Personal Pars
Page 18

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NfR. W. QUINE, chief traffic inspector to Douglas (I. of M.) Corporation, has resigned after 40 years' service with the Municipality.
Da. A. E. PuNsrax, a Past President of the Institute of Petroleum, has been made chairman of a special sub Committee of experts under the Ministry of Fuel and Power. The Work of this committee will he to reduce, so fax. as possible, the consumption of impcsrted liquid fuel.
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. MR. W. 11..GitAy, who, as announced in these columns. a few, weeks . ago, recently .. resigned from Pdrk Royal Coachworks, Ltd., . has joined the well-known bodybuilding concern of Motropolitan-Cammell-Weyinann Motor Bodies, Ltd., and took up his new duties from the beginning of. this month.
Ma. E. C. RDFFLE, managing director of Morris Commercial. Cars, Ltd., has been appointed chairman of the commercial vehicle corturattee of the S.NI,M.T., in succession' to Mr. A. F. Palmer • Phillips, the latter being thanked for his long service in the interests, of the commercial-vehicle manufacturers.
MR. REGINALD A. HAWKINi, assistant transport engineer and manager to Southport Corporation, has been appointed transport manager to Burton-on-Trent Corporation. MR, A. B. SLATER, M.INST.T., previously
head the latter pdst and wheq be died recently had been associated with the Burton transport undertaking for .40 years.
MR. E. G. Blown chairman and managing director of E. C. Brown and Co.; Ltd., has recently been installed Master of the Worshipful Company of Tin Plate Workers, He has had along association with the motor and allied trades, and was engaged in panelling Motor bodies with. the „Daimler Company at Coventry as long ago as 1909. Three years later he 'Started business on his own account, and in 1936 be founded a public company 'with a group
of eight factories. He.: has . been interested in the aircraft industry for over 30 'years.
IN the report of the London, Passenger Transport Board for 1942, ,mention is made of the fact that 'there are now 47 'local transport groups working 'in the Board's area, these forming a valuable contact between the organization and local factory managements, thus enablingadjustments. to be made to transport services as may be -deemed
necessary. .
In connection with the Board's producer-gas activities, "it i stated that the adoption of • this form of power iS being extended and .that eventually about 550 buses of the Board will be equipped with producei-gas plant. It is estimated that a -saving of some 3,506,000 gallons of Petrol a Year wilt be effected by this substitution.