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Engineering Centre For Simms Group
A GROUP engineering centre has been . 1-1, formed by the Simms Motor and Electronics Corporation, Ltd., at Western Avenue, London, •W.3, within the premises of Aircraft Steel......
Burning Lorry. Had . Rubber Fuel Pipe
p OUCE called to a burning lorry on the Sheffield-Huddersfield road. neer Hazlehead. found that it was loaded with 172 cylinders of hydrogen. At the time the driver. William......
Coach Rally May • Be A Record
ARLY indications are that the Brighton Coach Rally, to be held on April 23-24, despite the recommended boycott by the Passenger Vehicle Operators Association, may attract a......
Municipal Busmen
R EPRESENTATIVES of municipal busmen on Tuesday overwhelmingly carried a resolution to accept the offer of more pay, fewer hours and additional holidays which was ratified by......
Accept Pay Offer
transport committee. A revised fares structure was inevitable, he stated. At Hull last week, hopes were expressed that a fares increase or a subsidy from the rates would not be......