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T HERE is an urgent needfor a complete revision of the present system of dealing with appeals against the decisions of the Area...
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TAESPITE the great development of road pas- 1 --Fsenger services throughout the country, there is still room for more and...
T HE emergency movement of heavy industrial plant, and of rotors or stators for public lighting stations, to name only a few...
...NI information continues H misleading to find its way Into the columns of the daily Press regarding oil engines and their...
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That politSeal dining has replaced political -din. That the smart trailer matches the power unit. That keen advertising...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it...
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The London Traffic Act, 1924, expires on December 31st this year, and an extension for a further period of a year is...
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A. new tool, the object of which is to remove the ridges sometimes forming at the top of the cylinder owing to the piston rings...
The accounts of the proprietors of Hay's Wharf show that a net profit of £230,826 was made in the year ended June 30th, as...
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Thornycroft vehicles. Al3ERTILLERY Urban District Council Is to buy a new fire-engine at an estimated cost of £752. LYE and...
A Special AXioodhead Plate Section Possessing Several Practical Advantages A" NEW and interestin g section for the plates of...
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at the Motorcycle Show A Variety of Commercial Sidecars and Three-wheeled Delivery Vehicles of Interest to Tradesmen T HIS...
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Our Contributor Puts Forward His Ideas for the Salvation of the Road-haulage Industry and Presses for Immediate Organization...
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I N an article appearing in our special Goads Vehicle and Haulage Number published in May last we surveyed the subject of tank...
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UNUSUAL BODY DESIGN Without Adding Greatly to the Cost Some Unusual and Artistic Effects Can be Obtained, Lending Distinction...
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Interesting Exhibits Include New Chassis, Compression-ignition Engines, Improved Bodywork and Tractor-trailers Written After an...
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f\N November 23rd, Mr. H. R. F.R.S., gave the first part of his lecture on oil engines, to the members of the Royal Society of...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. 135781 Sir,—May I, through the medium of your correspondence columns, suggest to all users...
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A DJUSTABILITY according to the 21.amount of overload it is expected regularly to carry is the main feature of a patented...
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7 11_, and its demands for mechanical transport T BE object of this article is to set forth as concisely as possible the...