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D ESPITE all that has beeia said concerning the attempted repression, or, at least, drastic curtailment, of road transport, it...
THERE will always be found people who are 1 inclined to the pessimistic belief that road transport is doomed, or that it will...
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Hand Brake Held in W HEN an operator was Position by a Piece of summoned at the Guild String hall, London, recently for using a...
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The National Council of the Commercial Motor Users Association has accepted an invitation from the Porthcawl Urban District...
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MR. F. H. PEACOCK, chief assistant engineer to Portsmouth Passenger Transport Department, has been appointed transport manager...
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C AN a garage used purely for the housing of lorries belonging to one owner, who operates them under an A licence in the...
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A STORY of the disastrous effect which restrictions imposed upon a B-licence holder has had upon his haulage activities, was...
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Darlington Corporation requires eight fourwheeled trolleybuses. Leeds Corporation is recommended to buy 45 double-deck buses...
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in Empire Markets A Compendium of Figures and Facts Concerning the Commercial Vehicle Markets in the Leading Countries...
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0 . Is the Ultimate in Si ght? H OW often has one heard the expression, "a very efficient vehicle," when reference is made to...
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Outlined in Figures S OMEHOW or other, for no logical reason in particular, so far as we can discover, everyone feel§ that the...
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By A Timberman Timbers that Will Give Satisfaction in Tropical Climates. The Fallacy of Cutting Cost in Bodywork E...
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MR. W. E. ROOTES, Chairman, Rootes, Ltd. THE future of the commercial1 vehicle industry presents great scope for enterprise....
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of the British Road Transport Trade, Both at Home and in the Overseas Markets, by a Number of Noted Personalities in the...
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S.T.R. Outlines Typical Inquiries from the Empire and Abroad which Show the Conditions Under which Haulage is Carried Out...
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A Wide Variety of Methods is Employed in Packing Commercialvehicle Chassis, etc., and some of the Difficulties to be Met in...
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H AVING filled up all the gaps in its !range of goods vehicles, Albion Motors, Scotstoun, Glasgow, W.4, has now extended it to...
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Third and Concluding Article of a Short Series Describing a Method of Operating-cost Recording Used by a Successful Haulier T...
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K ENYA is enthusiastic about the British oil-engined vehicle, which is the, transport unit of the future in that northern...
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T HAT the applicant was entitled to the same treatment as the railway companies demanded for themselves was an argument put...
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THE total United Kingdom export I of commercial-motor vehicles and of chassis therefor, during the 12 months ended Septembei,...
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A Brief Résumé of a Paper Read Recently by Mr. R. Beckett before the Midland Branch of The Industrial Transport Association I...
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THAT in some cases the road fare .I, will, for the first time, be reduced below the railway fare was a railway contention put...
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How Certain Tendencies in Goods-transport Licensing, Shaped by Appeal Decisions and Railway Persecution, are Likely to React...
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Minister of Labour Likely to be Given Powers of Government, but Not Over Ancillary Users. Compulsory Membership of Associations...
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NEW COMPANIES. ' A. C. Kendrick (Haulage), Ltd.-PrivaLe company. Reg. Dec. 23. Cara £10,000 in £1 shares. Haulage contractor,...
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A N amplified statement of policy, supplementing that outlined in the issue of The Commercial Motor dated November 27, has been...