R.H.E. Divisional Conferences D IVISIONAL conferences under the L./chairmanship of the
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divisional managers were held last week in the south-eastern and south-western divisions of the Road Haulage Executive, at London and Bournemouth respectively. They were fully attended by divisional and district officers and group man agers.
In addition to discussions ort the dayto-day business of the divisions, the meetings were addressed on policy matters by the chairman, executives and chief officers from headquarters. To date, approximately 1.000 of the managerial and technical staff have attended such conferences.
LATEST. ACQUISITIONS S1XTEEN haulage businesses were . .
acquired by the Road Haulage Executive in. the first week of this month. They are as follows:-- British Road Services (Unit A.343). Kirdford; W, G. Thomas (Unit D.360), North Gratesin; Leach Bros. (unit D.36I). Edenthorpe; British Road Services (Unit E.436). Redford; Smith's Transport Co..(Wigsten). Ltd. (Unit E,439). Winston; .lante_s G. Cartwright (Unit E. 441), Birstall: Western Motor Service (Watcher), Ltd(Unit F.216), Waictiet; Vv'essex Carriers (Unit F.21.81, LiowcYl H. Smith (Unit H.250), Sunfold: B. B., Copping (Unit H.254). Ipswicb; British Road Services (Unit 1).362),, Huddersfield; Byron Motor Transport (Unit E.428). Loughborough; R. Eddon and Son. Ltd. (Unit 1).363). Darlington; British Road Services (Unit E.430), Wolverhampton: British Road Services (Unit E.431). London, S.E.I: Abbey Transport, Ltd. (Unit (-1.253). TVorw'eh.
The following eight undertakings were acquired during the week from May
John J. Abrams (Unit 113.366). Rotherham: British Road Services (Unit D.371). Sheffield. 5: F. W. Clark .(Unit E.445). Northampton; H, P. Berney and Sons (Unit E449). Coaiville; It. C: &prison (Unit E.450). Chinnon; Woollatn Bros. {Leicester), Ltd. 'Unit E.45I), Leicester: 13rtish Road Services (Unit 1.4771. CoreInY; British Road Services (Unit C.384), Marten.
Tottenham's mobile library, described in last week's issue, was supplied. together with an Austin 5-ton tractor unit, by Henlys Ltd., Osnaburgh Street. London, N.W.I.