a self-contained acetylene head light with single carbide chamber, vshicl should not be overlooked.
Hoffmann Manufacturing Co.
Bearings. Stand No. 217.
This company, as manufacturers of ball and roller bearings, have achieved an established positioxi in the commercial vehicle industry. They are showing a complete range of Hofmann steel ball: and rollers and ball and roller bearings. Glass vases containing highly-polished steel lsalls and rollers are shown, as well as a length of shafting running on Hoffmann ball bearings. Magneto-type bearing components are to •be seen in quantities and these illustrate the interchangeability of parts. Other exhibits include sections of front and rear hubs fitted with Hoffmann bearings, and apparatus for demonstrating the low starting and running effort of roller bearings, an interesting feature being a roller bearing which is shown starting a load on 1 ton.
J. and R. Oldfield, Ltd.
Lamps. Stand No. 151.
Of the comprehensive range of lamps shown by this Birmingham concern, the two that will attract the most attention are the de luxe driving lamp and the acetylene headlamp in steel. The former lamp is made with double-purpose sockets for forked brackets, 5 in. -and Th in. centres. This lamp gives a very penetrating beam.
The company's acetylene headlamps in steel are made with nickel-silver parabolic reflectors, which, in combination with mangin lens, ensure, in actual operations a powerful beam of light, capable of revealing the state of the road some distance ahead. Other special lamPs for special' services are also exhibited.
R. D. Nicol and Co.
Oils. • Stand No. 123.
For their Dragonfly brand motor oils and greases, of which a good array is exhibited in barrels, drums, and various side decorated tins, this company claim the special qualification of maintaining their body or viscosity at working temperatures. They are prepared in the following grades :—W.1, which is extra heavy for summer use : W.2, medium, for winter use; W.3, light.
Other products prepared for different purposes are Dragonfly gear ail and Dragonfly motor greases. The company's chart of recommendations should 'be found useful to commercial vehicle users.
J. Bartle and Co., Ltd.
k ccessories. .Stand No. 220.
As well as showing in the bodywork ection, this company have a good array pf 'accessories( on 'their stand in the allery, where towing hooks (thousands f which they have made), Hilo jacks, eadlamps, non-skid tyres, thief-proof )eks, Dyer atomizers, hood fittings and eneral coach-building accessories are isplayed.
The Hi-lo jack is made in five sizes, of tom 1 to 5 tons.
Battles are manufacturers of the brer atomizer, a component which does inch to reduce fuel consumption. The ompany have studied the motor-coach ood problem very thoroughly, and on his account the hood fittings should be ispected.
tansomes & Mules Bearing Co.
learings. Stand No. 126.
Bearings of all types form this comany's• exhibit, and. these include ball aurnal bearings, of which there is a omplete range of English and metric tandard sizes in single row, double row, nd combined radial and thrust types. !roller journal bearings of similar types re also to be seen, as well as thrust earings, single and double thrust ty,pes, nel 'a range of sizes of roller bushes in ingle, double, multiple, and staggered aw types. These consist of short, arallel rollers built up in phosphorrouse or special anti-friction metal ages.
Smith, Parfrey and Co., Ltd.
Vheels. Stand No. 225.
Artillery wooden wheels, artillery steel 'heels, axles, springs, forgings, and arious types of machine work are rrayed on the stand of this old-estabshed concern. Results from various iethods of welding are also shown.
B.T.H. Co., Ltd.
1agnetos. Stand No. 136.
The type G magneto presented on this mapany's stand is a light and compact lachine, weighing only 4 lb. It is of )und mechanical construction, the-armaare% housing, distributor, under plate ad driving wider plate being die cast s a single unit, the laminated pole pieces !so being cast in position. The impulse starter, which is designed )r use with this magneto, is of special 'fewest to users of hea,ssy lorries.
In addition to their well-known types ! magnetos shown, great interest centres mend the F.M. magneto, which is of the eeve type.
Sheppee Motor Co., Ltd.
on-skids. Stand No. 137.
Now that the winter months are close mad, attention should be given to the atter of skidding, and Ai those users ho are interested in the subject should fail to visit the stand of the Sheppee lotor Co., where they will find a range the company's patent non-skid chains. The non-skid consists of strong chains tied with cross strakes, which are tstened by a special fastener.
Arrota Co., Ltd.
Taming Devices. Stand No. 226.
A direction indicator for commercial id passenger vehicle use, which signals both the front and rear of the vehicle, shown on this stand. It is known as e Arrow, and is suitable for employ ment during the day or night. Each indicator provides four distinct signals. It is operated from a, neat control box mounted on the dashboard, and as the operating lever coincides with both indicators in its movement, the exact po,§ition of the signals is unmistakable.
Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd.
Lubricants. Stand No. 143.
, The Vacuum chart of recommendations has been of considerable.service to many uaers, for it enables the grade qof lubricant which is best suited to various make of engine to be ascertained. It. can be obtained from the company's stand, where the well-known Gargoyle oils and greases produced are also shown.
Glacier Metal Co., Ltd.
Anti-friction Metals. Stand No. 178.
This company, who are newcomers to the Commercial Vehicle Exhibition, are showing Findlay's special motor metal for lining bearinas of lorry..engines, gunmetal shells, white-metal lined, for use in connecting-rod big-ends and main bearings of lorry engines.
"All's Well" Oil Co., Ltd.
Lubricants. Stand No. 229.
"All's Well" anti-freezing compound is guaranteed as a protection against frost. It is said that with a mixture of 70 per cent. compound and 30 per cent.
water it resists 132 degrees of frost, " " All's Well ' black solution (bitumen) for use on chassis and undercarriage work is specially prepared for the protection of iron and steel against rust.
Jenson and Nicholson, Ltd.
Paints; Stand No. 131.
The stand occupied by this company is very smart-looking, being, as it is, finished in Robbialac white enamel. The exhibits consist mainly of specimens showing the application and finish obtained by the use of Robbialac enamel for painting motor delivery vans, lorries and other commercial vehicles. A van body finished in the complete Robbialac painting process is on view.
B.L.I.C., Ltd.
Magnetos. Stand No. 238.
British magnetos have virtually ousted the foreign product, and the remarkable extent to which this object has been achieved can be gathered by the range of magnetos shown on the stand of the British Lighting and Ignition Co., Ltd., where a range of B.L.I.C, magnetos for every type of commercial vehicle engine is displayed. Possibly the most interesting exhibit is the new B.L.I.C. lighting, starting and ignition equipment for delivery vans, which is shown under actual working conditions,
Cadisch and Sons.
Ball Bearings, Stand No. 139.
This cOmpany are sole agents for the United Eingdom for R.B.F. ball bearings made by Compagnie d'Applications Mecaniqnes, of Paris, and they show a full range of ball, roller and thrust bearings produced by this French concern for almost every conceivable purpose. The combined journal and thrust bearing, which is the most recent product of the company, is a bearing of the same size as an ordinary journal bear, ing, but it will stand a journal and thrust load.
Imperial Motor Industries, Ltd.
Petrol eauge. Stand No. 106.
Amidst a good array of accessories on this company's stand is a new type of petrol gauge, which is manufactured by Depth-o-meters, Ltd., under Murphy's patents. This instrument is of simple construction, easy to read, arid abso
lutely accurate in its indications. It shows in a gauge glass the exact quantity of petrol in the tank. The instrument consists of three parts, an outer case with wide slot and scale attached, an inner gauge glass, concealed at one end and open at the other, capable of sliding within the case, the third part being an open-ended metal tube attaChed to the outer case, and fixed centrally within the gauge glass.
Other accessories shown on this company's stand include accumulators, thrust bearings, journal bearings, dynamos, lamps, sparking plugs, Coventry chains, as well as a variety of tools.
L. C. Rawlence and Co., Ltd.
Coach Fittings. Stand No. 154.
Visitors to the stand of the Westminster Coach Works, Ltd., on the ground floor will probably have noticed a char-e-bancs fitted with Rawlence folding screens, and if they are desirous of . securing additional information regarding this fitting they should not neglect to call at the stand of the above company, where Messrs. L. 0. Rawlence are showang a new design of side shields which completely enclose the sides of a motor coach.
George Hatch.
Machine Tools. Stand No 121.
A 4 in. centre lathe, pillar and bench drilling machines, grinding and polishing heads, and variable moulds for whitemetal bearings are to be seen as well as twist drills, • reamers, milling cutters, breast and hand drills, stocks and dies, taps, etc. Steam wagon users will be particularly interested in the injectors, mechanical lubricators-, packings, etc.
Hall and Hall.
Jointing. Stand No. 127.
The type of jointing known as Hallite, to be foiled on this company's stand, is a jointing which has enjoyed a reputation for over 20 years, and it is used extensively by motor vehicle manufacturers. Hallite motor jointing will not stick or blow, and, therefore, a joint can easily be removed and replaced again.
Motor Spirit. Stand No. 227.
Carburine motor .spirit, (lice motor spirit, Gliect motor lubricants and greases, and Glico white spirit (turpentine substitute) in 2 gallon cans and in steel barrels are displayed. ' This company's spirit is put up in yellow cans, which are familiar to many commercial vehicle users.
C. C. Wakefield and Co., Ltd.
Lubricants. Stand No. 135.
Suitable vessels in which a complete range of Castrol grades of oil and Castrol gear oil are accommodated are open to inspection on this company's stand. The gear grease is effectively demonstrated by a gearbox in operation. The patent self-locking tap, which it fitted to all Castrol drums and barrels, is also shown.
S. F. Bowser and CO.
Fuel Storage. Stand No. 183.
The chief feature -of this company's exhibit is the well-known Red Bowser five-gallon peErol or benzoic pump, which can discharge spirit direct from the underground tank to the fuel tank of the vehicle. The pump is so constructed that any quantity from half a gallon toefive gallons can be discharged, the speed of the pump being 20 gallons per minute. During the operation the spirit passes throagh a centrifugal filter. Another interesting feature of this stand is the up-to-date method for the storage of lubricating oils.
Cooper-Stewart Engineering Co.
Speedometers. Stand No. 188.
Various types of Stewart magnetic speedometers suitable for both light and heavy vehicles are shown here. These instruments are of sturdy design, and the case is cast in one piece. The instrument head is concealed so that it is impossible to tamper with the internal mechanism. Hub cap mileage recorders for Ford vans and 1 ton trucks are to be seen. As well as Stewart mechanical horns, Stewart searchlights and the Stewart automatic lubricating system for Fords are Shown.
The Stewart handy workersis a combination tool which should not he overlooked.
Bramco, Ltd.
Components. Stand No. 228.
Several new lines on the stand of this company make theirfirst appearance, these including the Carson Little Aristocratic four-cylinder engine with a bore and stroke of 2i ins, and 4 ins. respectively; Aerolite disc wood • wheels, which are made to fit the ordinary wood wheel hubs; compression puncture-proof tubes; Liberty hand pumps, which are attached to the running board, and will inflate tyres up to 140 lb. pressure; and the Conord six-speed auxiliary trans. mission for Fords. This transmission gives forward speeds of from 5.2 to 1 to 19.6 to 1, and three reverse gears. The display is most representative.
Degory No-jet Carburetter Co.
Carburetters. Stand No. 222.
"The most. striking feature of the Degory No-jet carburetter, of which a num-' bet of examples is shown on this stand, is the absence of a jet. The Degory carburetter follows normal carburetter practice in two essentials only, these being the float chamber and the throttle.
Two very distinct improvements have been made in the carburetter without any alteration of principle or functioning. A special Ford model is also shown on the stand.
S. Wolf and Co., Ltd.
Carburetters. Stand No. 144.
Many users are familiar with the Solex carburetter, and the new D type is shown along with other models.
Sauser plugs are also shown on this stand, the principal distinguishing feature of these pings being the patent spring terminal and clip. Other exhibits include•portable electric tools for machine shops buffalo fibre mallets and quick action Aces.
Parsons and Sons.
Paints. Stand No. 186, This company display panels showis g the results obtained on bodies of motor vehicles by the use of Parsons anti-rust primers (for'Cin steel bodies
to prevent the flakiug of paint) ; Parsonia non-poisonous paste filler and Motorlene paste, Motorlene enamel, hard-drying motor body varnish, which is a, flatting varnish for use over colours in turpentine, and a finishing body varnish.
Forges de Bellecourt.
Pressings. Stand No. 13.
All types of pressings suitable for motor vehicles are shown in the form of back-axle casings, brake drums, casehardened steel boxes' running-board brackets, disc wheels, front axles, etc.
Snowdon, Sons and Co.
Oils and Greases. Stand No. 235.
Petrol and steam wagon users should both be interested in this company's exhibit, which consists of Snowdrift motor oils and greases, Snowdite jointing, and various types of lubricators.
Small, and Parkes, Ltd.
Friction Linings. Stand No. 130.
This company's friction linings are sold under the trade mark of Don. Metallic brake and clutch linings, fibre brake and clutch linings, asbestos metallic discs, asbestos metallic sheet ing and fibre sheeting are shown. ,
Conner Magneto and Ignition.
Magnetos. Stand No. 142. Standard types of C.M.I. magnetos are shown, various models being electrically driven to demonstrate the sparking characteristics at low and high speeds. Lamps, wires and other electrical accessories are also on view.
Springs. Cocker Bros., Ltd. . Stand No. 224.
Lam hinted springs with rolled steel eyes and with eyes bushed with phosphor bronze and gunmetal, as well as spiral springs for valves and clutches and volute springs, are to be seen, together with samples of high-speed steel.
Sheffield Steel Products, Ltd.
Stampings. Stand No. 182. The exhibit of this company will be of interest both to petrol and steam wagon users alike, for it comprises steel wheels, dashboards, boiler pressings, hubs, and sheet-steel pressings of all descriptions, as well as drop forgings for miscellaneous purposes. „
Samuel Bros., Ltd.
Uniforms. Stand No. 194.
Those who pay attention to the appearance of their drivers, and particularly van owners, will be interested in the uniforms, caps and leggings to be seen on this stand. Leather aprons, waterproofs and oilskins are also exhibited, as well as lamps and horns
Miller Brothers,
Transmission. Stand No. 11. The Miller multiple gear units provide additional gears for the Ford. The exhibits comprise a complete unit, the integral parts composing a complete gearbox, and sections showing arrangement whereby direct drive is obtained throughout with no layshaft.
Sterling Metals, Ltd.
Aluminium Castings. Stand No. 107.
Aluminium castings in the form of crankcases and gearboxes are shown on this stand, together with cylinder and piston castings in Sterling cylinder iron. Fsxtrucled metal sections in 45 ton hightensile bronze, free cutting brasses, and aluminium rounds, squares, hexagons and special sections are also displayed.
Coventry Chain Co., Ltd.
Chains. • Stand No. 133
To all users of chain-driven vehicle this company's exhibits, which compris specimens of heavy roller chains fret 1 in. to .3 in. pitch, will be partictilarl interesting, especially as Coventry chain are adopted as standard by many of th manufacturers of steam and petrc vehicles. Examples of the Coventry ir verted-tooth (noiseless) high-speed chair which is used for all types of auxiliar, transmissiosi., such as camshafts, mag netos, lighting sets, self-starters, gee] boxes, etc., are also to be seen, as we as A.E.C. type chain-speed gearboxei which are fitted to the L.G.O.C. buses.
North and Sons, Ltd.
Magnetos. Stand No. 132 Watford magnetos and speedometer are arranged on this company's stand So far as magnetos are concerned, till company's new models, with movahl extensions to the pole shoes, by mean of which, with the spark fully retarded a spark is obtained of equal intensity t that obtained at the position of In) advance. will be of interest.
The regular models of speedometers fo commercial service are also to be seen cs the stand.
John Smith and Co., Ltd.
Leather Substitute. Stand No. 175
The chief Seature of this company' exhibit is, of course, their leather sub stitute, for winch they claim resistaric front all kinds of weather, ha or cold It Is produced by a patented process la: up-to-datemachinery, and it is mar keted at a moderate price. Smith' leather substitute " Levvarex " brim for motor coaches and other vehicles upholstery, as well as their "All
weater " brand lorry covers and "tar paulins, drivers' aprons, etc., will be o show.
Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd.
Wire Wheels, etc. Stand No. 211
Rudge-Whitworth wire wheels nee, no introduction, and they are show fitted with giant pneumatic tyres am twin pneumatic tyres. Other lines in chide hubs, detachable discs, greas pumps, ball bearings or various types samples of forgings, stampings am pressings, and such accessories as span nets, hammers, lock nuts, etc.
Brown and Co. (Loton), Ltd.
kccessories. Stand No. 128
Apart from a range of lamps on thi company's stand, sparking plugs, sprin; leaf lubricators, horns, Acme carburet tees, Waltham speedometers, and lin] humidifiers aro shown. Hood fitting will interest those engaged in passenger vehicle operation, whilst a range of tool is of use to general engineers.
The Phosphor Bronze Co., Ltd
Castings. Stand No. 196 Cog Wheel brand phosphor bronze in the form of solid and cored sticks am half bearings for bushes, bearings, etc. are shown, as well as rolled rod, sheet strip, drawn wire, tube, etc., and gun metal and manganese bronze in the forn of ingots and castings, and white anti friction metals.
Champion Spark Plug Co. •
Sparking Plugs. Stand No. 195
Sparking plugs are, of course, th chief centre of attraction on this stand although a complete line of primim plugs is to he seen, together with th Champion Minute cleaner.
Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd.
lyres. Stand No, 210, As well as the usual .range of solid yres, this company have on view a new olid non-skid 'which is suitable for fire.. rigade use. This tyre is moulded and
• cured " by the same processes as the rdinary Avon solids. Robust .bars of olid rubber run obliquely /across the read, and are set at an angle which ounteracts skidding. The tyre has been pecially designed for provincial and ountry use. Industrial truck tyres are Iso shown, as well as various rubber undries for garage use.
B. F. Goodrich Co., Ltd.
lyres. Stand No. 201.
The Goodrich P.B. (protected base) Tres are specially constructed for pressng on to inch-size wheels. Ordinary ressed-on tyres having a square base rith flush sides are not suitable as hange-overs for this purpose unless infected by a side flange, whereas the trong channel base of the P.B. lyre ives all the protection and security revised.
As well as these tyress, solid band yres, industrial, truck tyres, artillery ;heels, giant pneumatic tyres, suction use, garage hose, radiator tubing, and imilar accessories are on view.
Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.
lyres. Stand No. 214.
The stand of the Dunlop Rubber Co., rith the trading colours of the company utstanding, will attract many visitors. Iere are to he seen wire wheels fitted rith detachable flanges and giant iraight-side cord pneumatic tyres, disc sheets' fitted with twin Magnum-type, ord pneumatic tyres, giant pneumatics f 955 ram. by 155 mm., and 40 ins, by ins. dimensions, solid tyres for cointercial vehicles in standard and superushion qualities, tractor wheels fitted sith Dunlop segmental tyres, Dunlop lead equipment for Ford 1 tonners, and iagonal rubber strakes, and rectangular ads for the wheels of tractors.
Wood-Milne, Ltd.
yres. Stands Nos. 200 and 199.
Wood-Milne, Ltd., who are atrialga.ated with G. Spencer Moulton and Co., td., show solid band tyres of various ipes, and solid tyres fitted on -wheels. Wood-Milne and Spencer Moulton ands are side by side, and the latter impany show solid band tyres, solid rres of various types on wheels, a numsr of giant pneunmeics, and trolley tyres hicli are suitable for industrial truck.
■ hrewsbury-Challiner Tyre Co.
yres. Stand No. 207.
'Apart from the familiar solid band 7res made for all types of steam and etrol vehicles, as well as fire-engine T:e6 of crass-ribbed section, Shrewsbury id (ihalliner disc wheels for lorries and ailers are particularly interesting. The heels provide a combination of neat, sss; strength and reliability, andsare ado in two sizes suitable for both light
,heavy vehicles. Artillery-pattern obd. wheels are also shown.
Pirelli, Ltd. •
yres. • Stand No, 189.
Solid tyres of the single and twin types shown by Pirelli,-Ltd. The company aim that these are the only tyres with -guarantee of 12,000 miles continuous srvice without a time limit. Special in terest will attach to the new solid tyre svhiceonta.ins a number of unique fea'tures. The company have spent two years in experimenting with this nesv solid, and it is likely to give rise to a good deal of comment. The twin solid G tyre is built on a single-steel band, and it is claimed that it, will not skid.
Midland Rubber Co., Ltd.
Tyres. Stand No. 208.
As is the case with most of the tyre manufacturers, .giant pneumatics are to be found on this stand, as well as solid band tyres, which, in the case of the Midland product, are guaranteed for 10,000. miles.
Henley Tyre & Rubber Co., Ltd.
Tyres. Stand No. 213.
Henley zig-zag twin 6 in. pneumatic tyres for commercial motor vehicles are perhaps the most interesting exhibit on this stand, although the standard solid rubber band tyres produced by this company should receive attention.
W. and A. Bates, Ltd.
Tyres, Stand No. 204.
A selection of the company's hand tyres made of the Bates super rubber, suitable for petrol, steam and electric vehicles, as well as trailers, are on view, together with a selectionof cast-steel wheels, particularly suitable for steam. wagon use. Large section, single solids for millimetre fittings are also shown.
Hutchinson Tyre Co.
Tyres. Stand No. 212,
One of the splas-hguards which performed satisfactorily on the_nc.casion of the International Trials was the Gentle— man, and specimens of this guard, both mounted and unmounted, are to be found here. Solid band tyres for commercial vehicles of all weights, sizes, and types, as well as a. giant pneumatic tyre, 38 in. by 7 in. section; are also to be seen.
North British Rubber Co., Ltd.
Tyres. . Stand No. 203.
Various types of Clincher solid band tyres are to be seen here, both separ ately and fitted on wheels. • • Body blocks and buffers, tractor engine rubber tyres, steam hose, matting, pedal covers, step covers, van sheeting, hood cloths, etc., are also included.
The Harboro' Rubber Co.
Tyres. Stand No. 190.
Ifarboro' solid rubber band tyres for passenger and goods vehicles are shown on this stand, made in a range of both standard and non-standard sizes.
J. W. and T. Connolly, Ltd.
Tyres. Stand No. 197.
• Connolly band tyres, which are made for all makes of vehicles of any carry • ing capacity up to 14 tons, are shown on this stand, as well as a range of wood artillery wheels for all types of vehicles, trailers and tractors, electrically welded steel wheels for steam wagons and trailers, and endless grip or 0.8. tyres.
St. Helens Cable & Rubber Co.
Tyres. Stand No. 209.
St. Helens solid band tyres are displayed on the stand of this Warrington concern, together with a range of horn bulbs. The stand of the company is being used primarily as a resting place -for the friends of Helen,.
Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd.
Tyres. Stand No. 216.
Michelin pneumatic Ayres are in use on many pas5senger vehicles, particularly in France, where they are very popular. This type of equipment has been on the market since 1913. Single disc wheels, 955 mm. by 155 mm, dimensions for the front axle are shown; for the rear axle two front wheels are placed back to back and attached to the hub by a slightly longer bolt. The six wheels and tyres are thus identical and interchangeable. Any possible objection to the twin pneumatic tyre equipment has been overcome by the Michelin invention of a puncture alarm.
Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co.
Tyres. Stand No. 202.
An array of straight-side. tvces ranging from 34 ins. by 5 ins, up ttT-'44 ins. by 10 ins. are shown on the Goodyear stand. The smaller tyre is fitted to a wire wheel and is suitable-for the Crossley tenches; the 36 in. by 6 in. tyre is fitted to a steel disc wheel and is suitable for Lancia and Fiat lorries, the 38 in. by 7 in. being fitted to an artillery wheel, and the 40 in, by 8 in. and 42 in. by 9 in. to cast-steel wheels. The former has the Goedyear detachable rim and the latter the demountable rim.
Bergougnan Tyre Co.
Tyres. Stand No. 206.
A range of the company's solid and giant pneumatic tyres, the solids being the same as those which are used on Paris buses, standard quality solids, as well as special resilient extra deep section solids, dissymmetrical solids for twin tear wheels and industrial truck tyres are simws.-Tbe dissymmetrical and specially resilient extra deep seeli-o-n solids
are new productions. .
Chas. Macintosh and Co., Ltd.
Tyres. Stand No. 205.
Solid rubber tyres of various sizes and sections suitable for commercial vehicles and,road tractors are exhibited Other exhibits include Macintosh grooved fire-engine tyres, the Macintosh normal air-pressure tyre (better known as the NAP.), together with electric truck tyres.
Burnett Rubber Co., Ltd.
Tyres. Stand No. 198.
The suction cup pattern tyre which has only just been put on the market by this company is a particularly attractive i looking tyre, and s one that is likely to prove very popular amongst commercial vehicle users. A full range of Burnett solids is shown, as well as 150 mm. section pneumatic tyres.
United States Rubber Co.
Tyres. Stand No. 215.
Nobby Cord giant pneumatics form the feature of this stand, the dimensions of the tyres displayed beings.36 ins. by 6 ins., 38 ins, by 7 ins., and 40 ins. by 8 ins. A useful little publication is being distributed on the stand, which gives, in concise form; the experience of goods and passenger vehicle users -under, a diversity of running conditions with Nobby Cord
tyres. •
Simplex Rubber Co., Ltd.
Tyres. Stand No. 187. „..
A full rangeiof wheels fitted with Simplex solid rubber tyres are shown on this company's stand, as well as a number of binding rims.