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T 0 anyone who has followed closely the progress of the Road and Rail Traffic Act and the various amendments which have been...
VOR the road authorities and the Ministry of Transport to retain, in these days of enlightenment, any doubt whatever as to...
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AT this time of the year an appeal ought to be made to pedestrians, preferably by the Pedestrians' Association, to ease the lot...
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Of Olympia models not yet available for delivery. That, not content, with the present welter of legislation, operators...
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by all difficulties of transport at whatevsr points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads suer which It...
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Road Gritting and Bus-tyre Damage. The London Passenger Transport Board has informed the Metropolitan Boroughs Standing Joint...
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Rally in London L A31Monday afternoon between 70 and 80 members of the Road Haulage Association attended a rally of the London...
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OO BVIOUSLY introduced with the of assisting small local railways to regain some of their lost goods traffic, a novel system,...
Bosch, Ltd., Introduces 2pole Pre-heating Plugs for Starting Oil Engines T O obviate the need for a separate 2-volt...
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• In This and Subsequent Articles, Typical Questions Concerning the New Restrictions on Goods Transport by Road will be...
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IN PARLIAMENT Extension of London Trolley. bus System. THE Loudon Passenger Transport Board is promoting a private Bill this...
dinner and dance of the Automobile Engineering Training College and College of Aeronautical Engineering, Sydney Street, King's...
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0 VE 'It 12 months ago the Government's probable attitude towards road transport was forecast by the Salter Report, on which 1...
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The A.A.,. Appeals to Municipalities T HERE are signs that the development of air travel in Britain has reached a crucial...
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T HE paper which Major B. EL S. blealing of the Air Ministry read on November 14, at a meeting in London of the Illuminating...
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D ESPITE the thousands of people who have flown, there are still millions who have never left the ground in a heavier-than-air...
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for Feeder Services T ilE Percival Gull, designed by Mr. E. W. Percival, A.M.I.Ae.E., and marketed by the Percival Aircraft...
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from Croydon A S from November 19, a new system of traffic control, designed to reduce risks of collision during conditons of...
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MUNICIPAL AERODROM rr UE significance of the paper on "The Design and Construction of Municipal Aerodromes" which Mr. T. Lloyd...
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Paris Romford in 77 Minutes by Hillman's Airways. In the week to November 17 Hillman's Airways carried 57 single-journey...
take £400 worth of Marconiphoue wireless requisites to Stoke, against an nrgent order from Holderoft, Ltd. New A.A. Service:...
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MOUNTING GOOD L BODYWORK December I) 1 933. 613 " OTJNTING " is a term which is used by the body builder to signify all the...
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G OVERNMENT Departments are not, as a rule, credited with the gift of speed, but the celerity with which the Road and Rail...
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The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [4205] .Sir,—I hope that the demand for reprints of your guide to wharves proves to be...
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A WELL-KNOWN advantage of the .t1 use of tractor-trailer combinations or trailers in conjunction with lorries is the reduction...
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rilltADE generally is better every where. The where. The beneficial effect of the improvement in the heavy industries is now...
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in France 1 1 gas as fuel for heavy vehicles have been conducted for some years past by the Soci6te du Gas de Paris, 6, Rue...
Suggestions for the Co-ordination of Road and Rail Transport, Based on an Analysis of their Fundamental Differences I N a long...
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T HAT well-known Liverpool departmental store Lewis's, Ltd., which operates a number of Guy vehicles, has recently added to its...
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How the Licensing Arrange.. ments Work in London A =LOUGH the public carriage department of the Metropolitan Police Is no...
NEW P.S.V. REGULATIONS. TEE Minister of Transport has now made the Public Service Vehicles (Licences and Certificates)...
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THE Minister of Transport has de cided to limit to some degree the operation of emergency road services by the railways. Birch...
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Co., Ltd., to issue unlimited-travel tickets, previously reported in The Commercial Motor on November 10, was continued by the...
A COMPREHENSIVE survey of road and rail transport, with special reference to the passenger side, was made by Mr. J. Beckett,...
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HAULIER and CARRIER Some Rumours Regarding the Illegality of Overloading, and How they Arise. Efforts to Evade the Provisions...
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A N invention from such an authoritative source as J. and H. McLaren, Ltd., Leeds, merits the attention of all connected with...