A.R.O. Leader Denies Rumours D ISQUIE,TING statements about the position of
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A.R.O. were fully discounted at the Northern Area's fourth annual dinner, at Newcastle, last Saturday. Mr. Anthony Todd, chairman of the National Council, declared that the Association was in a flourishing position financially, and that in another three months a useful balance would be in hand.
Alderman John Grantham, Lord Mayor of Newcastle, stressed the importance of road transport to the trader, Sir John Maxwell, Northern Licensing Authority, remarked that opposition came principally from the railways, but, in his opinion, it was possible for road and rail interests to come to an harmonious agreement both forms of transport were necessary He paid a warm tribute to the wonl of the Association's officers, particit larly to Mr. Milton and Mr. Hunter.
Mr. H. J. Lloyd urged that C-licencc holders should be brought within -Hu scope of any legislation affecting Aanc B-licensees.
A surprise incident during the even ing was a presentation to Mr. Anthonj Todd. Among other speakers wen Lt.-Col. J. M. Prior, Alderman J White, Mayor of Gateshead, and Mr H. Wilkinson., During the evening many favourabh comments were made on the proposa to abolish tolls on the High Level an Redheugh Bridges over the River Tyne