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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all diOlculties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it eitne."—John Beattie Crozier.
Relaxation of Priority for Government Work.
The Minister of Munitions gives notice that, all incompleted contracts for . the Admiralty, War Office and Ministry of Munitions which have been placed., in classes A or B, including2iihe; various grades thereof, P 1, P 2, 11 3, P 4, P5, P .6, under thelOrder as to Priority of 8th March, 1917, need no longer be given the priority attaching to them under the Order, except in cases where the contractor is notified in writiag or by official notice in the Press that a particular classification is still required to be given to any particular contract.
Contractors must notify the ordering departments of the Admiralty, War Office or Ministry of Munitions responsible for the contracts in question, of any modification of the original date of completion resulting from this relaxation of the Order as to Priority. '
Overseas Trade.
British manufacturers of motor lorries who are desirnaaaaf opening up trade in Denmark, Nurx-:a:i and Sweden, or who are on the look-ont for an agent to 'meet this end, will do well to get into touch with Mr. Jac Pederson, of the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., 216, Totten
lam Court Road, London, 1, who will be able to lend valuable assistance in -putting them into touch with one of the best agents in those countries.
British Enaineers' Association : A New Director.
In view of the recent rapid progress of events affecting British engineering industry and the export trade, the Connell of the British Engineers' Association, in order to cope with the vast amount of important work which will devolve upon it in the immediate future, have decided to strengthen their administration by the appointment of a director, who will be the chief organizer and executive officer of the association.
To fill this reponsible position the council have secured the services of Mr. D. A. Bremner, 0.B.E., who, as an engineer, business organizer and administrator, has had a wide experience at home and abroad. Mr. Bremner will assume his position on the let January next.
M.O.M. Bus Grants.
Referring to the grant cif subsidies for motorbus services, an L.C.O. report says that the municipal tramways' representatives point out that it is unfortunate that there still remains an air of mystery as to the obligations of the Ministry of Munitions to the L.G.O. Co.
From the let January, a further reduction by 30, in the price of all grades of petrol will take place.
The issue of THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR dated 26th December will be on aide on Tuesday morning next.
Leyland Motors, Ltd. announce that Treasury sanction has Ltd., granted for an issue of bonus shares at the rate of 50 per cent., fully paid and free of tax.
The directors of Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., announce a firtS,1 dividend of 5 per cent. (actual) and a bonus of 1s, per share, less tax, for the year ended 30th September, making 15 per cent, for the year—the same as last year.
The directors of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., gave their employees a Victory Dance at the Longbridge works with a cinema entertainment and a concert to mark their appreciation of the loyal and strenuous work put forth during the war. The affair was a huge success.
S.M.M.T. Steam Vehicle Section.
The first meeting of the Steam Vehicle Section of the S.M.M.T. was held at the society's offices, 83, Pall Mall, on December 12th, at 2.30 p.m. The chair was taken by the president of the society, Mr. A. Brown, who explained the formation and working of the society's Section Committees. In view of the present reconstruction period, the formation of an organization for the steam vehicle industry was urgent. A number of matters which such an organization could use. fully deal with were discussed, and it was resolved to hold a further meeting on Wednesday, 15th January, at 2.30 p.m., for this purpose and to elect a committee. In the meantime it was decided to request the council to co-opt, and also to appoint to the lha.na gem en t committee, a member of this section to be nominated at the next meeting.
Unrestricted Traffic in France.
The General Petroleum Committee in Paris has adopted the proposal for a decree restoring freedom of motor traffic and 'the unrestricted use of paraffin and petrol from 1st January, 1919.
Liverpool Wants Buses.
The Liverpool Corporation Tramways Committee are prepared to receive tenders for the supply of a number of motorbuses. Tender forms and all other particulars can be obtained on application to the general manager, C. W. Mallins, M.I.A.E., 24, Batton Garden, Liverpool. Tenders have to be delivered not later than the list December.
Tomlinson and Co., motor engineers, of 42, High Street, Marylebone, London, W., inform us that they have in stock a supply of benzole, in two-gallon tins, of the best quality
Coal-gas for Motor Vehicles.
The Gas Traction Committee has arranged a Gas Traction Section in connection with the forthcoming British Scientific Products Exhibition to be held at Manchester from 27th December until the middle of January. The Executive Committee of the Automobile Association has therefore decided, by the special desire of the Gas Traction Committee, to postpone the closing date for receiving entries for the Association's 21000 competition for the best method of using coalgas as a motorcar propellant, Until 31st January, 1919. Tho conditions of the competition, also entry forms, may be obtained from the secretary, Automobile Association and Motor Union, Fanum House, Whitcomb Street', London; W.C. 2.
"Filtrate" Oils.
Edward Joy and Sons, of Leeds, makers of " filtrate " motor oils, were paying British taxes at the time of Napoleon and Waterloo. A hundred years have passed since then and the coinpan)' is still in occupation of the same premises. It can thus certainly be said that they are firmly established, a fact which the users of heavy vehicles and the motoring public generally should bear in mind when more normal times, which are gradually dawning, reign. "Nothing but the best is good enough for a motor" has been the slogan of the firm during their century of trading. " Filtrate " oils are prepared by careful 'process in speciallyadapted plant, filtered free from grit and dirt, and tested with the utmost accuracy to secure uniformity and reliability. Their range embraces oils for use on land and sea and in the air, including grades for all types of commercial lorries, from heavy vehicles to light runabout vans, touring cars, farm tractors /speciality
Fordson.$), aeroplanes, etc. "Filtrate " oils are stocked by all the best garages throughout the country, and all information relating to their uses can be obtained from Filtrate Works, Leeds.
Napier Dinner.
A happy gathering took place at the Florence Restaurant on the occasion. of a dinner recently given by the directors of D. Napier and Son. Ltd., to their executive works staff. The chair was occupied by Mr. H. T. Vane, C.B.E. After apleasant repast, several important speeches were delivered and responded to dealing with the firm's future policy, in the course of which it was said that in respect to business vehicles half the quantity provided for during the next 12 months was already sold. It was also mentioned that a Napier transport lorry, which left England with the first Expeditionary Force in 191'4, was still running after four years strenuous work, including the retreat from Alons.
Municipal Parcels Delivery Abandoned.
Municipal parcels delivery has proved a failure at Southampton. In his annual report the tramways manager states that at the request of the Food Control authorities a parcels and goods carrying scheme was put into operation in February, but has since been discontinued owing to lack of support, there being apparently no great shoriage in private facilities of this kind.
We regret to learn that Henry Mcore, of Brighton, died on Thursday last. He was a genuine motoring pioneer, and in recent years as sole whOlesale and retail agent for Ford cars for Sussex, Surrey and Kent had established a very big business in those vehicles
COMMERCIAL MOTOR Does This Interest You ?
We know of a gentleman who has been connected with the motor trade since 19Q1, and who has had practical workshcp as well as commercial and sales experience, who is desirous of securing a post suitable for his capabilities. He is on the look-out for one of the following positions or for a similar one; salesman of commercial vehicles; manager of an agency business; manager of a repair shop and garage, or engineer in charge of a commercial vehicle fleet. Apart from his peace-time qualifications, be' has been employed for the last four years in France in charge of M.T. vehicles run by an RE. Company. Although he is still on military service, ho expect, e an early release if applied for as he has long service to his credit and is a married man.
Letters addressed " C.E.W.," care of the Editor of this journal, will be forwarded to the right quarter.
Worthing Buses.
At Worthing Corporation the Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., intimated that it had concluded arrangements to take over Mr. Town's omnibuses, adding that when the present restrictions are withdrawn it intends to bring before the Corporation plans for various improvemanta in the motor omnibus services, especially for connecting up the outlying villages.
A Week-end Paper.
The next issue of "The Light Car and Cyclecar," dated 23rd December, will be the list to appear on a Monday. This issue will be current for ten days and will be followed by a special New Year's number, published on Friday, 3rd January. The publication will he on Fridays thereafter so as to specialize in week-end news and announcements of events.
Transport Industrial Council.
The Motor Transport Employers' nderation, with Major-General S. S. Long, C.B. (Lever Bros., Ltd.), as chair11,an, and a very strong Central Council representative of the various trade interests throughout the country, is actively interesting itself in the establishment of a Joint Industrial Council for the transport industry 83 per the Whitley report. It is recognized that the conditions of industry that now appertain at the conclusion of hostilities necessitate harmonious co-operation between those who organize and those who carry out the operations, and the .transport industry being vital to the prosperity of nearly every other industry should be among the first to be organized. Any owner of a goods-carrying commercial motor vehicle is eligible, and a copy of the prospectus can be obtained from Capt. F. G. Bristow, general secretary, Motor Transport Employers' Federation, 33, Pall Mall, London, S.W. 1.
A New Trailer.
The illustration which we reproduce herewith shows a new type of • five-ton trailer shod with rubber tyres which has been designed and manufactured by the British Commercial Lorry and Engineering Co., Ltd., whose works are at " County " Motor Works, Trafford Park, for the Ministry-of Food. It will be seen that it differs slightly from the standard form of trailer, one of its "outstanding features being the arrangement of suspension. The springs are sprung in an original manner, end a transverse spring fitted on the rear axle is incorporated. This spring, by the way, only comes into operation when the full load of five tons is carried on the trailer. The arrangement of brakes will also be observed from the illustration. Solid rubber tyres of 140 section are fitted as standard. We aro given to understand that the company is specializing on the manufacture of this type of trailer in their own repair depot. For the transport of heavy loads behind steam wagons it should find a wady market.
Closed Premises.
The following tyre and accessory firms are closing their London premises from 2 lth December until the 29th:—Avon India Rubber Co., Ltd., Bates, W. and C20 A., Ltd., Bergougnan Tyre Co., Bransorn, -Kent and Co., Ltd., Brown Bros., Ltd., Courtney, C. W., Dew, A. J. and Co., De Nevers Rubber Tyre Co., Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., East London Rubber Ca., Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Goodrich Co., Ltd., Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., Henley's Tyre and Rubber Co., Holiday Bros., Ltd., Imperial Motor Industries, Liversidge and" Son, Ltd., Macintosh and Co., Ltd., Midland Rubber Co., Redfern's Rubber Works, Ltd., St. Helen's Cable and Rubber Co., Ltd., Shrewsbury and Challiner, Spencer, Moulton and Co., Wood-Milne, Ltd.
Engine Instruction.
American soldiers and sailors attending school in Italy and receiving instruction in English from an Italian professor is one of the peculiar situations for which the wax is responsible. While waiting for her own aviation engines tu he delivered, America placed orders in Europe, and among these orders was an important one with the Fiat Co. for airplanes and also for several thousand engines to be used in various makes a both land and water machines. As American soldier and sailor mechanics had had no previous experience with Fiat engines, the problem naturally arose of giving them the necessary instruction to enable the army and navy to get proper service out of its engines.
This was solved by starting a section in English at, the regular mechanics' school held at, the Fiat factory. Groups of 20 soldiers or sailors were received, and for four weeks went through a complete theoretical and practical course, at the end of which they were competent to maintain and,, carry out any ordinary repairs on all types of Fiat engines. The men selected for this instruction were all supposediy mechanics and on the whole acquitted themselves very creditably. The mechanics' school is an established institution at the Fiat factory. Before the army had got its own schools into operation the Fiat Co. undertook to train soldiers as mechanics.
The directors of the Coventry Chain Co. recommend a dividend of 7 per cent., less tax, on ordinary shares, making 10 per cent. for the year ended 51st August ; also a bonus of 5 per cent. loss tax.
A Roller Cage Bearing.
That prolific inventor, Mr. Henry Merles, director of the Ransoms and Merles Bearing Co., Ltd., Newark-onTrent, is the originator of a device which seems likely to he of special interest to the motor trade. It consists of a roller cage bearing which is intended primarily for use in gearboxes where it is difficult, or impossible, to utilize the ordinary standard bearing.
One of the uses to which this -roller
cage has already, been put has been the spigot. end of the direct drive in tbe orthodox type of gearbox where the size of the housing is limited by the gearwheel, which receives the spigot end and prevents the use of the standard type of bearing.
In the majority of vehicles this spigot end gives considerable trouble. The metal bush which is usually employed has to be frequently replaced. When the R. and M. roller cage is used it is only necessary to grind up the end of the spigot to form the journal and form the outer race within the gear-wheel, and the wear is practially We are informed that these roller cages have been supplied in very considerable quantities to the mechanical transport authorities for some time past. They have been used in the gearboxes of heavy vehicles and have proved very satisfactory.
Up to the present time Morris, Russell and Co., Ltd. 75, Curtain Road, London, EQ., have h.;c1 to obtain priority certificates for their Eros chassis adapters. , They now inform us that they can supply', these adapters without such certificates.
A calendar has reached us from the , British Commercial Lorry and Engineer. ing Co., Ltd., 66, Bridge Street, Manchester. The subject matter is a fine reproduction of a picture entitled "The Promise of the Morrow," sunshine through the trees on a snow laden countryside.
A visit to Holborn Hall on 'Wednesday evening last proved a welcome break from the strain of the last four years. The occasion was the holding of the victory dance, arranged by the staff of Mr.', R. W. Coan, in conjunction with members of the Comptometer Club. Some 400 were present, and we must congratulate all concerned for the admirable arrangements, which helped to make the evening such a success. We are pleased to learn that the funds of St. Dunstan's Hostel will benefit to the extent of approximately 1.40.