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T I-11NGS can be said to be "coming to a pretty pass ", when a Licensing Authority feels so strongly about the rates being paid...
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T HE Road Haulage Association and Traders Road Transport Association have re-stated their opposition to the Ministry of...
D R. BEECHING'S much publicized efforts to win for the railways large quantities of freight from the roads have met with little...
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A LTHOUGH there have been problems regarding satisfactory service of both Lucas and CAN. vehicle electrical equipment, these...
nRAFT provisions for the regulation of monopolies and cartels in transport have now been submitted to the Council of Ministers...
NAR. NORMAN SHORTLAND, diree1V1 tor and general manager of Morton's (Coventry) Ltd., specialists in transport and car delivery,...
R OAD HAULAGE ASSOCIATION I N. operators in the Devon and Cornwall area have been invited to a meeting to be held in Plymouth...
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A NEW demountable container system ri for bulk liquids has been developed by the British Railways Board's Chief Mechanical...
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From our Political Correspondent THE Ministry of Transport is mobi1 taMing a slightly wrathful silence over a report,...
THE Minister of Transport has asked local authorities in London to consider whether they can reduce loading bays without...
CONSERVATIVE M.P.s challenged the k•-• Labour Party to reveal its nationalization plans in a three-hour debate in Parliament...
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QPEAKING this week as chairman of J.– , the North Western Road Car Co. Ltd., at the company's a.g.m., Mr. Williams said that...
N experimental " park-and-ride " bus 41 service will be introduced in Leeds during the next two years, announced Aid. J....
From our Industrial Correspondent ONDON TRANSPORT chiefs and leaders of their 32,000 busmen were due to meet again yesterday...
From Our Political Correspondent THE Government appears to have I landed itself in a thorough mix-up over the vexed subject of...
A E.C. LTD. is participat;ng in a threeIn– cornered vehicle building project in Trinidad, involving British, Commonwealth and...
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Next January, Leeds is to introduce a one-way traffic scheme in the city centre, linked with the introduction of parking...
ments. The busmen wanted another 5s. 6d. on rostered pay and 2s. 6d, on incentives. But it was expected that even a small...
out anomalies. Anyone who glances at this subject, however, will be forced to decide that half measures will only bring on...
have realized the full extent of the anomalies--and his reaction was to call on Mr. Marples to explain how they occurred and...
rOMPARED with Leyland/M.C.W, Atlantean double-deckers already in service with Liverpool Corporation, 120 further Atlanteans...
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Mr. W. J. Irons, manager of the Southampton District of British Road Services Ltd.. has been presented with a 45-year...
T HE chairman of London Transport Board, Mr. A. B. B. Valentine, received a knighthood in the Birthday Honours, Another Knight...
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A REPRESENTATIVE of the South Pl. Durham Steel and Iron Co. Ltd., told the Northern Licensing Authority at Durham on Monday ....
I NCREASING demand for the carriage of steel by road was cited by a haulage firm in an application heard by the Scottish...
A FTER hearing objections by 12 road in-haulage firms on Tuesday, Mr. W. P. S. Ormond, the Eastern Licensing Authority,...
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PAYLOADS COULD BE AFFECTED THE outcome of the appeal now .pending as a result of the cony:cum of Dependable Delivery . Ltd. Of...
IN a written judgment last week the I Transport Tribunal dealt with the procedure which Licensing Authorities must follow with...
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T HE steering committee which will guide the study of vehicle design for arban suitability, announced last week iy the Minister...
THE dual problem of keeping highway I surfaces clean and free from snow came under critical examination at the later sessions...
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A A MAJOR advanta g e of a new Clayton Dewandre air-pressure (or vacuum) operated chassis lubrication system known as the...
Skelmersdale, Lanes, development area has been abandoned by York Trailer Co. The cancellation of this plan was announced by the...
to interested or g anizations a proposal to increase the rear overhang of motor vehicles from 50 per cent to 60 per cent of the...
orders from the following local authorities for Paxit 111A continuous loading refuse collectors: Walthamstow, Staines, Seaton...
B ECAUSE of the unprecedented interest displayed in "The Commercial Motor" Fleet Management Conference in London next...
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New Premises: Coachwork Conversions Ltd., which specializes in factory-approved bodywork on Renault Estafettes, has moved from...
Curing Transmission Chatter on s.w.b. Tractive Units nUITE often during the operation of short-wheelbase tractive units a...
7111S week's winning suggestion comes 1 from Mr, H. Debnam of Little Dun mow, Essex. For removal of the engine from a B.M.C....
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and Publications Danish Lorry Cranes Available I — I A RANGE of five Danish-designed, lorry-mounted cranes is now being...
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Warehousing and lighterage, as well as haulage, are provided at Warring R EDEPLOYMENT of the facilities provided by two...
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ere two T.D.G. units share a big site The Bishop's Wharf and Isherwood fleet of 34 vehicles is divided equally between two...
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A CAPSTAN-AND-HAWSER mechanism and a twin-ram link-type tipping gear are features of the Auto-Speed selfdemountable body...
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BIRD'S EYE VIEW Fact - Packed How many more vehicles squeezed onto our inadequate roads last year? Answer: 880,400. How many...
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N O matter whether you are a designer or driver, builder or breakdown man, "technic." or tea-boy, the only way you can have...
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A TOUCH of variety invariably marks the York round of the Lorry Driver of the Year contest and last Sunday's fixture at...
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Lorry Driver of the Year Com petition different from those previously held there. One was the weather, the other a considerable...
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aying Buses y G. A. PEARSON HIS:' said Peter Spandler, a vice-chairman of the R.H.A. Eastern area and a national councillor,...
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Our fleet of vans had depreciated over the years and presented a poor advertisement for the Firm. We consulted our local...
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R EMARKS that a leading spokesman for an important industry may be tempted to make must often remain unsaid for sound reasons....
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ADVICE ON TRANSPORT PROBLEMS by S. BUCKLEY, ASSOC. INST. T. I N previous weeks consideration has been given to the economics...
A reader in the West Country states he will shortly be taking up employment as a sales representative to his father. His...
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IN his annual review to shareholders a year ago the I chairman of TAYFORTH, Sir William S. Duthie, expressed his confidence...