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Unions Demand No Standing in Buses

18th September 1953
Page 38
Page 38, 18th September 1953 — Unions Demand No Standing in Buses
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

THE trade unions have unanimous! decided that no standing passenget should be allowed in buses. -They has protested to the Ministe0, of Transpoi also against the proposal (Th Commercial Motor, September 4) du new regulations should be introduce enabling crush-loaders to be operate without special dispensation from th Licensing Authority. It is propose that vehicles should be allowed to carr standing passengers equal in number t not more than half the seating capacit]

Mr. J. S. Campbell, of the Nation Union of Railwaymen, has told th secretaries of the omnibus branches c the Union that the Minister's pro posa on standing passengers in no= vehicles make no dhange in existin arrangements.

The Union have consulted the seen tary of the employees' side of th National Council for the Omnibt Industry and the negotiating committc have agreed on policy. The eommi tee's secretary has written to th Minister in the name of the employee side of the N.C.O.I.


RESERVES of £676,133 are to h. capitalized by Dennis Bros., Ltd.. t enable a scrip issue of 13.522,275 sham of Is. each to be made in the propm lion of nine new shares for every shat held on September 25. The effect wi be to write-up the Is. shares to 10 each.

; To enable the issue to be made, 8n new Is. shares will be created, thereb increasing the capital to Elm, Not a the new shares will be required, but reserve of unissued capital is regarde as desirable.


DISCIPLINARY action has bee taken by British Road Servic4 against the nine lorry drivers wh recently staged a one-night protest ; the Rushey Lane depot, TyseleBirmingham. Eight of the men hat been reduced to " deck " work ; porters' wages. The ninth, Mr. W. h Marsh, the shop steward, of 271 Bin brook Road, Great Barr, has bec dismissed.

Mr.. Marsh has stated that all the mt arc submitting notice of appeal.


" RE-ENTRY into the hatilal business is being carefully col

sidered and we shall take such steps we think necessary as the situatic develops," says Mr. W. E. Hunt, LI chairman of Bristol Industries, Ltd.


EXPORTS of commercial vehicl, should be materially improved the decision of the Australian Gover. ment to relax import restrictions 1 10 per cent. Australia is Britain's be customer for commercial vehicles.