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New Hood Unit for Light Pick-ups

18th September 1953
Page 57
Page 57, 18th September 1953 — New Hood Unit for Light Pick-ups
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i■ HOOD unit for the lighter commercial "I vehicle is being produced by Messrs. 3. W. H. Bingham and Son, la Southampton koad, London, N.W.5. It consists of three nain hoop sticks joined by pressed-steel crossnembers, and a bolster of angle section with t centre stay to the floor of the vehicle. All oints are welded. Green or maroon canvas, )f first-class rot-proof material, ensures that he interior is completely watertight.

The canvas hood incorporates a full-sized soindow in line with cab vision. Front and rear laps can be fastened securely.

Retail.. prices for the Austin pick-up range, or which the unit was originally designed, are: k40 bolster type £29 10S., without bolster DA 15s.; A70 bolster type £32 10s., without mister £25 15s.