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Winston Churchill, definitely forecasting the nationalization of railways, seems to bring much nearer the possibility of the...
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That Wilhelm's latest form of side is suicide. Many bright ideas for the disposal of the German fleet. More civility from...
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The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all diOlculties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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In March, 1915, a Departmental Committee was appointed by the President of Lite Local Government Board to consider the laws and...
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Notes on Some Interesting Experiments by Messrs. Rolls-Royce, Ltd. S OME VERY USEFUL information has been circulated by...
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I N VIEW of the activities for many years of the general body of railway companies against that portion of our trade devoted to...
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By Mr. Sidney Gtiy, Managing Director, Guy Motors, Ltd. W E HAVE READ with interest the correspondence from "Live Axle,"...
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By "The Inspector." . F OR SOME REASON or another I have been told once or twice during the past few weeks that a certain...
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The Latest Production of a Pioneer in the Transmission of Motor Power by Electrical Means. I N THE FIRST three issues of THE...
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By. R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The . Book of the Ford "). T HIS BEING HOLIDAY time I am going to preach a sermon. I am not...
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Second Article :—Superheater Tubes, Their Disposition, Joints, etc. I N TEE FIRST ARTICLE, of this brief series I showed the...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercral motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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A New Austin Tractor. A Novel Alldays Coupling. The announcement of the Austin Motor Co.'s programme including as it does a...
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An Interesting Spring Develop ment. Opinions are to some extent divided as to the advisability on all grounds of lubricating...