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the Money Clear Hooters, Ltd., made a trading profit of £38.798 and a net profit of £32,221, plus £339 profit on investments. A final 'ordinary dividend of 25 per cent. is to be paid, making 40 per cent. for theyear, and a balance of £10,319 carried forward.
tight Production Co., lad., after crediting £15,500 on account of E.P.T. recovery, made a Profit of £19,319 in the period to April 30 last. A dividend of 10 per cent on the ordinary shares is to be paid, and a balance of £9,453 carried forward.
Dennis tiros.. Lid., made a trading profit of £161.877 in the year ended September 30 last. Other income raised the figure to '£l69.041. Depreciation absorbed £37,416, fees £5,700 and benevolent fund £3,000. A final dividend of 2s. 2d. per Is, share is to be paid, making 28. 6d. for the year. A balance of £182,521 is carried forward.
McNamara and Co., Ltd., has now published its full accounts for the year to December 31 last. These show a profit of £27,169. which was increased to £30.075 by the inclusion of certain interest and fees. After deducting fees, the profit, subject to Ministry, of Transport claims, ief29,400. A dividend of 16 23 Per cent. is to be paid, and £13,487 carried forward, Guy Motors, Ltd., has published its accounts for the year to June 30 last, showing a net profit, after providing for depreciation and taxation, of £53.399. After allowing for income tax and profits tax, and including estimated recovery of E.P.T., a balance on trading of £81,824 was left. The directors recommend payment of a dividend of 15 per cent., less tax, on the ordinary shares. A balance of £54,756 Is'earried forward.
S. Smith and Sons (England), Ltd., made a trading profit of £366,739 in the period to August 2 last. Other revenue increased this figure to £375,452. Depreciation absorbed £104.523. directors' fees £386 and taxation 1135.000, leaving £135,543. The consolidated net profit applicable to the parent company was -£302,016. A dividend of 171/2 Per cent, is to be paid on the preferred ordinary shares and 371/2 Per cent. on the deferred shares. A balance of £119,278 is carried forward. E. G. Brown and Co., Lid., announces a net profit, before providing for taxation, of £71.438.
Rossleigh, Ltd., made a net profit of £30,254 in the year to September 30 last.. A dividend of 15 Per cent, on the ordinary shares and a jubilee dividend of 5 per cent. are to be paid. A balance of £74,240 is carried forward.
Barton Transport, Ltd., announces that gross revenue in the year to September 30 last was £654,137. After providing for depreciation. E.P.T., prolits tax and all charges, net revenue was £68,485. Fuel, licences, maintenance and operating charges absorbed £492,875, salaries and other administration expenses £59.192, depreciation and amount written-off £23,049, and E.P.T. and profits tax 110,000, Deferred shareholders will receive a dividend of 25 per cent. and a bonus of 10 per cent., both less tax. A balance of £20,354 is carried forward
Luton Corporation reports that in the year ended March 31 last, its 76 buses worked at a total revenue of £169.775 and earned a gross profit of £9,946. After allowing for capital charges, the net profit was £4,526. Working costs totalled £159,829. The percentage of working expenses to traffic receipts was 95.54 and of total expenditure to total revenue, 99.81. Average traffic revenue per bus:mile was 21.73d. and average working expenses (including fuel cost) 20.76d. Average traffic revenue per Passenger was 1.83d. During the year the buses covered 1,802,897 miles and carried 21,119,164 Passengers.
East Kent Road Car Co., Ltd., bat year made a profit after providing for depreciation, taxation, etc.. of £260,995, After transferring £126,749 to general reserve, £160.021 was available for distribution. Operating and maintenance expenses absorbed -£761,222. fuel, lax, duties and rates £94.864, administration and general expenses 18,121. pensions £5,162, directors' fees £2,800, depreciation £49,900, deferred repairs £21,325, and income tax £140,000. As already reported in "The Commercial Motor," a dividend of 15 per cent, is to be Paid on the ' ordinary shares, with a bonus of 10 per cent., both less tax. A balance of £90,996 is carried forward.