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p EACE in our time is a longing felt by the Security Demands that Roads majority of the people of and Vehicles Should at Once...
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M EMBERS OF PARLIAMENT and others are bringing pressure to bear on the Government to prohibit the supply of fuel for coaches...
on Small New 1 — k gested that the last had U.S. Tractor . . . not been heard of rubber tracks for vehicles of the...
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That high rail rates in the U.S.A. are forcing more traffic on to the roads. Of a big flat-twelve engine in the preparation by...
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C ONTINENTAL motor shows will be held next year as follows:— Brussels, February 14-25; Geneva, March 11-21; Amsterdam, April...
nces Refused A FTER asking for an adjournment so that he might have more time to instruct counsel and prepare his case, a new...
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must ri riot allow his judgment to be influenced by the absence of objections or by any agreement reached between operators for...
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I NTRUSION of politics into industry is undermining the country's efficiency. said Mr. Sydney S. Guy, chairman of Guy Motors,...
D IVERSION of deep-mined coal from rail to road transport in the National Coal Board's north-eastern area is reflected in an...
MR. K. T. BAssErr has, at the age of 37, been appointed district manager for the Rhodesias of Dunlop South Africa, Ltd. MR. C....
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its 1 decision in a case whicn originated from a complaint by the Transport and General Workers' Union that "fair wages" were...
T HE annual staff gathering of Hay's Wharf Cartage Co., Ltd., including Pickfords, Ltd., and Carter. Paterson and Co., Ltd.,...
the Money Clear Hooters, Ltd., made a trading profit of £38.798 and a net profit of £32,221, plus £339 profit on investments. A...
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" O NE of the first problems to which the British Transport Commission has to turn its attention is the future relationship...
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"EAST MIDLAND" WILL FIGHT AREA SCHEME A NY attempt by the British Trans port Commission to set up an area co-ordination scheme...
monopolize traffic in the district was alleged at the hearing at Stornoway, last week, of appeals against decisions of the...
A REPORT recently submitted to . Felling (Durham) Urban District Council referred to the delay in the change-over from trams to...
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A LL new products from that worldfamous concern, Leyland Motors, Ltd., are of interest, and particularly so in the present...
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By L. J. COTTON Built for Hard Work I HAD an opportunity of inspeoting the component parts of the Bristol double decker chassis...
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• Programme Includes Two New Oilers A 7-tonner for Trailer Work and a 3i-tonner. Both Have Large Six cylindered...
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WE note that it is proposed to increase the weight limits " of certain classes of vehicle and to amend the Con struction and...
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with the old ex-Army Albion, although, travelling around corners, one had the impression that cab and chassis were going their...
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. PICKFORDS' B ACKED by over 150 years of experience and having a favourable position as an associated company of the...
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of the Commercial Vehicle Body in Times of Difficulty in Replacement How to Make Bodies LAST LONGER T HERE was dever a time...
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EADERS of the previous article will recall that it related n . part of an interview with a haulier who wished to know which...
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Need for Protective Packing A N exhibition of exceptional import ance and interest to the motor industry is in progress at the...
socket for use with a slave battery, to assist the starting of engines of vehicles accommodated in unheated garages, has been...
S TRTKING output figures for Ferguson tractors were revealed by Sir John Black at a Press view of the huge production plant at...
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PNEUMAT1C-TYRED 16-wheeled trailer for loads up to 50 tons, and having a gross weight of about 75 tons, has recently been...
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CHAIRMAN'S REPORT. In my last annual report I said that our main problems were of supplies of material and electricity, and...