Itoi:in, Ltd., Bristol, recently chartered a de HaviHand machine to
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take £400 worth of Marconiphoue wireless requisites to Stoke, against an nrgent order from Holderoft, Ltd.
New A.A. Service: Air-route Books. The Aviation Department of the Automobile Association, Panum House, Coventry Street, London, W.1, has just issued the first of a series of air-route books, available to members at 1.s. 6d. This covers the London-Cairo journey and amplifies the information given on A.A. air-route maps, so enabling a member to select from three main routes that best suited to his needs. Valuable notes on mileages, climate, formalities, customs, money, language, maps, etc., are given for each of the routes, and a complete set of application. forms for permits, customs carnet, passport service, maps, etc. (which the A.A. obtains with the minimum Of trouble and delay) is included. The air-route books will be obtainable always in fully revised form, and will be invaluable to air-taxi concerns.
Possible Development at Dumfries.
Loudon, Scottish and Provincial Airways, Ltd., has been invited to send a representative to meet Delve fries Town Council regarding the erection of a municipal aerodrome at Dumfries. 154 m.p.h. Fokker XX on London-Amsterdam Route.
A new high-wing raonoplane,the Fokker XX, with a cruising speed of about 154 m.p.h. and a top speed reported as 186 m.p.h., called for the first time at Croydon on November 23, and may be used regularly on the K.L.M. Amsterdam-London line. It has retractable wheel carriages, a new elliptical-section fuselage, and three Cyclone engines giving 2,100 b.h.p., and the pay-load is 2 tons, the all-up weight being about
9 Ions.
Birkett Tackles Difficult Job.
The more hardy charter-service pilots are asked to take on very difficult work. A few days ago Capt. Birkett, of Birkett Air Service, Ltd., managed, with the aid of wireless, successfully to effect a flight, to and from Grassmoor, obtaining Press photographs in connection with the pit disaster there. The fog was quite bad on the day iu question and no other machine got through.
Pilots' B-licence Medical Exams.
In normal cases pilots holding B (public-service) licences may now apply for their regular medical examinations to be held at Sealand (Cheshire) or Leuchars (Scotland). There seems no doubt that several other centres will later have to be arranged.
Rangoon-Singapore Section Opens December 9.
The secretary of Imperial Airways, Ltd., left last Saturday by air for Karachi en route for Australia in connection with the Singapore-Port Darwin extension of the England-Australia mail route, for which tenders have been invited by the Australian Government.
In the meantime the company announces that the 1,500-mile RangoonSingapore section will be opened up by the December 9 departure from London, the total distance to Singapore being 8,700 miles. This will be covered in
10 days, half the time taken by the fastest surface transport. The first homeward service is to leave Singapore on December 31.
South Coast Towns Moving.
Bexhill, Hastings and Eastbourne Corporations are to discuss the possibility of providing an aerodrome to serve their own part of Sussex. We announced on November 17 that Hastings Corporation is seeking sanction to borrow 19,000 for a municipal aerodrome scheme at Pebsham.
Servis Recorder for Aircraft.
.Servis Recorders, Ltd., 72-75, Red Lion Street, London, W.C.1, advises that the well-known Servis recorder used on commercial vehicles is available in a form suitable for aeroplanes, and provides a useful permanent record showing when the engine is running and when the machine is in flight As it operates automatically with vibration and with irregular movement of the aircraft, a record as to the smoothness or otherwise of flying conditions is obtained.