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TIESPITE the progress which has already been made in the development of the rigid-frame six-wheeled vehicle, both as light or...
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Of some more hashes to settle. That the good driver is tender to all his wheels. That it is not too early to think about...
" What do they mean by 'gentler sex, dad?" The van-driver scratched his head to promote thought. "Well, son," he said at...
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The wheels of wealth will be slowed by oil difficulties of transport at whatever Foists arising, as a carriage is by the...
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0 "of those mechanical appliances which have given exhaustive proof of their value to municipalities in general is the...
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Details of a Novel Battery Vehicle Which is Built for Town Work Involving Short Journeys and Many Stops. MIEW instances have...
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A Travelling Saloon in which Components Identical with Those Used in the Chassis are Set Out for Explanation and Examination....
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Details of a New Leyland Model With One Driving Axle and Steerable Rear Wheels Built Under the Longframe Patents. A MOST...
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T lIERE is a steady but slow return to the use of the agrimotor. In market gardening the rotary tiller has recently found...
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A Sixcylindered Engine the Chief Feature of the Design. A NEW motor lorry by a new maker is somewhat of a novelty in these...
Brief Details of the Chief Features of the Karrier Rigid-frame Vehicles Now Being Put into Service. I T has been known for...
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The watch committee of the Leeds Corporation has intimated to the Yeadon 'Transport Co., Ltd., of Yeadon, that it is considered...
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A Novel Design on the Epicyclic Principle which Gives Remarkable Ease and Rapidity of Gear Changing. iur - ANY attempts have...
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I N order to encourage the use of gas producers in the North African provinces, the French Direction Generale de l'Agriculture...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. A BUS COMPANY'S BODY PRODUCTS. A Brief Description of a Saloon...
A Deputation Waits on the West Riding County Council Concerning an Application for Running Powers. flHJi parliamentary...
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A Writer in a Wolverhampton Contemporary Expresses His Viewson a Pe3rp1exhig Subject. T ' problem has been put to me, says "...
The Chief Constable of Brighton Secures a List of the Charges in Force in Many Important Centres. M R. CHAS. GRIFFIN, the...
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New and Second-hand Vehicles: Why Low First Cost is Deceptive. S HORTAGE of capital is a trouble afflicting most of us and is...
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The Editor invites corresPondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on OW side of...
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Useful Contributions from Our Driver and Mechanic Readers. For Easy Starting. 16i USER of Zenith carburetters " C.A.11.," of...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patent Specifications. Mil - ORRIS ENGINES, LTD., and F. G. WooHard and .13'.1.A. G. Pendrell,...