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News Of The Week
" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John......
Railways "overwhelmed," Says Trader
DEFUSED, in June last, an, extra vehicle by the North-Western Licensing Authority, Messrs. E. Prince and Son, of Warrington, were again applicants, in Manchester, on Monday, for......
Rail Scheme For Speeding Up Deliveries A Railway Scheme For
the use of PI road transport, which was stated to speed up deliveries by 24 hours, was discussed before the Yorkshire Licensing Authority, at Leeds, last week, when part of an......
"fictitious" Rail Rates Criticized
" CICTITIOUS ,, rail rates were the subject of strong comment, at T,eicaster, on Monday, by Mr. J. H. Stirk, East Midland Licensing Authority. Mr. Bramford, of Messrs.......