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E VER since roads existed there have been accidents upon them. There were, o doubt, collisions between Lornan chariots and...
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A CERTAIN village in the Home Counties is served by a private bus owner with about 20 vehicles and, less frequently, by a large...
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The Carrier Kids . CCORDING to an indignant correspondent, the e regulation requiring the provision of a proper seat for a...
That "The man in the street" is not necessarily the man up our street. That demanding more and more for less and less has...
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J \ RE .Leyland Motors, Ltd., to build a two-stroke oil engine? Allention is certainly being devoted to this type of prime...
T HE trade unions have unanimous! decided that no standing passenget should be allowed in buses. - They has protested to the...
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kRDSHIP suffered by people who could not afford the rail fare from Midlands to,,Scogand was referred y a Ministry of Transport...
DW far should express travel from London be based on the central and road termini, and how far ild provision be made for direct...
DRICES of most Commer and some Karrier vehicles have been reduced by up to £50 from today. Moreover, improvements have been...
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A PPEALS by 44 local authorities and a private committee in South Wales against fare. increases granted earlier this year to...
S UBM1TTING that if the appellants' case was accepted, the carriage of Service personnel by rail would come to an abrupt end,...
MR. ALAN HESS has resigned f his position as public relations of of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd. ALD. J. PERCY BENNETTS has I...
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anticipation of the Minister of „abour issuing an order based on Tosals submitted by the Milk Disnaive Wages Council, United...
chassis available with three types of control gear and alternative axle ratios, battery sizes and medium and long bodies, is to...
( - I NTER 150 vehicles belonging to kJ Manchester Cleansing Department were on parade Hn the Water Street depot last Saturday...
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A REQUEST that• the pending hear ing of the fare increases proposed by Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., be deferred until the...
c TIM - MR enforcement of spe k..J. limits and greater use of traffic ligl were suggested as means for increasi road safety by...
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WE,NTRY bus workers continued their unofficial strike for the fifth 2SSIVe Saturday last week in ince of both the National...
A T last week's meeting of Plymouth City Council it was revealed that despite increased fares, the transport department was...
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S ONIE 2,000 of the 4,742 staff of Birmin g ham Transport Department are workin g a seven-day week to maintam services,...
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H AVING had experience in the overhaul and maintenance of heavy vehicles at a time when ;olid-rubber tyres were common, and...
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A STRONG deputation from Bir mingham Corporation met officials at the Ministry of Transport in London last week to discuss a...
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TROLLEYBUSES which can run A independently of outside sources of electric current, are being 'produced in Germany by Imperia...
I AST week The Commercial Motor dealt with a number of workshop items designed to simplify and to speedup various maintenance...
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connection with a big programme oil engine, .supplies current at 440 v,, agricultural expansion, the Norththree-phase, and 230...
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HEIST operating methods differ between the two towns to accord with contrasting local conditions. many features are common to...
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T HE T.U.C. General Council are to consider approaching the Governgent with a .request to reduce the fuel ax at least to the...
I N the face of strong opposition, Mr. F. L. Lees, Worksop, has been granted licences to operate express carriage services from...
i ■ HOOD unit for the lighter commercial "I vehicle is being produced by Messrs. 3. W. H. Bingham and Son, la Southampton koad,...
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General Manager Explains How the Municipal Transport Department made a Substantial Profit for Two Successive Years and can now...
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N4 ANY a haulier at the present time would be prepared to give a discourse on the text that describes the unrighteous man as...
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Hauliers Must Not Ignore the Expenses Incurred in Running Their Office Premises, States "The Commercial Motor" Costs Expert,...
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No a revolution! Until now, to users of road vehicles and stationary engines, an oil filter has always meant an oil strainer....
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P ATENT No. 694,898 comes from the - Eaton Manufacturing Company, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A., and discloses a design for a bus...