Financial News of the Industry
Page 109

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' A. C. Kendrick (Haulage), Ltd.-PrivaLe company. Reg. Dec. 23. Cara £10,000 in £1 shares. Haulage contractor, etc. Directors:F. H. Kendrick, IIalford, Mennington, Hake Owen, Worea; A. R. Kendrick, The Nurseriea, Worcester Road, Hagley, John Buretiall, Ltd---Private company. Rea,. Dec. 23: Cap. £4,000 in £1 shares. To acquire buainess of Burehall and Co. Haulage contractor, garage proprietor, etc. Subecriberst-J, J. -Burnhall, 753. Hertford Road, Waltham 0rose,.1dertet 0.,Cohrey, 33, Henrietta Street, . Covent Carden, London, W.C.2. Solicitors i-Guseotte lowler and Cos, York Buildings, Atielphi, -Landon, W.C.2. wale Bros., Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Geo. • 19, Cap. £1,000 • in El shares, -. Haulage -contractor, bas -.proprietor, eto. W. T. Vaile, Mrs. FrItth M Veils and W. Yaile, Manor Rouse Garage, Croydon. Road, Elmers End, Beckenham. Reg, oface:-Manor House Garage, Croydon 'Road, Ehners End, 'Beekenhain. . geSteel Radiators,Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Dec. 19. None. cap. £50,000 in £1 shares. TO. acquire patents for inventions -relating to improvements in methods of manufacturing radiators. Radiator Eri an uidavrer, etc.-Subacribers :-F. . Ayers, 174, Boston Road. . lIanwell, London, W.7; A. 9; Clash, 45, Byron Avenue, Coulsdon. Holicitors:=Visard, Oldbona and CO., 'Si,' Liman's' Inn Fields, -London',
.W.0.2. Rea. oface:-Beacon Works, larentford. . _
Pratt Bros. (Sharivford), Ltd.-Private--company. Reg. Dec. 21. . Cap. £3,000 In .£1 shares. • To acquire ;Wetness of. Pratt Bros., Sharnford. Haulage contractors. etc. Sitbscriberta-A. A. P. Pratt, church I44reet, Sharnford, • or. Hinckley; W. C. Pratt, Syston Cottage,. Sharntorcl. Solicitor :-Josialt Hincks, 10, Peacock Lane, Leicester_ Hacker Bras., Ltd-Private company. Reg. Dee. 19. Cap. 41,000 in tad. £1 shares. Haulage contractor, etc. Inrcotors:-Mrs. Florence M. Hecker and Miss Joan L. Hacker, Woodham, Manor Road, Chigwell, "Essex; W. Hancock, Heathfield, 9, Sheridan Road, Merton Park, London, &W.19. Solicitora :-Ponsford and Devenish, 13-14, Walbrook, London, E.C.4. Reg. ot0ce:-32-3, Old Nichol Street, Bethnal Green, London, E.2. J. D. Britton, Ltd.-Private company_ Reg. Dec. 19. Cap. £1,000 in £1 shares. Haulage contractor, etc. Directors:-.T. D. Britton and Mary H. Britten, 64. The Chine, Grange Park, Ltandon, N.21. Reg. ofileet-75, Tottenham Lane, Hornsey, London, N.8,
trio Engineering Co. (1932), Ltd., Kings Norton, Firm inaluarn.N aloe changed to Lana Sparking Plugs, Ltd., on Dec. /.5, 1956.
J. J. Greenfield and Co., Ltd., 11, Carliol Square, Neweastae-on• Tyne.-Nom. cap. increased by £7,000 In 41 ord. shares beyond reg. cap. of ta1.000, Browns Meters (Burnley), Ltd., 3, Parker Lane, BurnleY.-Nom rap, increased by 24,500 in „E1 ord, shares beyond reg. cap. of £500.
" T.I.M." (Tioket•Issuo 'Machines), Ltd., 100, Victoria Street, -London, &W.1.-Wont. cap. increased by £10,000 beyond reg. cap. of £1,5,000. Additional alp. divided into 5,000 10 per cent. eum. pact prof. shares of £1 and 100,000 def. sharm ot la.
Layernik Engineering Co., Ltd., Victoria Works, Millhouses, Sheik:14.14pm. cap. increased by £100,000 beyond reg. cap, of £200,000. Additional cap divided -into 400,000 ord, sharee oi Ss. . . Craw Carrying Co., Ltd., 164-7, Temple Chaambers, Temple Avenue, London, E.C.4.-Nora. cap. increased by £10,000 beyondreg. • call. ra £7,S1)0. Additional cap, divided into 10,000 6 per cent, mine.
pref. shares of £1 each.. . . Taskers of Andover (1932), Ltd., Waterloo Iron Works, -Anna' Valley, nr. Andover. Harda.--Nom; cap, increased by £10,000 in. £1 shares beyond reg, cap. of £5,000. . .
Rao Meters (Britain)', Ltd., Beaver Lane, London, W.6.--Norn. cap: Increased by £10,000 in £1 ord, shares beyond reg. cap. 'of £20,000. • At Nov. 24, 1935, .Iteo Motor Oar Co,' Laataina, Michigan, held ,19.997 shafee oket of 20,000 Leaned They were also allotted the 10,900 new ord, shares for cash on Dec. 17, 1936.
David Rosenfield, -Ltd.,' 20, Victoria Street., Manchester, 3-Hors. cap. increased by 476,500 beyond rea, cap. of £26,500.Additional cap. divided into 306.000 ord. shares of Sc.. each. Ths -13,500 6 per cent. pref. and 3,000 A pref. shares, have been converted into 94,000 ord. shares of 5s. The company tole now .beeu converted Into a public company. On Dee. 14, 1956, 60,000 ord, shares were allotted, for cash and 146,000 ord. shares as fully paid by way of bonus.
Leeds Piston Ring and Engineering Ce., Ltd.,Goodman Street, Ilunsiet Leeds 10 -Nora. cap, increased by £79,900 beyond reg, cap. of £100. Additional cap. divided into 799,000 ord, shares of 2s. each. The -company has now been converted into a -public company. The directors are G. Fisher, T. Ca Booth and E. J. Norton.
Neathfield Transport Co., Ltd., High Street, Heatatfield, Bosaer.Satishaetion in full DR Dec. 8, 1936, of first mortgage deb. dated July 24, 1919, and reg. Aug. 9, 1919, securing £1,000.
Beans Express, Ltd., 122, Goswell Road, London, E,C.-Satisfaatarm in lull on Dec. 14, 1936, of mortgage dated Feb. 1, 1926, and reg. Feb. 6, 1926, and collateral charge and deed of covenant and charge dated Feb. 1, 1926, and reg. Feb. 20 1925. (According to the reg. of moragagea, the mortgage collateral charge and deed reg. .Feb. 3 and 20, 1936, originally secured £11,000),