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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by oil difficulties of transport at whatever Foists arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.
The Society and the Petrol Tax.
We understand that it is possible that there will be a change in the attitude of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders with regard to the advocacy of a return to a.tax on petrol. No reason for the change can be given at present, as no official statement is yet available.
Our Growing Exports.
'We refer editorially to the fact that the council of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., has now appointed its delegatiOn, which is to proceed in March to the Dominions Overseas, and it is announced that opportunity will be taken for frank discussion with representatives of the trade overseas on all matters that are involved in the development of the export trade in British motor products.
Motor exports in the past three years have materially grown, the number of motor vehicles and chassis exported in the year 1923 being 6,529, in addition to parts, accessories and tyres, and in 1926 that figure had grown to 33,237, with a substantial increase in the value of other items of equipment.
S.A.R. Seeking Tenders.
The South African Railways and Harbours are inviting tenders for the supply of one or more lorry chassis with c a capacity of 7,000 lb., one or more lorry chassis with a capacity of 8,000 lb., and for certain six-wheeled chassis, both of the rigid-frame type and the trac
tor-lorry; pattern. Tenders have to reach Johannesburg not later than March 17th, and local representation is practically essential. British manufacturers who are interested in the matter can obtain further particulars relating to the tenders on application to the Department of Overseas Trade, 35, Old Queen Street, London, SAVA.
'The Cost of Bread Delivery.
Some interesting figures in which horsed vans, petrol vans and batteryelectric vehicles are compared 'were recently given to us by a well-known company of bakers in a Lancashire coast town. This company runs 20 petrol vehicles, nine horsed and several battery electrics, all of approximately the same capacity, and the figures it gave are average ones over a long period.
Repairs and maintenance are as follow: horses, £1 Os. 8d.; petrol vehicles, £1 10s. 8d.; electric vehicles, 18s. 4d. At this point it must be mentioned that the horse costs include Gs. per week for shoeing, and the electric vehicle costs 6s. per week for battery maintenance and replacements. Interest on capital is: horses, £1; petrol vehicles, 16s. ; electric vehicles, £1 is. Depreciation figures are : horses, £2; petrol vehicles, 13 4s.; electric vehicles, £2 2s., this being 10 per cent., 20 per cent. and 10 per cent, respectively. The costs of fodder, fuel and current, respectively, are: horses, £4 16s. 4d.; petrol vehicles, £3 2s. ; electric vehicles, £1 68. 4r1. It should he noted, however, that the wages of a stableman are included in the amount for the horses.
The comparative value of the goods delivered, reckoning the horse at 100, was:, petrol vehicles, 167; electric
vehicles, 112. Curiously enough, the profit did not work out in the same proportion, for with the horse at 100, petrol Was 125 and electrics 133. This was because when deliveries were made by the petrol vehicles in outlying areas, prices had to be reduced to meet competition and, consequently, -part of the profit was dropped.
The rounds for the electric vehicles averaged 15 miles per day.
No note has been made of liceace costs.
S.M.M. and T. New Constitution.
The constitution of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., has been remodelled so as to permit the Society to become, in effect, an automobile chamber of commerce with individual sections. These sections will be known as (1) the British manufacturers' section ; (2) the importers' section, and (3) the factors' section. This will allow arrangement to be made for affiliation to the Society, as opportunity occurs, of branches in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and India.
The Inst. of Transport Congress.
The Institute ". of Transport has decided to hold its 1927 congress in Birmingham. Unfortunately, the 1926 congress, which should have been held in Birmingham, had to be cancelled owing to tire general strike.
The Lord Mayor of Birmingham, Mr., Alderman. A. H. James, C.B.E., J.P., has given his official patronage to the function, and the Midland Section of the Institute, under the presidency of Mr. 0. Cecil Power (traffic manager, Birmingham and Midland Omnibus Co-, Ltd.), is rapidly proceeding with the arrangements. With the active support of such well-known transport men as Messrs. T. H. Shipley (district goods manager, L.M. and S. My., Birmin,gham), J. F. Bradford (div. passenger superintendent, L.M. and S. Riy., Birming.hara), J. B. Stirk (traffic manager, Birmingham Co-operative Society, Ltd.), A. C. Marsden (traffic manager, Cadbury Bros., Ltd.), I. McDonnell (Birmingham Corporation Tramways), L. W. Gupwell (A. I. Gupwell, Ltd.), and others, a record gathering is expected.
The congress will be held from May 19th to 21st, and visits have been arranged to various works, amongst those which have shown an active interest in this connection being the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Cadburys, Ltd., Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Guy Motors, Ltd., and others, Mr. W. H. Watson, the hon, secretary of the Midland Section, is planning to ensure that the delegates' dine shall be fully occupied during the three days.
Guy's Profits.
Through an error, particulars of the report and balance-sheet of Guy Motors, Ltd., were not included in last week's issue of The Commercial Motor. The net profit for the year ended September 30th last reached the sum of £36,519, this figure being £12,300 better than in the previous 12 months. It is the proposal of the directors that this sum shall be carried forward, this bringing the balance on profit and loss to £70,003. There is still due to the bankers £67,845 and to sundry creditors £82,257. The stocks on hand are valued at £191,728. There is owing by sundry debtors £64,909, and the cash in hand amounts to £8,926.
More Covered-top Buses for London.
In a brief review, of the principal improvements made in London's transport services during last year, the Underground authorities mention that 650 covered-top buses were placed in service during the year and 76 new saloontype s;sigle-deck vehicles began work in outlyik., districts. A new garage was opened at Slough, to facilitate the operation of services in that area, and work began on a new bus station at Victoria, and on a garage adjoining Morden Underground Station.
So far as the present year is concerned, it is expected that nearly 1,000 additional covered-top buses will be placed in service.
A New Minerva Auto-Traction Model.
3Iinerva Motors, Ltd., Chenies Street, London, W.C.1, is marketing a new chassis, designated the H.T.M., which is particularly suitable for passenger carrying. The chassis is of the driverbeside-the-engine type and it has a low load-line, the loading height being 2 ft. when under load. The main features of the chassis correspond with those of the company's ..kutobus chassis, which is built for carrying '30-seater bodies. Its wheelbase, however, is 17 ft. 9 ins. and the frame length behind the dashboard 21 ft. 8 ins., whilst the distance from the dashboard to the centre of the rear wheels is 14 ft. 10 ins. The Minerva 30-50 h.p. four-cylinder sleevevalve engine, having a bore of 110 mm. and a stroke of 140 mm., is employed, and its power is conveyed through a multiple disc dutch, a four-speed gearbnx! and a two-pieee eardan shaft to the full floating helical-bevel-driven rear axle. Pedal-operated brakes are fitted to all four wheels and a centrally placed lever operates additional brakes in the rear wheels. The Dew.andre servo unit is employed as standard. The new chassis is equipped with Dunlop pneumatic tyres of 38-in. by 7-in, dimensions, twins being used or. the rear wheels.
Another Bus Station for London.
By arrangement with the 'Southern Railway, the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., is to make an experiment with a bus station at London Bridge, somewhat on the lines of that at Victoria. At the moment it is only proposed to erect four wooden platforms—two long and two short—but should the scheme meet with public approval, it is likely that concrete platforms with departure posts, as at Victhria, will be erected.
Bulletins on Heat Treatnie Automatic and Electric Fr naces, Ltd., 173-175, Farringdon Road, London. E.C.1, issues heat-treatment bulletins at intervals, which are intended to serve as channels for the communication of fresh knowledge on the scientific aspeet of heat treatment of metals, particularly steel. The current issue, of which we have just received a copy, is entitled "Theory and Practice in the Hardening Shop," and deals with the important subject of steel hardening from both these angles. A copy of this bulletin can be obtained on application to the company at the address we have given.
Westinghouse Dividends.
The directors of the Westinghouse Brake and Saxby Signal Co., Ltd., have declared a dividend of 8 per cent. less tax for the year ended September 30th Inst. which compares with a dividend of 6 per cent, paid in respect of the year 1924-1925.
Ratepayers Support a Bus Bill.
The statutory meeting of ratepayers in Bradford, which was held to consider the Bill which the Bradford Corporation has prepared for presentation to Parliament seeking powers to run omnibuses to a number of surrounding towns, passed a resolution in favour of the Bill by a. two-to-one majority. There was a continual uproar throughout the meeting, which lasted only about halfan-hour. Questions could scarcely be heard, but when someone asked what form of transport the committee intended to adopt, omnibuses or trolleybuses, the chairman said they were not committed to any one system.
It is understood that a meeting of the opponents of the Bill will be called at an early date by the Bradford Chamber of Trade.
Tractors for Territorial Units.
The Glamorgan Territorial Association is to provide mechanical tractors in place of horses for the Pentre and Swansea batteries and similar equipment for the Risen battery has been decided upon by the Monmouthshire Territorial Association. The equipment is to be provided before the annual camp, which has been fixed, provisionally' for July 10th next.
The Anlocar Electrical Equipment Co. advises us that it has taken over additional premises at 115. Old Street, London, E.C.1. The Mitchell Street premises of the company are being retained solely for works purposes. Two Light Vans and a Pair of Trousers.
The spectacle of a 30-cwt. motor van' drawing another by a pair of dungarees of moderate price is indeed an unusual one yet it was provided a few days ago by Lewis's, Ltd., of Liverpool, to demonstrate the merit of a line it was anxious to bring to the notice of the As is well known, this company operates a big fleet of vans, and the two selected for the purpose of this demonstration were a Garford and a Bean. The end of one trouser leg was strapped to the tyre bracket frame of the Garford, and the other to the front spring of the Bean. Then the Garford pulled, but the dungarees did not yield a stitch !
This, surely, is a novel application of the modern light van.
Progress of the Scottish C.M.UA.
The annual general meeting of the Scottish Commercial Motor Users Association was held in Edinburgh a few days ago, when Mr. E. Graham Guest,
treasurer of the city, Presided. The Association is making steady progress, and Mr. John W. Loudon, the secretary, mentioned that 70 new members
had been enrolled. The meeting discussed the question of the new taxation, and a resolution was unanimously passed protesting against the increases which have been made.
The following members were elected office bearers: Chairman, Treasurer E. Graham Guest ; vice-chairman, Bailie W. J. Thomson ; hon. treasurer, Mr. James C. Caldwell; general secretary, Mr. John W. Loudon.
Keeping the A.D.C. Works Busy.
From December 4th until January 12th the Associated Daimler Co., Ltd., received orders for no fewer than 142 vehicles, 12 of which will ultimately be delivered overseas. Amongst the chief purchasers in this country of A.D.C. vehicles during this period are the East Surrey Traction Co., Ltd., which is buyjug 27 vehicles, and the Wrexham and District Transport Co., Ltd., which has ordered 15 vehicles.
A Demonstration Van to Assist Sales.
With the object of assisting the sales of Petter-Light plants, Petters, Ltd., of Yeovil, has recently equipped a motorvan with a plant of this kind for demonstration work throughout the country. The van set out from Yeovil recently in an eastward direction, The Value of the Tractor lorry.
Where large-capacity loads have to be regularly dealt with, the tractor-lorry is undoubtedly an invaluable transport unit, particularly from the point of view of many haulage contractors, who are so often concerned with the transport of big loads at the cheapest rate per ton-mile. A typical vehicle of this class is shown in an accompanying illustration. It consists of a Leyland chassis to which a Carrimore semitrailer is connected. This vehicle has been supplied to a Birmingham transport contractor through the makers' agent, Birmingham Garages, Ltd. The body of this vehicle is approximately 22 ft. long, 7 ft. 6 ins, wide and has sides 6 ft. deep, and it was specially built for fulfilling a contract in connection with the transport of Dunlop tyres, although, of course, it is used for other purposes.
Fittings for Trailer Makers.
We have recently received from Thomas Tingley, Ltd., Brandon Street, . London, S.E.17, a price list which should prove of interest to lorry and trailer manufaeturers. It gives 'details of a wide variety of trailer fittings and components, as well as details of various classes of iron work for use on lorries. The company also makes -many accessories for use on passenger-carrying vehicles, these including seat fittings, roof rails, folding-step fittings, etc.
A Co-operative Society's Pension Scheme.
Plymouth Co-operative Society, which next to the municipality and Devonport Dockyard is the largest employer of labour in the town, has decided, at a special general meeting of members, to institute a pensions scheme for its employees. The society has a flourishing transport department, with a fine fleet of motor coaches and furniture-removal vans,and has lately opened out as a supplier of petrol, lubricating oil, etc., to its motoring members.
A Hard-worked Breakdown Lorry.
The Dodge Brothers vehicle shown in 'an accompanying illustration was built in 1919 and was converted to do duty as a breakdown lorry in July, 1925, by its present owners, the City of London Garages, Ltd., 44, Worship Street, London, E.C.2. It is interesting to learn that although the vehicle was over five years old before it was turned to commercial uses it had never been thoroughly overhauled, and the cylinders had only been decarbonized on three occasions. Up to date the lorry has attended over 200 breakdowns of different kinds, one of its tasks being to tow a disabled car for 82 miles. This work has all been efficiently performed without delay. In addition to its break down duties, the vehicle has also covered about 2,000 miles in connection with the collection of spare parts, advertising work, etc.
Tractors in Mozambique.
The impetus given in recent years to cotton cultivation continues to develop in Mozambique, and has its reflex in an
increasing demand for tractors. Indeed, the leading commodity imported from the United States comes under !his heading. To encourage agricultural development, tractors are admitted free of duty. Motor spirit and lubricating oils used for tractors are also included in this class of exemptions.
Great Yarmouth's Buses.
United Automobile Services, Ltd., Morley House, 314-322; Regent Street, London, W.1, tells us that the Guy bus chassis which are being purchased by the Great Yarmouth Corporation are being equipped with 30-seater bodies of its manufacture.
G.W.R. Bus Development in 1926.
In a report just issued, the road transport department of the Great Western Railway states, in connection with the progress made during the past year, that the company's motorbus services were prejudicially affected by the industrial situation, especially in Wales, but the West of England services, on the whole, are expected to show good results when the year's figures are available. Amongst the new services established may be mentioned the following :—(1) Criekhowell and Talgarth, giving a direct road communication between Abergavenny and Hay, a distance of 27 miles ; (2) Newcastle Emlyn and Aberporth, designed to give easy access to the sea ; (3) Totnes and Drixhara and Paignton and Greenway, providing improved access by rail and road to Brixham, and meeting an application for a railway halt at Greenway. These services also enable the company to add to the already attractive and popular combined tours in this district.
Suggestions from Transport Workers.
Transport workers employed by the Underground group of companies in London submitted no fewer than 433 suggestions during December ast, and of this number 47, or 11 per cent., have been accepted for adoption. Tire previous record number adopted (40) was in 1920. Since the inauguration of the scheme in 1917 hundreds of good ideas have received recognition and their inventors been suitably rewarded. Amongst the prize-winning suggestions made in December was one dealing with a revised way of printing bus way-bills and another concerning the use of firstaid boxes on breakdown lorries.
Maintenance in America:
A meeting of the Western Centre of -the Institution of Automobile Engineers will be held at the Law Courts, Cardiff, on February 5th, at 6.30 p.m., when a paper by Mr. J. Younger, of America, entitled "Maintenance, in the United States," will be read by Mr. L. H. Pomeroy, who will also reply to the discussion on the paper. We have recently mentioned that Mr. Pomeroy has just returned from the United States, so that he is particularly well fitted to sponsor the paper. A British Maker's Success in Australia.
Of recent years John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., has done much to exploit the possibilities of the Australian market, and it is not surprising, therefore, that its various products are achieving much popularity throughout that country. This success must be largely attributed to the fact that the company is directly represented in Australia, and some of the vehicles which have been supplied through Thornycroft (Australia), Ltd., are shown in illustrations appearing on this page.
One of these pictures is of a fleet of type Al 30-cwt, lorries which was recently delivered in one consignment to the Australian Gas Light Co., of Sydney. In another picture a 3-ton tank wagon supplied to the Vacuum Oil Co., of Sydney, is shown. This, we are
told, is the first Thornycroft vehicle acquired by this company, which has previously operated a number of American vehicles. In the third picture the first Thornyeroft Hathi tractor acquired by the Australian Commonwealth Defence Department is to be seen hauling a 60-pounder gun.
Railcars for Spain.
The British Commercial Secretary at Madrid has forwarded to the Department of Overseas Trade a specification ; (in Spanish) relative to a call for tenders, published in the 34a,r/rid Gazette, for the supply of 35 motor coaches for use on various railways. We cannet definitely ascertain whether internalcombustion-engined or steam-driven railcars are required, but further particulars can be obtained by British makers from the Department of Overseas Trade, 55, Ohl Queen Street, London,S.W.1, reference AX4160 being quoted. Tenders have to be delivered in Madrid by Fehr n ry 26th.
L.G.O. Private-hire Vehicles.
The motor coach fleet used by the private-hire department of the London General Omnibus Co., Ltd., now consists entirely of all-weather vehicres seating either 24 or 28 people and equipped with pneumatic tyres. The coaches are arranged for forward con:.
trol, and in the design and lay-out of the seating compartment the question a Passengers' comfort has received every attention. 'The company also runs for private-hire work a large number of 44-seater double-deck buses, in which the interior seating is arranged to permit tables and other equipment to be fixed in position.
Purchasing a Bus System.
The Risen and Abercarn 'Urban District Councils hope to have carried out the purchase of the fleet of buses and services of Lewis and James, Ltd., Newbridge, by October next. The price being paid is 142,500.
A Lorry Tour Without Repairs.
A Dutoli sporting journalist is well on the way to win 'a very big bet made with three French newspapers. He undertook to cover 150,000 kiloms. in a tour of Europe in a motor lorry of a certain make without effecting any repair to the vehicle, other than the replacement of tyres. He recently reached Bonn and had then covered 142,000 kiloms., so that he is approaching the last lap, which will take him to Paris. Up till now he has used seven tyres. To secure reasonable comfort he had a caravan body fitted to the chassis.
Marketingthe Veeder • Odometer.
Mr. P. B. Dickinson has just taken over the representation for the Veeder Manufacturing Co. in Great Britain and Ireland, and the hub odometer made by this company will be handled by him from headquarters at St. Andrew's House, Holborn Circus, London, ERA. Bus Competition Affects Tramway Receipts.
A reduced maximum fare to meet motorbus competition is proposed on the Bradford Corporation train ways, with the cheaper fares raised to produce increased revenue. It is stated that private omnibus competition is affecting the tramway revenue. On the Baildon Bridge section it is said that the receipts have been reduced i60 or £70 per week owin,, to the competition of the buses. On other routes similar reductions in revenue have taken place, in spite of the fact that it is made a condition of the granting of licences that the bus proprietors must charge 25 per cent. more than the tramway fares in those cases where the buses run on the tramway routes. It is proposed to increase the lid. tram fares to 2d., and to introduce a maximum fare of
3d., thus rendering it possible to travel up to six or seven Miles for the lastnamed sum. Six-day passes at 2s. 6d. each will also be introduced.
An Ambulance for Colliery Work.
The Priory of Wales (Order of St. John) Ambulance Committee has authorized the purchase of a new motor ambulance to serve the Rhymney Valley collieries owned by the Powell Duffryn Steam Coal Co., Ltd.
Buses in Bombay.
The 1026 report of the Bombay Corporation mentions that the bus system has now been introduced by the tramway company as a tentative measure in a portion of the city. If the experiment works well there will be a gradual extmsion of these services.
Local Proceedings.
Eccles Corporation recommends the purchase of a motor lorry at a cost of 1600.
Croydon Corporation has decided to install a petrol pump at the central depot at a cost of 1120.
Stoke-on-Trent Corporation is to in'trite tenders for the supply of d 10-cwt. motor van for the electricity depart ment. • 1:1C tramways committee of the LiverPnol CorPoration recommends the purchase of four six-wheeled Guy motorbus chassis.
• Brighton Watch Committee recominends the PurdhaSe of two motor fireengines at a • cost of approximately 11,500 each.
Coventry Corporation has voted 12,000 for the purchase of additional plant in connection with the Pagefield system of refuse collection.
The works committee of the Willesden Urban District Council suggests making provision in the next estimates for the purchase of two motor lorries.
The highways committee of the Acton Corporation recommends acceptance of the tender of Electricara, Ltd., for the supply of eight 21-ton electric vehicles at 11,080 each.
Brighton Corpciration has appointed
sub-committee to consider the question of lie most • suitable accommodation which can be provided-for motor traffic
coming into the town. • The choice of a committee of the Okehampton Town Council, which was recently given authority to purchase a new fire-engine, hes 'fallen upon a Dennis engine costing 1725.
Shipley Urban District Council has asked a sub-committee to investigate the system of " stands " for buses in Otley Road, and to suggest such alterations as will make for the greater safety of the public. The works committee of the Poplar Borough Council recommends the purchase of a 1,000-gallon petrol-driven watering van at an estimated cost of 1900.
Dagenham Urban District Council is inviting tenders for the supply of an 8-ton steam road roller and these have to be delivered not later than February &h.
• When the new financial year commence* in April Swansea Watch Committeeproposes to buy a new motor ambulance, which is provided for in the estimates of expenses which have been prepared.
Penarth Wants a Fire-engine.
, The fire brigade committee of the Penarth (Glam.) Urban District Council has investigated the need for a new motor fire-engine for the district. The brigade captain stated that a new engine was urgently required, more par
ticularly one able to carry the escape to fires, for at present it had to be conveyed by hand. It was decided to recommend the council to expend up to 11,050 on a new engine, the purchase to be recommended for the next financial half-year, i.e., the period commencing April let next.
The Pace that Congests.
Brighton Watch Committee has refused to agree to a suggestion of a reduced speed for heavy vehicles in King's Road, because a slower speed would result in greater congestion.
A Bristol-Bournemouth Service.
Trowbridge Urban District Council has granted licences to the Greyhound Motors, Ltd., to ply for hire with four motor omnibuses in connection with its proposed service between Bristol and Bournemouth, via Trowbridge, etc. This company, as many of our readers will know; already runs a regular daily service between Bristol and London, two vehicles running each way every Cay. • Cardiff to Buy More Buses.
A deputation from the Cardiff Trainways Committee attended the meeting of the Cardiff Rural District Council on January 24th to urge upon the council the need fin the issue of licences for buses to the Cardiff City Council to enable the Cardiff-Rhubina services, which have become the property of the corporation, to be commenced as from to-day (February 1st).
After discussing the question of the scale of fares to be fixed the council 'agreed to issue the licences for six months, at the end bf which period the conditions of issue will be reviewed.
For the nine months ended December Illst last the income from the bus services run by the Cardiff City Council was 12,151. in excess of expenditure. This result is considered very good in view of the industrial situation in the surrounding districts. In the same period the receipts increased front 107,537 in 1925 to 178,580 in 1926, but as expenses also increased the surplus is approximately the same as in the Period from March-December, 1925. From March to December of last year the working of the trams showed a deficit of 110,200.
The council has decided to acquire 10 new bus chassis at an estimated cost of 18,270.
More Guy Buses for "National" Services.
The National Omnibus Co., Ltd., of Chelmsford, which maintains a most comprehensive network of bus services in various parts of the country, has just sent its third repeat order to Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton, for vehicles of this company's make. it is for three 20-seaters, and when these vehicles are delivered there will be .30 Guy buses in the "National" fleet.
Victorian Interest in Tractors.
The recent Royal Agricultural Show hell in Melbourne attracted visitors frxn all parts of Victoria. Particular interest was evinced in tractors, and,,as the last crop was a bumper one, an incret.sed demand from agriculturists for these machines is anticipated in the near future.