Sunderland's Manage Answered by L.T.E.
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CR1T1C1SMS of London Tramp which were made lastweek by Norman Morton. general manager Sunderland Corporation Transport; lu been answered in a special statemi by the L.T.E. Mr. Morton made remarks in a paper on" Public Cont Without Nationalization," presented the Municipal Passenger Transp Association.
He was particularly critical .of specially designed buses used in Lon& pointing out that these expensive vehic showed no savings in maintenance co: To this, the L.T.E. refer to the LC Chambers Committee Report, wh. stated that London traffic condith justified the use of a special bus. Tb claim that the higher initial -cost is sa', many times over through economy operation.
Dealing with the suggestion ti London bus maintenance is too expens. and inflexible, the statement. draws attt tion to the fact that continued econom are being made in maintenance. It sr costs have been reduced throu standardization of bus design, flow-li overhaul methods, improved gara equipment, and the extension of " when required overhaul instead fixed period overhauls.
On the question of fares—Mr. Mort said London Transport's compar unfavourably with those charged in t provinces—it is pointed out that tra, in London costs only a fraction over : a mile, which is an increase of 145 y cent, on pre-war scales. This level fares compares favourably with tilt charged elsewhere, considering that non profitable underground railw system has to be operated.
The idea that London Transpc should be divided into four self-contain bodies is rejected on the ground ti services could not be fully co-ordinati Also rejected is the suggestion that lot authorities should be represented on t Executive.