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Mass Producers Extending Steadily into Former Exclusive Markets of Specialist Makers T HE Commercial Motor Show, which opens...
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A Frisky Light Van ? O NE of the most promising of small cars, the Meadows Frisky, was first seen by a representative of this...
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That those who drive at high speeds along flooded gutters re deservedly unpopular. "Who cares whether they call it pay, wages,...
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R APID action was taken by the Road Haulage Association to deal with the situation created by the agreement on coal haulage,...
A LTHOUGH he realized that his B 1 - "i licence had - expired, Mr. H. Beck, Beighton, near Sheffield, operated a vehicle on...
I ORRIES, buses and heavy vans can now be bought under hire-purchase agreements without a deposit being paid. These vehicles...
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with the slogan "Kerb Space is — I Precious is to be launched by the Traders' Road 7ransport Association with the object of...
THE wage claim by provincial company busmen has been referred to arbitration by Mr. lain Macleod, Minister of Labour. The...
F OR the first time since 1948, London Transport fully paid their way last year, according to the L.T.E. annual review,...
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MR. L. H. CANNON, deputy general manager of Eastbourne Transport Department, has been recommended to succeed the late MR. JOHN...
A NEW parcels service will be launched next week by the Bristol Omnibus Co., Ltd. About 300 agents have been appointed in towns...
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N agreement was reached between two coach operators . in the Shepton allet area, last week, after one of them ad objected to...
NeW VY Malden, Surrey, undertook the movement of the Golden Arrow, the 1929 record-breaking car of the late Sir Henry Segrave,...
fail to.,put in an appearance at the, traffic courts Was Made_ on Tuesday, this . time by:Mr.-T. B. Atkinson, who represented...
Bodywork Service: Light-alloy sections for bodywork arc now being produced by Deutsch and Brenner. Ltd., Alliance Works,...
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U NCERTIFIED fi g ures produced by a Bristol haulier were. most unsatisfactory, Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensin g Authority,...
F OR the first time since the Exhibition I was inau g urated in 1919, it will be possible to negotiate hire-purchase terms at...
N EW facilities for coal haula g e w g ranted on Tuesday to H. Ev Ltd., Manchester, stated to be the lar g tipper operators in...
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-Janine Association, to be held at Forquay from October 13-15, have been educed to eight. The programme formally includes about...
THE ,Britain's...Biggest largest -Modern fuel .oilterminal . in Britain was opened in London, on Monday, by Charrington,...
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B RADFORD hauliers will not go to Hull and Goole with urgent loads on Saturday mornings because they know the chances of...
H AVING coal delivered by road direct from Wigan to Sunrryhurst Nurseries, Ltd., Preston, is a cheaper proposition than the...
T HE largest four-wheeled bulldozerao be seen this country arrived last week from Ameri It is a Michigan 380 Tractor-dozer. and...
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LTHOUGH Bere Re g is and District - X Motor Services are coverin g many mtes at a loss, their fares a r e still kept rwer than...
N EXT year both the Lancaster and Preston by-passes will be open—yet the road linkin g them will not he completed until 1962....
L 'ABILITIES of .£11,515 incurred by Duffield Transport, Ltd., Colwick Road, Nottin g ham, would he paid in full, a director...
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Trojan for Earls Court A NEW forward-control 25-cwt , chassis produced by Trojan, Ltd., Purley Way, Croydon, will make its...
C R1T1C1SMS of London Tramp which were made last week by Norman Morton. general manager Sunderland Corporation Transport; lu...
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IN 1957, 2,370 people fell off or inside public service vehicles in . London, iccording to statistics published by the...
by the British Trailer Co., Ltd., at the Commercial Motor Show. It is now 25 years since Legge's Haulage, Ltd., Liverpool,...
IUTAXIMUM hire-purchase charges for IVI vehicles are to be reduced at the beginning of October by the members of the Finance...
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0 F all the features of a platform semi-trailer which could offer advantages to operators working regularly to the Continent,...
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4ual movement at the front and at the rear. Alternatively, le mechanism could be duplicated to provide separate xtension of...
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A NEW range of heavy-duty 6 . x . 6 chassis is being produced by Scammell Lorries, Ltd. To be known as the Super Constructor...
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New Chassis Include 4 - , Sand 6-ton Forward control Models.' Modified Cab : Karrier . Gamecock Redesigned A NEW range of...
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T O overcome the disadvantages of having expensive single purpose vehicles incompletely employed. the Ketton Portland Cement...
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A NEW power unit with a distributor("A type fuel-injection pump will be exhibited on the Perkins stand at Earls Court. It is...
P RIMARELY designed for the removal and installation of internal and external circlips from confined places in...
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M.P.T.A. Discuss Big Undertakings' Moves to Obtain Staff in The Commercial Motor -of last week. Proclaiming himself a...
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Original Features in Latest Standard Include Chassis Frame in Two Parts and Unusual System A PARTICULAR distinction of the...
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New Engines and Heavy Goods Chassis. Modified Passenger Models with Air Suspension S EVERAL new engines, a new range of...
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I -LA-BUNG that no backlash can develop during the life of the component, Renold Chains, Ltd., .Wythenshawe, Manchester, state...
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New Range of Leyland 14-ton-gross Solo Fourwheelers with 110 b.h.p. Oil Engines D ERIVED from the existing 12ton Comet range,...
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F IRST road-test performance figures for the new Leyland 0.375 oil engine were obtained exclusively by . The Commercial Motor a...