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M UCH satisfaction will undoubtedly be expressed concerning the promised quickening of the tempo of the demobilization of our...
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S PEAKING the other day to the members of the 'Bedford Sub-area of the Road Haulage Association, the director of that body put...
Advances with WirepERMISSION to equip 100 less Communication inter-city buses with twoon Chicago Buses. . way wireless...
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That '.' Don" is a Spanish title for an aristocrat: That we must all aim high by .keeping "on the level." Of the cab of a...
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NO STATEMENT YET ON FUTURE OF THE R.H.O. T HERE has been no further development in connection with the future of the M.O.W.T....
T HE Government should give a clearer indication of its intentions concerning the question of nationalizing road transport, •...
the Hereford-Abergavenny road were racing and overtaking each other, was made at an informal public inquiry, held jointly by...
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Mu. J. C. WANE has been designated deputy general manager of the transport department of Middlesbrough Corporation MR. J. C....
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Contract A Licences for Haulage Some Figures for Costs for Four Different Sizes of Vehicle. Sound Advice on How to Avoid Some...
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Two New Devices WhichMake for Simplified Handling and Increased Efficiency I'VE have received from Sheffiex, Ltd., VI'...
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The Post-war Possibilities for British Makers of Both Passenger and Goods Vehicles are Discussed by Staff /Sgt. E. H. W....
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TE Government has decided, as _ part of its plans for the reconversion “I industry to peace-time requirements, to retain the...
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A Midland Concern Which 1,200 Miles Per Week : Relating to a H 27 Vu/cans, Each Running Service and Cost Data 'led of...
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T WO important documents were, last week, circulated to all members of the House of Commons and she House of Lords by the...
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Some Useful Advice to Those Who are Seeking Chances in the Road-transport Industry. Haulage Canvassing—a Certain Way to Good...
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Extracts from an Interesting Paper Delivered by the Chief Engineer of the Electric Vehicle Department of the Brush Electrical...
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A Resume of Patent Specifications That Have Recently Been Published A SUSPENSION system, embodying several novel features, is...