WHEELS of INDUSTRY "The wheels of wealth will be slowed
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.
P.S.V. Operators' Financial Returns.
On December 14th the adjourned conference to discuss financial and statistical returns that are to be required of public-service vehicle operators will be held at the Ministry of Transport. Officials of the Ministry will confer with representatives of the operators' organizations and certain of the big operating interests to determine the form which such returns are to take.
The Dennis Report.
In the year ended September 30th, 1931, Dennis Brothers, Ltd., made a profit of £135,743, as compared with £286,805 in the previous 12 months. As we have already mentioned, the dividend has been reduced from 2s. 10d. in 1929-1930 to is. 9d. per share for the past year, 6d. per share of the latter having been paid as an interim dividend and having absorbed £37,562. The final dividend accounts for a fur
ther £93,905. No amount Is being added to the reserve, so that the balance to be carried forward is £99,621, which compares with £95,345 brought in.
Olympia Bodywork Awards.
The bodywork awards made by a panel of eight judges upon the exhibits at the Olympia Show have now been announced. Four judges were nominated by the C.M.U.A. and four by the Institute of British Carriage and Automobile Manufacturers. The awards are as follow :— Double-deck buses and trolley-buses: (1) Park Royal Coachworks, Ltd. (Dennis Lance), (2) John C. Beadle (Coaehbuilders), Ltd. (T.S.M.), (3) Strachans (Acton), Ltd. (Thornycroft).
Single-deck buses: (1) John C. Beadle (Coachbuilders), Ltd. (Thornycroft), (2) F. W. Plaxton (Earlier Chaser Six), (3) Northern Counties Motor and Engineering Co., Ltd. (Albion).
Saloon coaches: (1) Thos. Harrington, Ltd. (Daimler), (2) London Lorries, Ltd. (Morris-Commercial Dictator), (3) Duple Bodies and Motors, Ltd. (Daimler).
Van Bodies: (1) R.E.A.L. Carriage Works, Ltd. (Dennis 2-ton), (2) Normand Garage, Ltd. (Morris-Commercial Leader, 3-ton), (3) Wm. and Thos. Robson, Ltd. (A.E.C. Monarch, 4-ton).
Other goods bodywork : (1) J. H. Jennings and Son, Ltd. (cattle carrier -on Guy chassis), (2) Express Body Works (detachable container, tray and cab on Albion 4-ton chassis), (3) Bromilow and Edwards, Ltd. (10-12-ton three-way tipper on A.E.C. Mammoth Major chassis).
Special-purpose bodywork : (1) Vincents of Reading (two-stall horse-box on Bedford 2-ton chassis), (2) Wm. and Thos. Robson, Ltd. (showroom on Morris-Commercial G-type chassis), (3) Strachans (Acton), Ltd. (two-stall horse-box on Commer Invader chassis).
Novel features, etc.: Wycombe Motor Bodies, Ltd. (double-deck bus incorpor ating Gilford front-drive chassis— novelty of construction, low floor level, etc.), Duramin Engineering Co., Ltd. (insulated all-metal body on A.E.C. chassis—construction, insulation, etc.
U.A.S. Buys Blyth Service.
The Commercial Motor understands that United Automobile Services, Ltd., has taken over the Newcastle-Blyth route of the Blyth Motor Services, Ltd., which had operated on the route for five years. The Northern Traffic Commissioners have given permission to the former company to run the service.
The Earl of Plymouth has been appointed Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Transport.
Unionists and Transport Interests.
At a meeting, a few days ago, of the Unionist membersof Parliament who interest themselves in transport questions, Sir Henry Jackson was appointed chairman of the group. Major Salmon was appointed vice-chairman and Major Beaumont Thomas as secretary.
S. Smith and Sons' Profits.
In the year ended August 1st last S. Smith and Sons (Motor Accessories), Ltd., made a net profit of £53,231, as compared with £96,547 a year earlier. No dividend is to be paid on the deferred shares, which received 181 per cent, in the previous period, whilst the preferred shareholders 0.re to receive the fixed 7 per cent. dividend, as against 12i per cent, in the previous year. No allocation is made to general reserve, which last year received £23,417. .The amount being carried forward is £44,329, as against £42,598 a year ago.
Middlesbrough's Decisions to Appeal.
Middlesbrough Town Council has decided to appeal against the Northern Traffic Commissioners' refusal to license its service between Middlesbrough and Stockton, via Acklam, also against the licensing of a service by Redwing Safety Services, Ltd., between Middlesbrough and Saltburn. An appeal is to be made also against the extent of protection granted to the municipal undertaking, and it is understood that various decisions of the Commissioners in respect of applications to which the council has objected will result in further appeals.
Triumph's Trading.
During the year ended August 31st, 1931, the Triumph Co., Ltd., made a profit of £6,852, after including income from investments and providing for depreciation, taxation and other contingencies. The amount available for distribution is £23,574. An interim dividend on the preference shares absorbed £1,259, and a final dividend on those shares will account for a further £1,178, whilst the company's pension fund receives an allocation of £500, leaving £20,637 to be carried forward.
For the first time for nearly 30 years the directors are unable to recommend the payment of a dividend on the ordinary shares.
Lighter Side of Henlys' Activities.
The first staff dance of the season of Henlys, Ltd., was one of the most enjoyable functions that we have attended. The company being the London distributor of Rover vehicles, it was appropriate that several important executives of the manufacturing concern should be present, whilst amongst the throng we noticed Mr. A. R. Dark, the publicity manager of Henlys, Ltd. Unfortunately, Mr. Eerily was unable to attend.
It may be mentioned that the company is also the concessionnaire for Great Britain for Studebaker-Pierce Arrow commercial vehicles.