A.E.C. Coaches Lead in Rally
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FOR the second year in succession a British coach based on an A.E.C. Regal Mk. III chassis has carried off the highest award in the International Coach Rally at Montreux. Awards are made on both the appearance and the performance of the .vehicle.
First pnize was again won by a coach operated by Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., which was described in The Commercial Motor" on April 14. The body was one of a number built by Windovers, Ltd., The Hyde,. Hendon, London, N.W.9, to the design of the. general manage' of S.U.T., Ltd. A maximum of 28 adjustable seats can be fitted in the 8-fl-wide body.
James Smith and .Co. (Wigan), Ltd., won the second prize with another A.E.C. coach with Beceols bodywork. The vehicle obtained five prizes in different competitions.
Altogether there were 10 competing coaches in this year's rally, the Italian contingent haying failed to reach the rallying point, as the Simplon Pass was still blocked with snow. In the course of the rally itself, the British vehicles won the most difficult section, comprising a run of Over 1,000 miles:
On the conclusion of the nriad section of the competition, the 10 vehicles underwent special tests and' examinations at Montreux. Marks and places were awarded on the : following counts:--Performance in the road section (won by the Smiths coach), starting, turning circle, braking, design, appearance and comfort. The Sheffield United Tours vehicle won the braking -kit and was awarded the prize for the most impressive design.
A second rally will be taking place at Nice from May 19-20, in which a Comrner Avenger with a Harrington body, and two Foden coaches with bodywork by James Whitson and Co.. Ltd.. are taking part.