Financial News of the Industry
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Fursland and Co., Ltd.—Private company. Reg. November 4, Cap. £ 10,000 in 10,000 shares of £1 each. To carry on the business of carrier of passengers and goods, etc. Directors:—Elizabeth.A. Foreland, 26 Bristol Road, Bridgewater'' Jas. H. Fursiand, 24, Bristol Road, Bridgwater; Richard C. Fursland, 25, Bristol Road, Bridgwater; Leslie G. Forsland, Stanwell, Nr. Br.dgwater; Guy 111, Fursland, 15,, Bristol Road, Bridgwater. Reg offiec:-15, Bristol Road, Btidgwater.
L. Pratt and Co.. Ltd.—Private company. Hog. November 4. CAD. £3,500 in IGO Special " A " and 3,400 ord, shares of £1 each.
• To carry on the business of but proprietor, etc. Directors:—Leoriard P ratt, 7, Brewster Road, London, E,10; Thos. It. Pratt, 50, Greville Road, London, E.17; Sheila, R, Wain and Evelyn' L. Wain. Sec.: Sheila R. Wain. Reg. 0910e:—Warren• Wood Garage, Egging New Road,
Essex. _ — Watson Stott, Ltd.—Private company. -Reg. November. 4 Carp. £3,500 in 1,500 pref. and 2,009 ord. shares of 41 each. To carry on the business of vehicle proprietor, etc. Directors —Irvin Stott and Elisabeth Stott, both of 238. St. Murgarets Road, Bradford. Reg. • office:— Legrams Lane, Bradford.
alliy (Widnes), Ltd.—Private company, Reg. November 4. . Cap. £2,500 in 2,500 shares of £1 each. To acquire the business of : haulage contractor carried on by john R.' Bailey, at Widnes. Directors:— . John R. Bailey and Nancy M. Bailey, both of 270, Derby Road, Widnes;
John Woolley, 6, Euclid Avenue, Grappenhall, Nr, Warrington. Soliciter:—Poole, Swale and CO.. Widnes. Reg. office:-270, Derby Road, Widnes. Melville Haulage Co., Ltd.—Private company, Reg. November 3. Cap. £2,000 in 2.000 shares of IL each. To carry on the business of a haulage contractor, etc. Subscribers:—Andry Mart and Win. A. T.awrie, both of. 23. Walker Street, Edinburgh. • • Modems Coal, Ltd.—Private company, Reg. November 6. Cep. 42,000 in 1,500 5 per cent. cumulative pref. and 500 ord. shams of £1 each. To carry on the business of haulage contractor, etc. Direetors:—Jahn E. Elliott, 76. Gisbnrn Road Wacky, N. Nelson; Jack Higson, 535, Barnsley-Rood, Pledwick, Wakefie!cl. Reg,. crfice..—.Alston House, High . Street, Ctig.gleatene, Nr. Wakefield.
H orton Transport, Ltd.—Private company. Reg, November 9, Cap, 42;000 in 2,000 shares of £1 each. To carry orr the business el haulage contractor, forwarding agent, etc. Directors:—L. A. Sherrill, Mile House, St. Albans Road. Hatfield; L. C. Shertiff, Fairfolds, Stanbridge, Iferts; E. Sherrill, Ellington, Great Ninth_ Road, Welwyn; E, C. Paddington, Maybank, Stanborough, Welwyn Garden City. Seers. tary:—B. G. Wood. Solicitor:—H. A. Crowe and Cc,, London, W.C.2. Reg. office:—Maybank, Sianhorough, Welwyn Carden City.
J. W. H. Watson (Rochester). Ltd.—Private company. Reg. November 6. Cap. 1,000 in shares of 41 each. To acquire the business of , furniture remover, etc., carried on at 5a, Illman's Bungalows, Caxton Street, Shod, by J. W. IL Watson, HMI' to carry on the 'business of carrier of passengers and goods, etc. Directors.—Jas. W. II. Watson and Bertha Viptson, both of Whttchaven, Watling Street, Strood, Kent. Beg. ofitre:—Ill! man's Bungalows, Caxton Road, Strood.
Tractor Sales (St. bleats), Ltd.—Private company.Reg. November 9. Cap. £500 in 300 ord. shares of £1 each and 2,000 def. shares of 2. each, To carry on the business of maker and repairer Of lorries vans, etc. Subseribers:—Louia .1. Flint, 32. Bedford Street, St. Beets, Hunts; Gwyhne Bevan, St, Bride,. Tulse Rill, Eaton Ford, St. Neota seiieitoi:—Lione/ Abrahams, St. Neots, Mints
Fuel Transport (London), Ltd.-106., Chepstow Road. Bayswater, London, W.2. Denbenture charged. on the company's undertaking and property, present and future, includiux uncalled capital, dated October 22, 1943, to secure all Moneys aue or to 'become due from South Croydon Engineering Works, Ltd„ to National Bank, Ltd., not exceeding £10,000.
J: C. wan and Co., Ltd.—General ba.ulier, etc., 14, TempleStreet. Brisfol.• Satisfaction in full on -May 14; 1934, of charge registered July 29, 1916. (Notice 'bled October 29, 1916.) Traps Transport, Ltd., Felthem, Middlesex. Satisfaction in., full oa May 14, 1943, of charge dated September 9, 1943 and registered September '21, 1942, /Notice filed November 6. 194.-1 Mornement and Ray, Ltd.—Ilaulier, etc.' East Marling, Norwich_ Satia raetiOn in full on Or before October 25 1943, of debentures atitherixed December 3, 1900, and registered April 4. 1901, securing £3,000.
Weymouth Gauges and Instruments, Ltd., 464-8, Alexandra Avenue, Rayners Lane, Darrow. The .nominal capital has been increased by the addition of £5,200 in 41 shares beyond the registered capital of £1.600. Meeks Trucks (Britain), Ltd., 44a and 44b, Floral Street. Covent Garden, Loncldh, W.C.2. The nominal capital has been increased, ha' the addition of • £900 in .£1 ordinary shares beyond the registered capital •of £100. • ,I„ T. Welts arid Son, Ltd,—General agent and carrier, etg., Hesslegete -Buildings, Humber Dock Street, Hull. The nominal capital has bees mereased by the addition of £500 in £1 ordinary, shares beyond the rf.istered capital of £3;000. Acey and Son, Ltd.-11auller. etc., 28, Kirkham Drive, Goodartf Avenue, Dull. The nominal capital has been increased by the addition of 41,000 in £1 ordinary shares beyond the tegistered capital of £1,000.