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T, ITTLE is heard, of the workings of the liaison machinery hopefully set up by the Road Haulage Executive and -the Road...
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Ses.vice that the IT is understood that the 16 R.H.E. Could Not 'outstanding applications to Give the Road Haulage Executive...
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Hears— That as well as a stab in the back, operators have had one in the carburetter or injection pump. That Sir Stafford's...
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Restrictions Placed on 7,125 Permits Out of 11,000 Granted T HE Road Haulage Executive has no intention of increasing its fleet...
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rONTRACTS with private bus corn panies for the carriage of workers to the site of a Government-sponsored oil refinery under...
F OR the second year in succession a British coach based on an A.E.C. Regal Mk. III chassis has carried off the highest award...
A NY fine which we impose on these huge nationalized bodies will have about as much effect as the bite of a fly on an...
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MR. J. W. RATLEDGE has become a director of David MacBrayne, Ltd. MR, G. H. STONES! REET has been appointed manager of the...
T o augment the Leyland Comet oilengined refuse collectors which were put into service by Bombay Health Department last year,...
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Question Fluid New Records A PPLICATION has been made by PA the Public Transport Association, the Municipal Passenger Transport...
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divisional managers were held last week in the south-eastern and south-western divisions of the Road Haulage Executive, at...
D ISSENTING from the view of the majority of five judges of the King's Bench Divisional Court that a police appeal in a " red"...
are protesting against the proposal of Wolverhampton Corporation to run occasionatnight bus' services to meet late trains. When...
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T AST year the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., 1—• produced 73,070 commercial vehicles and tractors, of which 42,973 (58.8 per cent.)...
in the Northern Ireland Parliament, last week, the Minister of Commerce indicated that a time might come when the Government...
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Yarmouth and Lowestoft have to Deal with Summer Peak Problems. The Presence of a Fishing Industry and Sport Enables These Small...
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on a Small Scale Q1NCE its introduction 0- 3 exactly two years ago, th Austin 25-cwt. chassis has established an enviable...
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Dropping the Pilot B EFORE 1945, Minister of Transport succeeded unto Minister like mediocre batsmen on a bowler's wicket. One...
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London Charges Scheme Estimated to Yield an Extra 0,700,000 VLORE than 100 organizations are LV1 objecting to the interim...
A NEW bus station that ranks as one of the finest in the south of England was officially opened at Guildford last week by Aid....
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A MOBILE bar for outdoor functions has recently been completed by Wilsdon and Co., Ltd., Solihull, for Flower and Sons, Ltd.,...
O F value to operators of vehicles weighing up to 2 tons, a new ramp developed by Chamberlain Industries, LtdStaffa Road,...
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DYNAMITE! Says A. G. Thomson F AMILIAR sights to drivers proceeding along the highways of the Witwatersrand area of the...
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PURCHASE TAX Must be Paid Official Statement Confirms that Road Haulage Tractors and Trailers are Exempt, but Tax Must be...
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By 1. J. COTTON, M.I.R.T.E. W rILN the present Morris Oxford car was announced, a forecast was made in "The Commercial Motor"...
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the underlying intention of the authorities is to eliminate the carrier for hire or reward, and to state that his days are...
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I EXPECT that by now many modifications have been made, at least in the drawing-board stage, to the design of commercial...
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A Brief Record of a Coach Tour in Scotland made by a Party of I.R.T.E. Members T HE 1950 tour of the Institute of Road...
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Some Examples of How Costs and Rates Will Have to be Increased Are Given in This Article, Which Also Outlines Methods of...
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p A TEN T No. 635,483, comes from the 'Ross Gear and Tool Co., Lafayette, Indiana, U.S.A., and deals with the application • of...