New Transport Companies
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Lavender's Transport, Ltd. Cap. £2,000. Dirs.: I. A. Lavender, 167 Silverdale Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, 1VIrs. D. D. Lavender, Kandy, Dmgates, Wadhurst, Sussex, P. E. Lavender and F. G. Barshell. Sec.: I: A. Lavender. Reg. office: South . View Road, Wadhurst: Pratt's Transport (Sharnford), Ltd.. Cap. £100.. Dirs.; J. Brindley and Mrs. M. Brindley, The Close, Sharuford. Sec.: M. L Kermit. Reg. office: 78 King Street, Leicester.
Zephyr Road Haulage, Ltd. Cap. 0.1100. Dirs.: J. IL Allison and Mrs. 13. C. E. Allison, KelvM Restmnguet Point, Frock. Cornwell. Sec.: B. C. E. Allison. Rea. office: Kelvin, Restronguet Point, Feock.
J. Wilmot and Son, Ltd. Cap. E10,000. Dirs.: G. V. Wilmot and .M. Wilmot, Cringle Cottage. Ashbtook Drive, Prestbury. Cheshire, Sec.: M. Wilmot. Reg. office; Unicorn Garage, Prestbury.
M. G. Bellamy, Ltd. Cap. £2,000. Dirs.: M. G. Bellamy and A. M. Bellamy, Melton Cottage. West Pinchbeck, Spalding. Sec.: W. I. Ground. Reg. office: Pode Hole Road, West Pinelpeek.
Kerrisons Orantagel, Ltd. Cap. E500. Dirs.: D. K. Kerrison and 0. M. Kerrison, Railway Hill, Starston, Harleston, Norfolk. See.: 0. M. Kerrison, Rcg. office: Redenhan Road, Harleston.
L. W. Walker. (Transport), Ltd. Cap. E100. Dirs.: L. W. Walker and Mrs. D. L. Walker, 64 Middleton Road, London. E.8. Sec.: L. W. Walker. Reg. office: 64 Middleton Road, London, E.S.
Gedling and Williams, Ltd. Cap. £1000. Dirs.: P. Gedling, 33 Dover Road, Maghull, Liverpool, and D. P. Williams, Inglewood, 187 Prescott Road. Aughton. Ormskirk, Lancs. Sec,: B. Gedling, Reg. office: 33 Dover Road, Maghull.
Thomas Paine and Son (Haulage). Lid. Cap. E3.000. Dir.: A. T. Paine. 211 Brycedale Crescent, London, N.14. Reg. office: Piazza Chambers, Covent Garden, London, W.C.2.
Lyndon Transport Co.. Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: D. Smith, Lyndon, Hackney Road, Matlock, Derbys, E. Smith, 2 Grcenway Terrace, Hackney Road, Matlock, E. D. Smith and E. Smith. Sec.: E. D. Smith. Reg. office: Lyndon. Hackney Road, Matlock.
Civil Engineers Transport, Lid. Cap. £400. Subs.: H. R. Chettleburgh and 0. I. Chettleburgh, Merravay Hill Avenue, Wickford, Essex. Sec,: M. R. Chettleburgh, City Transit, Ltd, Cap. £100. Subs.: D. M. Graeme and G. V. Gramm, 61 Fairview Avenue, Gillingham, Kent. Sec,: G, V, Graeme.
F. J. Callaghan, Ltd., Cap. E100. Subs.: J. P. DaviSsun. 65a Eenchureh Street, London. E.C.1, and L. M. Carrington, 66 Elmshurst Crescent. London, N.2. Sec.; J. P. Davisson. '
F. LOBLIS Transport, Ltd„, Cap,£100, Other particulars as for E. J. Callaghan, • Ltd.
R. Bryan and Sons; Ltd. Cap. £3,000.. Dirs.: Bryan. William Bryan and 13. Bryan. Mr., 129 Maidstone Road. Chatham, Sec.: R. BOugheY. Rea. office: 24.30 Henry Street, Chatham.
Crarkoell, Ltd. Can. £300. Dirs.: 1. 3, WhYdale. Greenlow -House, Melbourne, (lambs, W. T. Leach. 18 Whittington Road, London, 5,E.15, and W. 3. H. Leach, 53 Borough High Street, London, S.E.1. See.: 3. Mullens. Reg. office: 53 Borough High Street, London, S.E.1.
W. K. McCue, Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: W. K. McCue and Mrs. J. M. R. McCue. 14 Eagle Court. Hermon Hill, London, E.11. Sec.: W. K. McCue. Reg. office: 14 Eagle Court, Hermon Hill, London, E.11.
G. A. White and Sons (Canvey), Ltd., Cap. ELMO, Dirs.: G. A. White and Mrs. 0. White, Tresley, Point Road, Canvey Island. See.: 1. White. Reg. office: Fresley Point Road, Canvey Island.
Godfrey Abbott Motor Tours. Ltd. Cap. £20,000. Dirs.: W. G. Abbott and D. E. Abbott, 16 Bo/lin Drive. TiMperiey. Sec,: W. G, Abbott. Reg. Office: 264 IVIanchester Road, West Timperley.
H. Older and Sons, Ltd. Cap. £1,000. Dirs.: H. A, S. Older and Mrs. A. Older, 313 Fountain Lane, Bantling, Kent. Sec.: H. R. S. Older, Reg. office: 30 Fountain Lane, Banning, Roy Trevor, Ltd. Cap. £5,000, Dirs.: R. Trevor and (I. C. Trevor, Arley Cottage, Red Lane, Appleton, Warrington. Sec.: R, Trevor, Reg. office: 40 Rose and Crown Street, Warrington. •
W. G. Maguire (Transport), Ltd. Cap, £1,000. Dirs. : W. G. Maguire and Mrs. R. M. M. Maguire, 52 Blacksmiths Lane, Rainharn. Sec.: W. G. 1vIagaire, Reg. office: 52 Blacksmiths Lane, Rainham,
Griffin Clianlage), Ltd. Cap. £1,000. Dirs.: G. F. Griffin, Garage House, Station Road, Marston Green, near Birmingham, and E. T. Griffin, Sunnyside, Bickenhall Road. Marston Green. See.: E. T. Griffin, Reg. office: 'Ile Garage, 4.tation Road. Marston Green.