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Handbook of Physical D tri bution Management, n d edition, published by G wer Press, Erasmus House, pping, Essex CM16 4BU; e ited by Felix Wentworth. ' 'ce: E10.50, (hardback).
IT'S GOOD NEWS for the transport industry and fo its practising managers and students that a second editi • of this well-known source i oak has been published, thi gh perhaps less good news that it costs £10.50. Inflati ary effects work through pu • lishing just as remorselessl as in distribution.
Felix Wentworth, the "tor, has cajoled most of th 31 contributors to the book ti update their contributions. The rapid developments of ri ent years are thus given a val able airing in the covers of this book.
There is scarcely an a pect of the vast subject that i not dealt with in the various hapters which cover five • road subject areas — distrib tion management, warehou ing, bulk freight, delivery tran and fleet management.
Road haulage managers will be particularly interested in a chapter by Leslie Robinso on "Motivating the driver." Mr Pobinson rightly points out that remuneration system are by no means the whole s ory; cab comfort and ventil tion, decent pensions an-ang nts, satisfactory sick pay, sch:mes, may be as important m• livating factors as the opport nity to qualify for high bonus •arnings or earnings related to— unpopular — time st r died methods of payment.
There is a useful sum ary of vehicle replacement and costing techniques by Mr S. L. Purvis, consultant in road transport economics. The merits of leasing and co ract hire in the context of •mpany needs, and t mg account of the taxation II isition, are well brought • Other chapters of sweet interest to road hauliers fe•ver pretty thoroughly vehicle • aintenance, road safety, and security systems. A long hapter, "New trends in del very operations," by Sir D : iel Pettit, summarises the e perience of one of the cou try's foremost thinkers who is also a practical "doer." His f or colleague, Mr Bob Bec am, contributes a solid piec on. the use of work-study s ndards in delivery transpo