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Personal Pars

19th November 1943
Page 23
Page 23, 19th November 1943 — Personal Pars
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SIR" GEORGE C. (.■:,HER has been appointed a director of the Firestone

Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd.

COUNCILLOR WILFRED BARTON, proprietor of the Hyde Transport Co., Hyde,' Cheshire, has been elected mayor of the town for the ensuing year.

ALDERMAN A: HAyrs, J.P., is the new Lord Mayor of Leeds. Since 1936 he has been deputy chairman of the Leeds City Transport Committee and a member of its traffic sub-committee.

Ma. W. T. jamEs, managing director of East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., has been elected to the Council of the Public Transport Association to fill the. 'vacancy created by the untimely loss of Mr. 0, C. Power.

MR. ERIC BUXTON CARR has been appointed to the vacancy, created by the death of his father, Mn, Harry S. Carr, late sales manager' of University Motors, Ltd., at its commercial-vehicle depot at Lots Road, London, S.W..10. Mr. E. B. Carr has, for .many years, specialized in the commercial-vehicle field and Was previously outside sales representative on this side Or Uniyer, city Motors, Ltd.

_ COUNCILLOR WALTER MARSHALL has retired from Messrs'. Marshall Bros., a haulage firm Of St. Helens and Birmingham, of which he was managing partner. He has had over 30 years' experience in the road-transport industry, and so far back as 1912 became a director and manager of County Carriers, Ltd., whilst he was also a director of St. Helens and District Motor Services, Ltd., which, at one time, operated the only bus service in' the borough.


has been elected president of the National Association of Furniture Warehousemen and Removers. He was first elected to the executive committee in 1932, and has made rapid progress. In July, 1914, Mr. Reeves became a partner in a removals concern, but quickly joined up in the Transport Section of the Royal Flying Corps, returning in January, 1919, and building up his .present concern, Reeves and. Co.

MR. E. B, HART, 0.B.E., assistant secretary in charge of the Highways (Administration) Division Of the M.O.W.T., who, for some years, was secretary of the London and Home Counties Traffic Advisory Cornmittee, has retired. On November 12,. his colleagues met to offer him their good -wishes, which were voiced by the Director-General of the Ministry, Sir Cyril HurcOmb, K.B.E., who made a presentation in the form of a cheque and illuminated scroll contain

ing the substribers' signatures. Mr. Hart had held many important positions 0 the Ministry since he joined it in 1919. •