Facts on Road Haulage
Page 67
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A BOOKLET, "Which Way for Road In, Haulage? ", just published by Aims of Industry Ltd., by Geoffrey Williamson, sets out the plain facts about road haulage transport and why it must be left to play its vital role in the nation's economy unhampered by any more doctrinaire experiments in nationalization.
The author, in a factual, objective survey of road haulage, covers such aspects as economic functions; how road haulage developed; growth and licensing: nationalization and denationalization and employment facts. In discussing the future, he declares that suggestions that only the best road haulage firms should be grabbed for the State, with the others left to wither away, or that the public sector should be greatly expanded, again by some nationalization necromancy, to grab the lion's share, are "unrealistic dreams ".
The booklet costs 2s., obtainable from Aims of Industry Ltd., 5 Plough Place, Fetter Lane, London, E.C.4.