19th November 1943, Page 23
19th November 1943
Page 23
Page 23, 19th November 1943
News Of The Week
M.O.W.T. HIRED-VEHICLE RATES WE have received many complaints W that the rates for hired vehicles in the M.O.W.T. Haulage Scheme are much too low. Some users have even suggested......
Personal Pars
SIR" GEORGE C. (.■:,HER has been appointed a director of the Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. COUNCILLOR WILFRED BARTON, proprietor of the Hyde Transport Co., Hyde,'......
How London Transport 1 . Saving Rubber
WTHEN japan seized most of the W world's sources of rubber, transpOrt . engineers were confronted with formidable problems, and there seemed some excuse for those who felt......