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WE note that it is proposed to increase the weight limits " of certain classes of vehicle and to amend the Con
struction and Use Regulations accordingly. It is with interest that we see, also; that these increases are not to affect vehicles that use alternative fuels, which will include steam wagons, those driven by producer gas,
battery-electrics, etc., it being assumed, we suppose, that they do not require any additional allowance.
We wonder why this should be the case. If before the
war it was considered right that the steam wagon should be allowed two tons extra as a four-wheeler, including an extra ton on the back axle, and the six-wheeler an additional ton on the gross weight, why should it not be considered so now?. Surely the same arguments still hold good. There may be a temporary scarcity of the right types of solid fuel, but this is not bound to be permanent—in fact, the position might reverse itself in the not-too-distant future. Coal is our national fuel, and we have abundant supplies ofit available for
mining. The use of this will allow more money to be spent on foodstuffs and other essentials instead of on foreign oil.
Some rimy say that steam has had its day, that it is
finished, and that, *consequently, concessions which it had once are now not worth bothering about. We have operated all three types—petrol, oil and steam—for a considerable number of years, and we would say definitely that steam would not be finishedif it were
to be given fair treatment. The latest-type steam vehicles, made up to about 1935, can definitely hold their own in comparison with other types when employed on suitable work. We think that they would have done so
more fully if improvements had been continued since that date. However, we see no justification for rescinding the concession that they have so far enjoyed, even if little advantage has been taken of them.
Whilst the increased weights proposed are most welcome, we think that the same ratio of increase which the steam wagon has had until now should be included in any alteration of the Regulations. There would be no
question of extra road damage if the vehicles were suit
ably tyred for the additional weight. W. COLE. Leeds, 7 (For the Central Haulage and Motor Co.) [We appreciate the points raised by Mr. Cole. What has really happened is that the weights of other classes of vehicle are to be brought into line with those permitted as a special concession to steam and certain other types. {We are not considering the extra weight for trailers.) So far as steam wagons are concerned, these have for many years been permitted to be somewhat heavier, because of the weight of their construction. With more modern materials and methods, it might be possible to design and build such vehicles to be but little above the weight of petrol or oil-driven types. We understand, 82 however, that the main factor is the weight-bearing strength of certain roads and bridges. As a result, the Ministry did not consider it expedient to raise all the permissible weights pro rata, but to giire an advantage to 'certain vehicles by raising the total loads to those which were already permitted to a few models. We have always believed that the steam vehicle is a fine type, particularly suitable for continuous hard work and with a reserve of power which appealed especially to operators using it under difficult conditions, such as are experienced in quarries, on building sites, etc. However, it would be having a hard time now if used in great numbers, in view of the dearth of suitable fuel. Later, when the correct grades of coal become more abundant, as we all hope will be the case, the steam vehicle may again find a place in road transport. This would, however, probably occur only if we still found it difficult to obtain liquid fuel in ample quantities.—ED.]
AA RECENT issue of "The Commercial Motor," . under the heading "One Hears," contained a paragraph asking for suggestions as to what can be done with waste sump oil.
I have a stove in my office which we made and which is running on sump oil, and this is reasonably efficient. It needs a certain amount of watching, however, to make sure that it does not go out and the oil overflow. Our process is to filter the sump oil in our Stream-Line Filter, to remove as much carbon and other extraneous matter as possible, the oil is then ready for use. The stove is started each morning with about an eggcupful of petrol, after that it will run very well all day and consumes from half to three-quarters of a gallon in 9-10 hours.
It' is known that various methods were used in the Army, but in a number of instances water was added. It would be interesting to hear from some of your readers as to whether a really efficient stove can be evolved, as this would considerably help in our,
individual fuel problems. R. B. BRITTAIN.
South Benfleet. (For National Parcels • and Goods Services.) BUS PICTURE WILL BRING MA NY DOLLARS
wpm reference to the two pages of pictures of pas" senger vehicles which appeared in your issue dated November 2, one of the illustrations included was of our " Spurmobus."
We wish to thank you for publishing this and to inform you that we have already received from new sources several firm inquiries regarding this vehicle. There was notably One from overseas, which, when completed, will earn for this country a sum of money in the neighbourhood of $100,000.
This is moSt encouraging from our point of view, and brings into prominence the important world-wide influence of "The Commercial Motor."
London, N.W.9. C. J. CALDERWOOD,
(For Spurling Motor Bodies, Ltd.) EXPORTS BENEFIT FROM " C. M." ARTICLE
THE article, "Alloy Castings in a New Lightweight Cab," which you published in "The Commercial Motor" dated October 24, was very ,ratifying to us. You will be glad to learn that we have already booked an order for export as a direct result of the publication of these details of our products.
Leicester. R. A. NEAVERSON. (For E. W. Campion and Sons, Ltd.)