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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs,"—John Beattie Crozier.
The National Council of the Commercial Motor Users Association has for some time had under consideration the holding of a National Road Transport Conference, open to all those interested in the road-transport industry, at which subjects of importance, such as mote 7 taxation, goods-vehicle licensing, and wages and conditions of •employmen-, can be discussed.
The National Council has now resolved tc organize such a conference, to he held in the near future in one of the provincial centres, and a special conference sub-committee has been appointed to be responsible for the programme.
Further Road transport Co-ordination.
The membership of the British Road Federation has recently been increased by the admission of the National Federation of Dairymen's Associations. The B.R.F. now consists of 33 national organizations, which, together, cover practically all the various interests of the road-transport industry.
One Association for Road Transport.
That one organization for the whole of the road-transport industry was desirable, was the view expressed by Mr. R. W. Sewill, chairman of the Road Haulage Association, in an address at the meeting of the R.H.A. (North Western Area), at Liverpool, on Monday last. Mr. T. F. Hargreaves presided, and there was an attendance of over 200 persons, including many nonmembers,
" I hope," said Mr. Sewill, "that shortly we shall have in London a coordinated body representing the British Road Federation, the Automobile Association, and the Royal Automobile Club," He remarked that the difficulties in the way of merging with the C.M.U.A. must be cleared.
Other speakers, including several members of the Liverpool Area Committee of the C.M.U.A., spoke in favour of one organization for the whole of the industry.
Furniture Removers' Radius Restricted.
In dealing with an application in which a small haulage contractor sought to undertake furniture removing, Sir . Henry Piggott, the South Eastern Licensing Authority, stated that he had allowed a number of small hauliers to carry furniture and household effects for any distance.
This, he said, was reasonable in the case of small villages, but in a large town, where a number of concerns specialized in removals, he could not allow a single lorry to run all over the
country on this type of work. The applicant was granted a licence with aDinned range of 25 miles from Hastings Town Hall.
A New Committee on Road Safety.
At its meeting last week the Transport Advisory Council nominated certain of its members to the Committee on Road Safety which the Minister of Transport had proposed to establish, and Mr. Hore-Belisha has now completed the constitution of the committee by appointing additional members, after consultation with various representative bodies and interests. The Committee is constituted as follows:—
Viscount, Goschen, P.C., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., Chairmen of the Transport Advisory Council; Commander F. P. Armstrong, 0.B.B., R.N., Secretary of the Royal Automobile Club; Mr, C. G. Argles, j.13., Member of the Transport Advisory Council, Past-president of the National Horse Association; Lord Ashfield, • Chairman of the London Passenger Transport Board; Sir Herbert Austin, K.B.E., President of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders; Mr. Ernest Bevin, Member of the Transport Advisory Council, General Secretary of the Transport and General Workers' Union; Sir Herbert Blain, C.B.E., Chairman of the National Safety First Association; Mr. F. G. Bristow, C.B.E., Secretary of •the British Road Federation, Secretary of theCommercial Motor Users Association; Sir Alexander Kaye Butterworth, Member of the Transport Advisory Council, Chairman of the Pedestrians Association; Sir &mason Cooke, Secretary of the Automobile Association; Mr. W. H. Gaunt, U.S.N., Member of the Transport Advisory Council, President of the Mansion Ilonse Association on Transport; Mr. S. E. Carcke. Member of the Transport Advisory Council, President of the Institute of Transport; The Rt. Hon. Sir Arthur Griffith-Boscawen. Chairman of the Royal Commission on Transport (1928-1930); Earl Howe, C.B.E., Chairman of the British Road Federation; Mr. G. F. Johnson, Secretary of the Accident Offices AssociatMn; Mr, Basil Marsden-Smedley, Member of the Transport Advisory Council and of the London and Horne Counties Traffic!, Advisory Committee, Member of the London Comity Council end of Chelsea Borough Council; Mr. J. S. Nichol]. Member of the Transport Advisory Council, Vicechairman of the Road Haulage Association; Mr. IL A. Watling, British Cycle and Motor Cycle Manufacturers and Traders Union, Ltd.
• The following representatives of Government Departments and of police authorities will serve on the Committee :—
Me IL R. V. Ball. P.M. Inspector of Schools; Mr. A. L. Dixon, C.B., C.B.E., Assistant Undersecretary of State, Home Office; Mr. It Allier Tripp, Assistant Commissioner Metropolitan Police; Capt. Percy Santee, Chief Constable of Glasgow.
The Board of Trade returns for September, 1934, show that the value of commercial vehicles, cars, chassis and accessories imported during that month amounted to £240,441, as compared with £202,471 for the corresponding month of last year, and £201,180 in September, 1932.
The exports of complete commercial vehicles make a much better showing than they did in August, when an appreciable fall was recorded, the figure of 167 for September, 1934, comparing with 156 a year earlier, and 84 in September, 1932, the aggregate values being £68,102, £59,728 and 227,711 respectively. For the nine months ended September 30, 1934, the value of the exports of complete commercial vehicles (1,806) was £490,857.
Exports of commercial chassis again showed a marked improvement, the September figure of 1,350 (£183,280) comparing with 548 (£83,603) for September, 1933, and 455 (466,307) for September, 1932.
For the nine months ended September, 1934, the 7,276 chassis exported had an aggregate value of £1,077,917, the previous year's figures being 5,806 chassis with a value of £770,539.
National Conciliation Meeting To-morrow.
The national conference of members of employers' panels of the Area Conciliation Boards will meet again at Nottingham to-morrow (Saturday). In the morning there will be a meeting of the committee, to discuss matters of constitution and procedure, and the full conference will take place in the afternoon. Mr. Fred Pickering, hon. secretary of the Bradford Commercial Vehicle Owners Federation, has been appointed chairman, and Mr. Harry Clarke, one of the joint secretaries of the Yorkshire Area Board, is secretary.
One or two of the employers' panels in the South of England were not represented at the first conference at Birmingham, but last Saturday a deputation from that meeting attended a conference of members of employers' panels on southern area boards.
C.M.U.A. to Press for Taxation Reduction.
Representations are to be made to the Minister of Transport by the Commercial Motor Users Association for a reduction of taxation. At the same time the Minister is to be requested to consider the modification of existing machinery to provide that Road Fund licences may be surrendered at any time.
The C.M.U.A. also proposes to request the Minister to abolish the additional fee on quarterly licences.
A return lately issued by the Ministry of Transport shows that the gross receipts from the taxation of road vehicles in the period from December 1, 1933, to August 31, 1934, was £29,304,918, compared with£26,237,731 in the corresponding period of the previous year.
The same return shows that the total number of licences current at the end of August was approximately 2,358,790, as contrasted with 2,241,083 a year earlier. Of the total number, 401,479 applied to goods vehicles and 85,388 to hackney vehicles, the comparable figures for a year earlier being 372,273 and 85,352 respectively. In the year the number of horse-drawn vehicles fell by nearly 5,000.
Scottish Wages Settlement in Sight?
The Scottish National Co-operative Wages Board (representing the Cooperative Societies and the Scottish Horse and Motormen's Association), the Transport and General Workers' Union and N.U.D.A.W. has completed preliminary negotiations regarding a new agreement for wages and conditions of employment for transport employees. The proposals are to be considered by both sides, after which the negotiating committee will again meet. It is believed that progress has been made towards a settlement.
Two Representatives Required.
A well-known concern of accessory makers has two appointments available. A live factor or manufacturers' representative is required to take over the agency in Manchester or Liverpool. Only applicants with suitable premises and connection will be considered. A second man is required for London. He must be well known to important motor traders. The position should be worth horn £750 to £1,000 a year.
Letters addressed "Representatives," care of the Editor, will be forwarded.
Unusual Licensing Point Raised.
An unusual point was, last week, raised before the North Western Licensing Authority by Mr. J. Lustgarten, on behalf of Isherwood and Co., which applied for B licences for five petrol tankers. He states that, had he been consulted, he would have advised applications for A licences for the concern to deal with haulage for other people, and for C licences for
its own transport. Mr. Lustgarten sought to solve the problem whether the B licence was intended to be a substitute for A plus C licences.
The application was opposed by the railway companies, and the Authority. reserved his decision.
Goodyear's Eighth Factory.
A start is to be made this month on the construction of a tyre-manufacturing plant for the Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., in Buitenzorg, Java, Dutch East Indies. At the outset the daily capacity of the new plant will be 300 covers and a similar number of
tubes. The works are expected to be in opei ation by May, 1935. The new factory will be the eighth Goodyear plant of this kind, the others being in England, Canada, Australia, Argentine and the United States, the last-named having three.
Move for Doncaster Rates Tribunal.
Each of two recent meetings of haulage contractors in the Doncaster area to establish a local rates tribunal
was attended by over 120 persons. The following officials have been elected :Chairman, Mr. G. Earnshaw (Blaxton) ; treasurers, Messrs. A. Harrison and Leach (Edenthorpe) ; secretary, Mr. L. Maleham (Doncaster).
C.M.U.A. Urges Higher Steamer
The Commercial Motor Users Association has recently urged the Minister of Transport to provide that the speed limit of steam wagons—where the legal axle weight is 9 tons and the legal gross weight 14 tons—be increased from 12 m.p.h. to 20 m.p.h. PERSONAL PARS. , Mr. T. A. Gourlay, of Duns, Berwickshire, has been elected president of the Highway Engineers' Association of Scotland, in succession to Mr. William Kirkland, of Crieff.
Mr. J. C. Lovelock has been appointed assistant Thornycroft sales representative for the East Midland traffic area, with headquarters at the company's West Midland branch in
Mr. Alfred Richards, a Truro coach proprietor, has been unanimously chosen as Mayor of the city for the ensuing year. He has been a member of the city council for about 11 years, and at every election has been returned at the top of the poll for the ward that he represents.
Mr. C. F. Gifford has been appointed manager of the Yorkshire branch of John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., situated at St. Michael's Lane, Headingley, Leeds. Mr. Gifford has had a wide experience both at home and abroad in the sale and servicing of all types of commercial vehicle.
Mr. J. W. Tangye, assistant managing director of Tangyes, Ltd., Birmingham, has left England for a business tour of the world. He is proceeding across Europe to the Near and Far East, and will later visit New Zealand ; from there he will travel to South America and other parts. It is expected that Mr. Tangye will be absent for about 15 months.
Mr. R. T. G. Tangye, 0.B.R., B.A., LL.B., the newly appointed deputy to the Metropolitan Licensing Authority, will conduct his first public inquiry during the week after next. A sitting is to be held at Caxton House, Tothill Street, S.W.1, from October 30-November 2, whilst another hearing will take place at Romney House, Marsham Street, S.W.1, on October 30-31. One of these inquiries will be held by Mr. Tangye.
The " short" list of applicants for the post of transport manager to Rawtenstall Corporation comprises the names of Messrs. R. Baker, J. H. Bordass, G. E. Cherry, J. A. Wild, F. Crossley and N. Rylance. The first two at present hold positions with important bus companies operating in Yorkshire, whilst the remainder are connected with the passenger-transport departments of Rotherham, Lincoln, Ashton-under-Lyne and Wigan Corporations respectively.
Trade Plate Insurance.
A dealer in lorries wishes to get into touch with a company which is prepared to issue insurance policies on a journey basis for ve,hicles operating under trade plates. The charges could be based upon the vouchers which have to be filled in and carried by the drivers when using such plates.
Significant indications of the feeling among goods-transport operators concerning the fusion of associations are provided by the following resolution passed by the executive committee of the North Lindsey (Lincolnshire) Road Transport Rates Tribunal and endorsed by the Bradford Section of the Yorkshire Road Transport Rates Tribunal: " That this Tribunal urges the fusion of all authorized road-haulage associations, in order to present a united national front."
Mr. Jesse Hind, secretary of the North Lindsey Tribunal, states that, in the North Lindsey area, the cause of the haulier is, from a national point of view, suffering badly because of the lack of a united front. There is a unanimous view in the district that there are too many associations. The Bradford Tribunal members, who discussed the resolution, last Monday, heartily endorsed it. Bradford hauliers see in the fusion of associations a stepping stone to the establishment of a national rates tribunaL No Failure of South Wales Conciliation Negotiations.
The reports in the daily Press of an alleged disruption between members of the South Wales Conciliation Board are without foundation, and there is no danger, as was suggested in one paper, of the Board's failing to function.
Wages and the status of drivers occupied the discussions at the previous two meetings of the Board, and points of difference on grading and hours arose. This, however, was not unanticipated, and it was to overcome local difficulties of this kind that a National Joint Conciliation Board was formed. The points of disagreement have been referred to the National Board.
Improved Approaches to London Docks.
Following the opening of Silvertotvn Way by the Minister of Transport, last month, another vast project for improving the approaches to the London Docks is taking shape. It is, perhaps, the most comprehensive scheme for the replanning of commercial access to the Port of London ever undertaken. It traverses the areas of five local authorities, and these, together with the London County. Council and the Port of London Authority, will combine with the Ministry to complete the scheme.
New roads will be built, others widened and improved, and no fewer than ten bridges reconstructed or eliminated. The plan also provides for a system of viaducts to obviate delays caused by level crossings. With the assistance of grants from the Ministry of Transport, work has already begun on three of the bridges, and arrangements are being made to commence other large portions of the scheme, the cost being es ti MA ted at £1,500,000: During the past 25 years the Port of London Authority has spent some £16,000,000 upon. enlarging and improving the system of docks which
c22 it administers, but until a few years ago comparatively little, had been done to modernize the system of roads serving the dock areas. The trade of the Port was greatly handicapped by narrow, tortuous thoroughfares, weak bridges and delays at level crossings.
Licence Applications Reflect Improvement in Textile Trade.
A number of applications for licences recently made by hauliers to the North Western Licensing Authority, involved the acquisition of additional vehicles. In many instances, the applications were based on the increased trade in the textile industry. One applicant stated that an increase of 31 per cent. in the amount of textile haulage had been recorded in 1934.
Drysdale Fire Pump at Ford Show.
In our review of the exhibits at the Ford Show last week we referred -to the trailer fire pump made by Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Yoker, Glasgow. This was shown by John Kerr and Co., London
A meeting was held at Ipswich a few days ago between representatives of the Road Haulage Association and the Transport and General Workers Union, when a resolution was adopted for setting up an Area Joint Conciliation Board for the Eastern Traffic Area, this consisting of 28 representatives, equally divided between employers and
workers. Mr. S. Child was elected chairman, and Councillor J. Slingheld vice-chairman, Mx. P. J. Authors and Mr. F. G. Witcher being appointed joint secretaries.
A sub-committee was appointed to consider vital matters connected with the industry and to make recommendaa -Eons and submit a report at an early date.
Rate•cutting Warning by Licensing Authority.
An important statement with regard to rate-cutting was recently made by Colonel A. S. Redman, the West Midland Licensing Authority, at Stoke. He stated that, in future, if he received allegations of rate-cutting, he would End ciut whether other operators had combined to fix their rates unduly. high. In the event Of this not being the case, he would have to consider.. whether the applicant was a man of unusual organizing ability, or merely an evil influence.
Mr.. F. Griffiths, on behalf of the Road Haulage Association, stated that, .a 'Uniform scaleof charges for different . commodities, which. was prepared by the Association, was put into operation last January. The new scale of wages, to become operative on January 1 next, would necessitate the raising of these rates.
Road Trains Prove Their Value Overseas.
According to reports received by the Oversea Mechanical Transport Directing Committee, road trains, which have been designed to assist transport developments in comparatively inaccessible parts of the Empire, have proved successful under test conditions in the Gold Coast and Central Australia. It may be remembered that this Committee was brought into being as a result of the recommendations of the Colonial Office Conference of 1927.
Under the supervision of the Committee, the road train, consisting of an eight-wheel-drive tractor with eightwheeled trailers, all shod with Dunlop 101-in, low-pressure tyres, was developed. After undergoing arduous tests in England on metalled roads and tracks, one of the trains was dispatched to the Gold Coast, where it has proved so successful that it has been purchased by the Gold Coast Government.
A. second road train has recently completed five months' running in Central Australia, in country inaccessible by railway. It has been in constant use and has covered several thousand miles, carrying heavy loads, and is said r to have opened a new era for the road r motor in the hinterland. 63 SCOTTISH APPLICATIONS FOR RECORD EXEMPTIONS.
Sixty-three applications, covering an area from Dunfermline to Kirkwall, for dispensation from the observance of the requirements of the Goods Vehicles (Keeping of Records) Regulations were before the Northern Scotland Licensing Authority, last week.
The first application was from Dunfermline Co-operative Society, the vehicles of which were, it was explained, used on the Society's farms, and travelled on the roads only when going between the farms. Mr. Riches said the Society was exempt, and the application was granted.
Dundee Corporation's transport and electricity departments applied for exemption for their vehicles. Mr. Robert Taylor, transport manager, said that two of the vehicles were engaged on road-repair work, and he emphasized the difficulty of keeping proper records as to weight carried and distance run. The electricity department's application concerned a tractor-trailer otrtfit used in repair work, and lorries. The repairs were carried out at high speed.
Mr. Riches said he was favourably disposed to grant the application relating to the tractor so far as the emergency point of view was concerned, but he was not satisfied that it was not reasonably practicable in the case of the lorries. It was pointed out for the electricity department that in the Southern Scotland Area, similar applications were being submitted for Glasgow and Edinburgh Electricity Departments, and for the Central Electricity Board for Scotland.
Yorkshire Hauliers to Meet.
A meeting of hauliers in the l'ilalton and Scarborough districts of Yorkshire will be held at Irivin's Café, Scarborough, on October 29, under the auspices of the Mallon and Scarborough Sub-area of the Road Haulage Association. Mr. Newham Dawson, a member of the Yorkshire Area Conciliation Board, will preside, and the speakers will be Mr. A. H. Butterwick, also of the Yorkshire Conciliation Board, and Mr. M. C. Vickers, Yorkshire organizer for the R.H.A.
Farmers Complain of Lincs. Beet•haulage Rates.
Letters published in the Lincolnshire Echo show that some farmers are dissatisfied with the beet-haulage rates approved by the Mid-Lincoinshire Road Transport Rates Tribunal. The secretary of the Lincolnshire branch of the National Farmers Union states that , the new rates show a big increase on those for the previous season, and appear to be excessive.
In reply, the Tribunal states that it will not be possible, in the future, for hauliers to comply with the Road and Rail Traffic Act, and to work for the past low rates. The rates approved for 1934 are, it is stated, identical with those published by the Lincolnshire Sugar Beet Co., in 1929, except in
three classes. The charges are also similar to those agreed for haulage to the Cambridge Sugar Beet Factory for the 1934 campaign.
C.M.U.A. Visit to Morris-Commercial Works.
The National Council of the Commercial Motor Users Association has accepted the invitation of Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., to visit the concern's works at Adarley Park, Birmingham, on October 30.
A Simple Tipping Gear.
With reference to the list of makers of tipping gears included in our Special Equipment Number, Stanley T. Robson, Ltd., 2'M-283, Coventry Road, Birmingham, should be added. This make of gear is of the ball-bearing, single or double-vertical-screw type, with hand operation from each side. It is simple, easily fitted and has no cast-iron parts. EMPLOYEES DISSATISFIED WITH • CONCILIATION PROGRESS.
A conference of members of the employees panels of the Yorkshire, Lancashire and East Midland Area Conciliation Boards was held in Manchester, last week, when much dis, satisfaction was voiced at the position of negotiations with the employers' panels.
In trade-union circles in Yorkshire there is dissatisfaction at the delay in calling together the sub-committee appointed three weeks ago by the Yorkshire Board to frame an agreement on grading for wages purposes, and on the definition of trunk and long-distance
services. It is understood that a Yorkshire conference of the Transport and General Workers Union is to be called to discuss the position.
A Beaver Does Well on Sheep Haulage. • Mr. James Wade, of Woodplumpton, near Preston, placed a Leyland Beaver cattle-carrying lorry in service towards the end of August,. 1933, and, in the 12 months from that date, it transported no fewer than 45,260 sheep, the distance travelled being 30,000 miles. In addition, large numbers of cows and calves have been transported. The vehicle has a three-decker body, which accommodates between .120 and 150 sheep, but when larger. animals are carried, it can be transformed into a single-deck or double-deck vehicle.
B.S.A.T.A. and Recent Legislation.
The half-yearly general meeting of the Ballast, Sand and Allied Trades Association was recently held in London, when Mr. A. J. Arnold, chairman, presided.
The number of loading-line plates and the quantity of delivery tickets
issued for the past six months remained fairly constant and, up to the end of June, 5,547 plates and almost 1,000,000 tickets had been issued.
• Attention was directed to a letter sent by the Board of Trade to the British Standards Institution, in which it was intimated that it was hoped to introduce a Bill in Parliament in the early autumn for the standard4ation of measurement of materials which are dealt with by the cubic yard.
The chairman thought the keepingof-records regulations would cause more difficulties to many hauliers than any other section of the various traffic acts. He stressed the need for keeping in touch with the names of applicants for licences and, eventually, for licence renewals, thrimgh the Licensing Authorities' publication, " Applicae! tions and Decisions."
Thomas Smith's Stamping Report.
The report of Thomas Smith's Stamping Works, Ltd., for the year ended August 4, 1934, shows a net profit of £9,482, the total available, after including the balance brought in, being £10,310. It is proposed that this amount should be carried forward.
The Minister of Transport has made a substantial grant from the Road Fund towards the cost of a scheme for meeting the ever-growing traffic needs of the Lake District. It provides for the widening of the AmblesideGrasmere-Keswick road, which is not only one of the main routes to Carlisle and the north, but is also much used by road tourists during the summer.
A grant has also been made from the Fund towards the cost of a scheme to facilitate east-coast holiday traffic on the York-Scarborough road by eliminating the L.N.E.R. level crossing 11--mile south of Seamer.
Operators' Views on Conciliation Proposals.
Steps are, being taken to obtain the views and constructive suggestions of all A and B licence holders who are members of the North-eastern Division of the Commercial Motor Users Association, on the report of the National Joint Conciliation Board. It is proposed to place the information at the disposal of the employers' panel of the Yorkshire Board.
Road Accident Returns.
The Ministry of Transport returns of persons killed or injured in road accidents during the week ended October 6, 1934, show that, in England, 94 persons were killed and 4,139 injured, whilst 35 died as a result of previous accidents. The figures for Scotland were 6 killed and 406 injured, whilst in Wales 4 were killed and 161 injured.
The Exide Show Luncheon.
The annual Motor Show luncheon of the Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., was held on October 11, Mr. D. P. Dmme, managing director of Exide Batteries, being in the chair.
In proposing the toast of " The Guests," Mr. Dunne said that battery improvement is gradual but regular; spectacular claims should be viewed with suspicion. There had been a great Increase in batteries for the propulsion of road vehicles, especially of the light type used for carrying milk, beer, etc. There were more electric vehicles on the road to-day than ever before, and a great many more were now being made per year. The direction of the private car was towards elaboration; the trend of the battery-electric vehicle was towards simplicity. He mentioned that the mechanism which released the "Queen Mary" at her launch was operated by an Exide battery.
Bouts-Tillotson Rates Revised.
A circular received by customers in Bradford intimates that the BoutsTillotson -transport organization is increasing its rates by 5 per cent. as from
this week. The announcement is particularly interesting in view of the fact that Ryburn United Transport, Ltd., was formerly a member of the Bradford section of the Yorkshire Road Transport Rates Tribunal, but seceded after the concern became part of the Bouts-Tillotson organization.
Start on Cardiff Oil Plant.
The National Coke and Oil Co., Ltd., is this month to commence the installation of plant for producing oil from coal on a site at Cardiff Docks. It is anticipated that production will commence in three months' time. One retort, with a consumption of about 75,000 tons of coal per annum, is to be erected at present, but provision is made for nine other retorts.
In order that Bedford dealers who were in London for the Motor Show might have the opportunity of viewing a range of Bedford vehicles, a demonstration was given at the Hendon premises of Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., on Friday last. A number of Bedford vehicles of diverse types was on view, ranging from the standard models to machines specially built and equipped for advertising purposes.
Amongst vehicles of particular interest niay be mentioned a soup kitchen owned by the Maggi soup concern, and equipped with cooking plant, sink, water tank, plate lockers, etc., a well
streamlined publicity and delivery van for Collars, Ltd., and a striking publicity vehicle for David McBrayne (1928), Ltd. Several vehicles of specific interest to the farmer were included, whilst the Luton-type van was well in evidence. Municipal vehicles for street cleansing and refuse collection were represented by an Eagle 10cubic-yd. refuse collector having footoperated dustless covers, and an Eagle gully emptier of 600 gallons capacity.
A special gunpowder van built to the order of the War Department was shown, and features of this vehicle are a steel bulkhead at the front of the body and a leather-covered floor. Several traveller's broughams were on view, and a new 24-seater bus on the 3-ton chassis was an exhibit of interest.