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:rnrose Conversions for Ley lands Cheaper

19th January 1962
Page 35
Page 35, 19th January 1962 — :rnrose Conversions for Ley lands Cheaper
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W retail prices became effective on January 11 for Primrose twin-steer ersions for Leyland Comet and r Comet models. The conversion for mediumand long-wheelbase ets, complete with matching 9.00-20 .1y) tyres, is now £395—a reduction 101. The twin-steer conversion for umand long-wheelbase Super ets (10.00-20 tyres) is £525—a :tion of £130.

lvamzed Steel Tank Cladding

-IAT is claimed to be the first application of galvanized sheet steel for mter cladding of road tankers is a re of a fleet of chemical tankers 7ed by the I.CJ. Heavy Organic -deals Division.. The 10 tankers so naed will be transporting olefines olefine derivatives from the Wilton ievernside works of I.C.I. to factories ver the country.

Dfine derivatives are used particuas basic materials for the plastics synthetic detergent industries, and ve the tankers' loads complete proin galvanized steel is chosen for the

cladding, the insulating material ..en this and the stainless-steel tank -a lightweight I.C.I. polyurethane I was foamed while in the cavity. outer cladding is of Galvatite nuous-hot-dipped galvanized steel, zated and fitted at the Crayford, , works of Frederick Braby and Co., Galvatite being produced by John ners and Sons, Ltd. The tankers mounted on Foden eight-wheeled is with plastics cabs.