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T the beginning of the war the railways became partially controlled by the Government, and particularly so in connection with...
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THE arrangements which are being made whereby lorry drivers may be able to obtain meals at more factory canteens are a stepin...
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• That the shortage of tools is causing a lot of pilfer ing._ * • _ Of tradesmen complaining that when on a job they • can't...
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MOTOR' INDUSTRYPUBLICITY IN AUSTRALIA" T HE advertising and publicity cam:, paign 'to be 'conducted. in Australia -14,y the...
WHAT-further steps were being taken W. . to organize road transport so that it would play a more 'effective part in the war...
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WE' have aheady referred to an Vi' extraordinary general meeting of A.R.O. as having been called for March 11. The Association...
W HILE reviewing the annual report of the Southern Railway Co. for 1942, the -chairman, Mr. R. HollandMartin, C.B , made some...
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NfR. W. QUINE, chief traffic inspector to Douglas (I. of M.) Corporation, has resigned after 40 years' service with the...
nUESTIONS relating to transport 14 -.personnel were discussed at a recent meeting of the Leeds branch of the Industrial...
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A Particularly Interesting Textile Development which Permits Dispensing with Sponge Rubber T HE shortage in the supply of...
on the Reorganization of the . Indust;y's Representation Reveals an Important Omission • L ONG and impatiently has the...
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• . E LSEWIIERE in this issue will be found, an article dealing 1. - -swith the organization %id financial arrangements for...
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A Successful Innovation in Delivery Methods by Means of which, in Dealing with 210,000 Tons cof Cement in Bulk, the Ministry of...
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Details of the Arrangements, Principles Governing Acceptance and Refusal of Traffics: Excluded Traffics as well as Controlled...
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TYRES MORE VALUABLE THAN POTATOES T HE tyre, if Lord Woolton will allow me to say so, is more important than the potato ; yet...
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L ITTLE publicity seems to have been given to the fact that road transport at 'present is in a very serious position. Without...
C RITICISM, - and especially candid criticism:can_ lead only to results, and if your contributbr," L.V.B." Will not spare the "...