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T O regard aluminium as a material that can be employed as a substitute for steel or wood can be misleading. In the past this...
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dor . R EFLECTIONS calculated to uplift morale strengthen purpose are appropriate to this tirn( year. I therefore intend to...
m ANUFACTURERS quickly voiced their alarm and disappointment when the Postmaster-General announced a curtailment of the Post...
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Judgment Given in Test Case T 4' Bow Street Magistrate, Mr. K. P. Barraclough, giving his judgment in the Flowers Freight Co.,...
WITH the compulsory cessation of the V , Post Office parcels service because of the current " work-to-rule " campaign, the...
From our Political Corresponden A N attack on part of the Trans 1 - 1 Bill can be expected from the m manufacturing industry...
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Haulier's Appeal Dismissed With Costs T HE Queen's Bench Divisional Court on Monday dismissed with costs an appeal by Sunter...
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Mr. T. C. Morrison will be manager in charge of production and service for Telehoist, Ltd. (Scotland), whose formation is...
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t. G. CHARLESWORTI - 1, who in February, 1960, was seconded from Road Research Laboratory for two s to become the head of the...
E regret to record the death of Mr. F. A. G. Banner, Mr. F. C. Bishop, P. J. Floyd and Mr. W. Henson. r. Banner, who was 53,...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE thorny question of permissible loads is now, I understand, under close scrutiny at the...
"A GOOD case," said Mr. D. I. R. Muir, the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, when granting a seven-vehicle contract switch to B...
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A PLASTICS tipper body for the carriage of h corrosive chemical fertilizer has recently completed by Homalloy, Ltd., Preston....
A FACTORY is to be built for Tele.1 - 1 hoist,. Ltd., of Cheltenham, in the Blairlinn industrial area of Cumbernauld new town,...
TELEVISION cameras will shortly be aiding the Leeds Transport Department and by the end of January will be in action in the...
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W retail prices became effective on January 11 for Primrose twin-steer ersions for Leyland Comet and r Comet models. The...
Weightand Cost-saving Advantages NAANY semi-trailer landing gears use a IVI high percentage of aluminium alloy in their...
FORECAST that engines operating tr higher speeds will eventually be with overhead camshafts was made Er. B. W. Millington of...
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Despite Strong Ob j ect ions A NEW type of holiday for young people, embracing travel by coach from this country and camping...
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EPPING changes are to be made in e vehicle classifications in the Lorry r of the Year competition. This le evident from a...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT THOUGH the Government wages lause is nearing its end, pay trouble bus industry is only just...
B ECAUSE applications put forward by four Welsh bus companies to increase the prices of season and weekly tickets were not set...
A N application by B.R.S. (Pickfords), Ltd., Stockton-on-Tees, to add a lowloading articulated vehicle to their existing A...
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r- I N Tuesday, Dr. J. H. Weaving, chief gas turbine engineer of the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., gave a lecture entitled " Small...
A PAPER entitled "Re-conditioning of High Speed Automotive Engines" was presented by Mr. I. W. Wicks, works manager (road...
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application by Happiway Tours Vlanchester), Ltd., was adjourned e Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners eds last week after the...
HER BR. and Road Services aledonian) rates and the special of rural customers were advanced apporting witness in an application...
South East A DEPUTY Licensing Authority has r - k been appointed for the South Eastern Traffic Area. He is Mr. Athelstan...
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W HEN in Germany, recently. 1 took the opportunity of visiting the various Daimler-Benz production plants in Gaggenau, Mannheim...
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k NE of the first books to be published this year is. an paccount by Professor W. H. G. Armytage of the various plans for a...
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_JECTRIC ? D ESPITE the phenomenal progress in electronic techniques in recent years, it is unlikely that scientists will...
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N OT only has the weather caused confusion on the roads, but there appears to be a certain amount of confusion in the...
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N O one either in transport or in mi or will tell you how long they a will be before every " pinta " in 1 is collected and...
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C OMMENT was made in this series recently on the problem of personnel selection, and a reader now asks for advice on the...