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Book Reviews
Handbook of Physical D tri bution Management, n d edition, published by G wer Press, Erasmus House, pp ing, Essex CM16 4BU; e ited by Felix Wentworth. ' ' ce: E10.50,......
I Have A Small Fleet Of Car-derived Vans And The
other day one of my drivers parked outside a shop to deliver. Unknown to bun his front wheel was fractionally projecting on to a zigzag area of a pedestrian crossing and he is......
Q Is It True That Since October .1 Last, A Driver
who has been convicted of an endorsable offence three times in four years (not three as previously) will be automatically disqualified under the totting up procedure? A No, the......
Q / Am A Mobile Crane Driver And Normally I Do
not keep a record of driving hours. However, one of my colleagues insists that I ought to do so. Could you tell me whether I am within the law if I do not keep a. logbook? A......
Q I Have Been Warned That I Am Shortly To Expect
a visit to my transport depot and workshops of the inspector connected with the Health and Safety at Work Act. I would like to know beforehand what powers such inspectors hold.......