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O NE must, in all fairness, try to assess the Labour Party's election manifesto. So far as road transport is concerned, the...
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'THE first one-day course devoted to I vehicle scheduling by computer was held at the IBM Education Centre, London, N.W.8, on...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT IT is confirmed at last that road haulage 1 is not on Labour's election list for...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A T its annual conference at Blackpool last week the T.U.C. declared itself unanimously in...
T HE Labour Party's policy to renationalize long-distance road haulage and integrate private enterprise C-licensed lorries...
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A BOOKLET, "Which Way for Road In , Haulage? ", just published by Aims of Industry Ltd., by Geoffrey Williamson, sets out the...
IVIINISTERS of Transport from 18 European countries, including . the United Kingdom, will either take part or he represented,...
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A T last week's meeting of the IRU's TIR carnet committee in Geneva, a proposal that the TM carnet scheme should be extended...
Tees last week, members of the Tees-side subarea of the Road Haulage Association agreed to form their own long-distance...
!A A MEMBERSHIP of over 50 opera tors, representing some 80 per cent of the vehicle tonnage employed in the Heavy Woollen...
FE Scottish Grocers Federation has 'T'HE a new service for members through its constituent trading company, • S.G.F. (Supplies...
employed in •the road haulage industry in Northern Ireland have been awarded by the Wages Board. There will be 8s. a week more...
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A NEW, one-piece glass-reinforced plastics, insulated and refrigerated 'rozen-food transporter has been put nto service by...
THE group turnover of the Leyland 1 Motor Corporation would reach -E20a m. this financial year, Sir William Black - , chairman,...
AND REPRIEVES T HE Minister of Transport has announced his decisions in respect of a further 41 rail closure proposals in...
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when the first of the special subsidized services introduced as part of the latest rural transport surveys ran with only four...
A T a dinner last week attended by employees, civic dignitaries and representatives of neighbouring authorities, West Bromwich...
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A LTHOUGH the net deficit of Coras Iompair Eireann for 1963-4 Imounted to 11,606,000, this was an mprovement of more than...
,ZPEAK1NG at the Municipal Passenger Transport Association Conference n Blackpool this week, the 'president, khderman H. C....
T HEScottish deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. A. B. Birnie, at Aberdeen last week said he wai "appalled ." at the irregular use...
THE managing director of Anglo1. Scottish CarDeliveries, of Luton, Beds, Mr. S. Colby, said on Tuesday that the demand for ....
MOT one of seven objectors appeared before the West Midland Licensing Authority at. Hartley, Stoke-on-Trent, last week, when an...
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1-3 A N application by C. W. Vick (Trans port) Ltd., of Stonehouse, Ciloucestershire, for a. new, five-vehicle B licence was...
BY NORMAN H. 711-SIAN Triburtal endorset culation scheme and sounds the death knell of specialized loads NVI:l ATEVER else...
VOLLOWING the formation of a new I company—Hull Fish Transport Ltd.— as part of the plans to switch to road transport all Hull...
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in the design of urban road vehicles for the Minister of Transport has now been . appointed and has started work. It is...
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JRpERS recently received by the 1 Leyland Group from Israel and South Africa total more than am. Altogether, • 3,133 goods and...
1Iew Water-flow System for Bedford 330 Cu. in. Diesel Improves Gas Sealing A CONSIDERABLE simplification of 1 - i...
F IVE items of braking equipment to new designs have been introduced by Girling Ltd. Included in these are a tandem master...
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THE latest version of the Rootes three' cylinder, two-stroke diesel engine— the 3D.215, which produces a maximum of 135...
A LTHOUGH the biennial Mechanical Handling Ct Exhibition will not fall due next year-1966 is its next date—a big materials...
THE novel moving-bulkhead discharge system I developed by Murfitt Bulk Transporters Ltd. of Wisbech has been used on two bodies...
THE Potteries Motor Traction Co I Ltd. has recently put into service at A.E.C. Reliance single-decker wit1 . Metalastik rubber...
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ROLLS-ROYCE EUCLIDS FOR SPAIN: Five 15-ton Euclid rear dump trucks are to be supplied by Blackwood Hodge to Obras y...
Trailer Coupling Tell-tale—Yes or No? CO one in transport can fail to be I troubled at the sight of a dropped emi-trailer,...
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and Publications Hydraulic Piston Pumps and Motors A NEW range of in-line hydraulic piston pumps and motors has been...
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I WO widely differing subjects were discussed at the Municipal Passenger Transport Association Conference in Blackpool this...
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" WE are all appalled at the figures of road accidents " personal injuries and deaths which are publishet from time to time in...
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' 1 00D support from the public is reported by Super Coaches -I(Uprninster) Ltd. for the stage carriage service which it arted...
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Budding Designers I was rather disappointed with the standard of entries in section 1 of the Public Service and Commercial...
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• . and he started driving goods vehicles only 9 months ago OW do you become Lorry Driver of the Year? "Hard work and...
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Larry Driver of the Year (B.M.C. Trophy): Gunn; 2. K. J. Driver; 3, A. Semp:e. Best Box or Tanker Driver (Unilever Trophy): 3....
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while . . . he is still wearing them M OST people look first of all for the promises in a party manifesto. Road operators have...
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E VEN after an operator has decided on the type of vehicle he requires in relation to the job it will have to do the very...
Comparison of the details in the current edition of The Commercial Motor" Tables of Operating Costs with those of previous...
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Transport Developn iT may seem to some readers that the TRANSPOR1 1 DEVELOPMENT GROUP gets more than its fail share of mention...
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WITH or without beard, Mr. Ernest Marples, Minister of Transport, will at 12 noon next Friday, September 25, open one of the...
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he Cost of Dirt (OUR leader comment on "The Cost of Dirt in The L Commercial Motor, September 11, rang true. 1 have ient some...
Under the heading "Future Prospects" the chairman E the LEP GROUP, Mr. Richard K. Leeper, slates: The level of business during...
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on Foden-Dyson five-axled artic ) NE of the most novel exhibits at the Commercial Motor Show will undoubtedly be appearing on...
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T HERE are four models in a new range of Super Clydesdale four-wheel chassis introduced by Albion Motors Ltd. Three of them are...
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BY A. J. P. WILDING, A.M.I.MECH.E. T HE announcement today of a new cab which will be used by three companies in the Leyland...
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NEW FREIGHTLINE POWER-PLUS SERIES A NUMBER of changes have been made by Leyland Motors Ltd. to its range of goods vehicles...
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A LTHOUGH the new Construction and Use Regulations are of too recent origin to have given bodybuilders the scope for...
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on Stand 140, where Tough Plastics Ltd. is displaying a Tufplas tanker on a rigid eight-wheeled chassis which has a payload...
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weigh unit, which will be exhibited by Atkinson's of Clitheroe Ltd. on Stand 132. With the aid of the jacks, the body can be...
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C LOSE co-operation between representatives of the health authorities and the various manufacturing interests ensures that...
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T HE stage for the 1964 Commercial Motor Show is set, and looking down the list of trailer exhibitors we see that two familiar...
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to cope with new dimensions ENGINES AND BRAKES OF INCREASED CAPACITIES ON SHOW T HE amended Construction and Use Regulations...