One Hears—
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That '.' Don" is a Spanish title for an aristocrat: That we must all aim high by .keeping "on the level."
Of the cab of a derelict lorry beingused as a ' play
pen " for children. 0
Of a posSible chain of Cd-op petrol-filling stations throughout the country.
Of sections of road being repaired immediately after tarring operations.
Of ratepayers wondering if this is to give employment or just to spend their money.
Of someone prophesying that the transport vehicle • of the future will, like the seagull, be equally at home on land, sea or in the air. That, gas turbines may yet drive lorries and buses.
, That some makers may have to revoke their filter
designs. 4
That the U.S. demand for tyres still largely exceeds the output.
Of the poor condition of a large percentage of Army motor vehicles. 0 That good cleaning is the first essential to the success of many processes.
That, undera nationalization scheme, there is a danger that any ban on traders' choice might be extended to travellers.
Queries as to what will be done with all the American vehicles abroad which the U.S. Govern-I-tient does not want returned.
That it is " Gunk," not bunk.
Of " Tyneside " with an Egyptian flavour.
That all our meadows must become producers.
That the atom bomb, having ended the war, must not be allowed to end the peace.
That Qualcast, Ltd., has satis factorily developed an American process for die-casting iron.
Hopes that in the near future refuse collection will come into the." not-so-dusty" category.