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19th June 1964, Page 45
19th June 1964
Page 45
Page 45, 19th June 1964 — NEW EQUIPMENT
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Danish Lorry Cranes Available I—I A RANGE of five Danish-designed, lorry-mounted cranes is

now being marketed in the U.K. by Skandia Engineering Ltd. These are similar in design to other imported, lorrymounted cranes already available in this country, being operated hydraulically and designed to be fitted as a unit between the cab and body. Three-part arms, adjustable to four lengths, are used and two hydraulic support legs give stability when the crane is in use. The lifting eye on two of the models can be positioned from

4 ft. 11 in. below ground level to 22 ft. 7 in. above it and have a traverse of 3750 between stops. The AS Giraffe has a capacity of 2 tons 16 cwt., whilst the A6 Giraffe, which is a heavy-duty version of the A5, has a lifting capacity of 4 tons

5 cwt. A model specifically designed for unloading bricks from vehicles is the A7 Brickworks Crane which can accommodate loads of up to 7 cwt. The jib of this model can be adjusted for range so that it reaches every part of the lorry platform. Operation of the crane actions is electric and these can be remote controlled from the brick grab by push buttons.

The name given to the two final models is Auto-Crane. Both have a capacity of from 13 cwt. to 1 ton 16 cwt., depending on the extension of the jib, and whereas the Auto-Crane A3 has manual adjustment of the jib, on the A4 this operation is hydraulic.

Marketed by: Skandia Engineering Ltd, Coddenham, Ipswich, Suffolk.

Price (net ex works): AS Giraffe, £707; A6 Giraffe, £1,096; A7 Brickworks Crane, £712; Auto-Crane A3, £452; Auto-Crane A4, £549.

Plastics Explained THE properties of Propathene, Alkon, Maranyl and Diakon are amongst the plastics materials described in a book entitled "Plastics in the Motor Industry ", published by Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd. The book also describes

the properties of other plastics used by the vehicle industry

Upholstery Cleaner Added ARECENT addition to the range of American Westley's products distributed in the U.K. and Europe by Anglo

• American Marketing Associates is Leather and Vinyl Cleaner. This is sold in a 16-oz. plastics " squeeze " bottle with an applicator integral with the cap. :This is in the form of a brush and on pulling up the cap, liquid can be injected into the bristles, As the brush is applied to the material being cleaned. the pressure closes the valve and the flow, of cleaner is stopped.

The cleaner was found on tests carried but to be very effective on all types of plastics materials and imitation and real leather. Although useful on horizontal surfaces, the built-in applicator was not so successful on verticals, when it was found difficult to prevent liquid from dripping out of the brush. Practice reduced the difficulty and, in any event, the cleaner can be applied equally well using a cloth. In ease of use and the standard of job done. Leather and Vinyl Cleaner comes up to the level of other Westley's products marketed in the U.K. These include Fabulous Gloss polish, Tar and Oil Remover, Car Cleaner and Paint Reconditioner, Chrome Cleaner and Polish and Hi-Lustre Car Wash.

Concessionnaires: Anglo-American Marketing Associates, Angloam Warehouses, P.O. Box 20, Beach Road, Eastbourne, Sussex.

Price (retail): Leather and Vinyl Cleaner, 14s. 6d.

Spray-on Protection ANEW spray-on liquid, Rocket WD-40, specially developed for corrosion protection of the American Atlas missile, is now available in Britain. A wide range of items, including tools can be treated with the liquid, which is claimed to be an ideal lubricant and anti-corrosive. Rocket WD-40 is available at household and hardware stores and garages.

Distributed by: Cadulac Chemicals Ltd., The Bridge, Radcliffe, Lancs.

Price: 9s. 9d. (8 oz. sire), 16s. 9d. (16 oz. size).

Facia Panel From Wipac AFACIA switch panel is now being marketed by Wipac Group Sales Ltd. The panel is designed primarily for B.M.C. mini vehicles, but it can be fitted in most other vehicles.

The panel is wired with the earth already fixed. It consists of the Wipac's " Semap " map reading lamp, a reversing light warning switch, headlamp flasher, two "piano key" switches for ancillary lamps. and a plug for use with parking lights.

This switch panel is made of steel and has a grey hammer finish. It is sold complete with all switches and plugs. Made by: Wipac Group Sales Ltd., London Road, Buckingham.

Price: £2 19s. (retail).